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Innovation is increasingly regarded as being critical to the survival and growth of organisations operating in today’s competitive environment. Innovation activities range from changes to existing products, processes and/or services to creation of entirely new products, processes and/or services within an organisation. To a large extent, the technologies used by local firms in their innovation activities are acquired via the transfer of the technology to the firm from the technology developer. The purpose of this survey is to acquire the practitioner’s and/or manager’s perceptions on the innovation and technology transfer practices within organisations across Trinidad and Tobago.

Your responses will be kept confidential and will be used for this study only. If you have any queries please contact Ms. Ambika Koonj Beharry at 798-3522 or via e-mail at

Please check the appropriate boxes and type in the appropriate spaces “____” provided. Save when complete and email.

1) / How long has your organisation been established?
Less than 1 year / 1 – 3 years / 3 – 5 years / More than 5 years
2) / What is the size of your labour force?
1 – 5 / 6 – 25 / 26 – 50 / 50 – 100 / More than 100
3) / How many operational establishments does your organization currently have?
Local / Regional / International
4) / To which of the following industries does your organisation belong?
Agriculture/Livestock Farming/Fisheries
Consumer Goods
Food and Beverage
Information Technology/Software/Hardware
Petrochemicals/Chemicals/Petroleum and Gas products
Pharmaceuticals/Medical Products
Printing, Packaging, Publishing
Other/s (please specify):
5) / What is the primary business activity of your organisation?
Job production (one complete unit is produced before another is started)
Batch production (complete units are produced in lots/batches/small quantities)
Mass production (complete units are produced in large quantities)
Contract manufacturer (units manufactured to design/specs of the contracting firm)
Original design manufacturer (ODM) (design and produce units specified and branded by another firm)
Original equipment manufacturer (OEM) (design and produce units as per own specs and branded by another firm)
Other/s (please specify):
6) / What are the major primary and secondary markets of your organisation?
Major Primary Market / Major Secondary Market
None / None
Local / Local
Caribbean / Caribbean
Latin America / Latin America
United States of America / United States of America
United Kingdom / United Kingdom
Europe / Europe
Asia / Asia
Africa / Africa
Other/s (please specify): / Other/s (please specify):
7) / What is the ownership style of your organisation?
Local private ownership
Local government ownership
Local and regional joint ownership
Local and international joint ownership
International ownership
Other/s (please specify):
8) / What are the major challenges to your organisation?
(From the dropdown menu please rate from 1 – 10 with 1 being most challenging and 10 being least challenging)
12345678910 / Increased local competition
12345678910 / Increased foreign competition
12345678910 / Shortening product life cycles
12345678910 / Ability to differentiate products
12345678910 / Ability to produce new products
12345678910 / Ability to penetrate new markets
12345678910 / Ability to keep up/compete with new technologies
12345678910 / Lack of financial capital to pursue new ideas
12345678910 / Lack of skilled labour
12345678910 / Reluctance of management to invest in innovation activities
12345678910 / Other/s (please specify):

Innovation planning within organisations affects organisational performance usually resulting in incremental or radical changes to products, processes and/or services provided by these organisations through changes to various operating systems within the organisation.

9) / How much experience does your organisation have in innovation?
None / Less than 1 year / 1 – 3 years / 3 – 5 years / More than 5 years
10) / Where does innovation lie among your organisation’s strategic priorities?
Top priority / Among top 3 priorities / Among top 10 priorities / Not a priority
11) / What percentage of annual financial budget does your organisation allocate to innovation strategies?
0% / 1 – 10% / 11 – 25% / 26 – 50% / More than 50% / Don’t know
12) / How often does your organisation review and/or modify its innovation strategies?
Never / Monthly / Quarterly / Yearly / Other/s (please specify):
13) / How significant are the following sources of innovation to your organisation’s innovation strategies?
Least significant
1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / Most significant
Knowledge sharing with other firms
Parent firm (if applicable)
Internal R&D
Sales & Marketing
University/Research Institution
Databases/Organisational archives
Other/s (please specify):
14) / What are the major goals of your organisation’s innovation efforts?
(From the dropdown menu please rate the top 5 goals from 1 – 5 with 1 being the most important and 5 being least important)
Product goals / 12345 / Replace obsolete products
12345 / Broaden current product line
12345 / Explore new line of products
12345 / Introduce environmentally friendly products
12345 / Other/s (please specify):
Production goals / 12345 / Flexible production schedule
12345 / Increase production capacity
12345 / Reduce production dead time
12345 / Exploit new raw materials, knowledge and/or technologies
12345 / Implement environmentally friendly processes
12345 / Other/s (please specify):
Market goals / 12345 / Maintaining current market
12345 / Widen existing market
12345 / Expand into new existing markets
12345 / Create entirely new markets
12345 / Other/s (please specify):
Cost reduction goals / 12345 / Reduce unit labour cost
12345 / Reduce material consumption
12345 / Reduce energy consumption
12345 / Reduce inventory
12345 / Other/s (please specify):
Quality goals / 12345 / Enhance product quality
12345 / Improve working conditions
12345 / Reduce negative environmental impact
12345 / Other/s (please specify):
Other goals / 12345 / Other/s (please specify):
12345 / Other/s (please specify):
15) / Where has your organisation focused its innovation efforts?
(From the dropdown menu please rate from 1 – 10 with 1 being the area ofmost focus and 10 being the area of least focus)
12345678910 / Core product design
12345678910 / Expanding product range
12345678910 / Packaging design
12345678910 / New/Alternative raw materials
12345678910 / Manufacturing/Operational processes
12345678910 / Target market/s
12345678910 / Organisational structure
12345678910 / Human resources
12345678910 / Sales & Marketing/Advertising strategies
12345678910 / Finance
12345678910 / Other/s (please specify):
12345678910 / Other/s (please specify):
16) / What primary unit of measure does your organisation use to determine its innovation achievements?
None / Sales revenue / Market share / Time / Other/s (please specify):
17) / What percentage of annual revenue is earned as a result of your organisation’s innovation achievements?
0% / 1 – 10% / 11 – 25% / 26 – 50% / More than 50% / Don’t know
18) / How significant are the following factors in determining your organisation’s innovation strategies?
Least significant
1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / Most significant
Increased local competition
Increased foreign competition
Changing customer needs
Need to increase market share
Emergence of new materials/inputs
Emergence of new markets
Creation of new markets
Global economic considerations
Other/s (please specify):
Other/s (please specify):
19) / How significant are the following barriers to innovation in your organisation?
Least significant
1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / Most significant
Shortage of skilled labour
Lack of internal R&D
Lack of collaboration with R&D firms
Excessive government regulations
Insufficient pricing power
Lack of management support
Rigid organisational structure
Lack of company policies
Inability to access capital
Lack of market research
Unwillingness to take risk
Failure to seek new opportunities
Inadequate physical infrastructure
Outdated technologies
Other/s (please specify):
Other/s (please specify):
20) / How significant are the following enablers of innovation to your organisation?
Least significant
1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / Most significant
Organisation / Resource allocation for innovation
Existence of innovation policy
Employee training and development
Worker autonomy and involvement
Existence of incentive programmes
Infrastructural upgrades
State of the art technology
Other/s (please specify):
Market / Knowledge of customer needs
Awareness of market/industry dynamics
Ability to meet customer needs on time
Analysis of competitors’ strengths
Establishment of strategic alliances
Other/s (please specify):
Government Role / Government support
Local economic & political performance
Global economic climate
Removal of trade barriers
Other/s (please specify):
(please specify)
21) / How significant are the following benefits of innovation to your organisation?
Least significant
1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / Most significant
Improved product design and quality
Faster response to customer needs
Customer satisfaction
Increased competitiveness
First to market
Increased market share
Increased production capacity
Increased profits
Reduction in costs
Reduction in waste and downtime
Increased employee motivation
Increased shareholder returns
Sustainable growth & development
Reduced environmental impact
Other/s (please specify):
Other/s (please specify):

Technology transfer is the process by which technology is transferred from the technology developer (transferor) to the technology user (transferee) for use in production/manufacturing.

22) / How much experience does your organisation have in the transfer of technology to your organisation?
None / Less than 1 year / 1 – 3 years / 3 – 5 years / More than 5 years
23) / When was the last time your organisation acquired new technology or expertise?
Not done before / Less than 1 year / 1 – 3 years / 3 – 5 years / More than 5 years
24) / What is the primary source of your organisation’s technology?
Internal R&D / Local/Regional
University / External technology
developer / Other/s
(please specify):
25) / Are you aware of the local Universities and/or Research Institutions collaborative research capabilities?
Yes / No
26) / What is the nationality of the primary transferor of technology to your organisation?
Latin America
United States of America
United Kingdom
Other/s (please specify):
27) / What is the equity linkage between your organisation and its primary transferor of technology?
Transferor is partially owned by your organisation
Your organisation is partially owned by the transferor
No equity linkage exists with transferor
Other/s (please specify):
28) / What is the primary form of the technology transferred to your organisation?
Turnkey project
Research contract
Sales of critical components
Technology licensing
Joint venture
Wholly owned subsidiary
Other/s (please specify):
29) / To what extent is the transferred technology used in the production of your organisation’s products?
Used to produce complete product
Used to produce a complementary part/component
Used to produce a complementary good for your product
Other/s (please specify):
30) / Is your organisation involved in the technology development process with the technology developer?
Yes / No / Don’t know
31) / What significant impact has the transferred technology had on your organisation?
Least significant
1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / Most significant
Financial considerations / Reduction in operating costs
Increased sales
Increasing foreign currency revenues
Other/s (please specify):
Market & Competition / Knowledge of customer needs
Product differentiation
Development of new products
Increased domestic market share
Expansion to foreign markets
Other/s (please specify):
Government Role / Acquisition of new/cutting edge technology
Encouraging internal R&D
Reduced labour-intensive jobs
Need for highly skilled labour
Improved efficiency/Increased output
Products of international quality standards
Other/s (please specify):
(please specify)
32) / How significant are the following considerations in choosing a technology and/or transferor?
Least significant
1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / Most significant
Technology level / The features of the technology(e.g. complexity, reliability, maturity, compatibility with your company’s current setting)
The appropriateness of the technology (e.g. effectiveness, cultural relevance, sustainability, etc.)
The commercial value of the technology(e.g., exclusiveness of rights, life span of the technology, etc.)
The total costs involved in the ITT transaction(e.g., the transfer fee, additional expenses for acquiring auxiliary hardware/software, staff training, etc.)
Other/s (please specify):
Company level / Transferor’s financial strength (e.g., research investments) and research prowess (e.g., patent portfolio)
Transferor’s access to distribution channels (in different markets)
Transferor’s experience in ITT(e.g., a track record of delivering promised benefits)
Transferor’s commitment to technology transfer(e.g., adaptation, engineering, ease of consultation and other forms of technical support)
Availability of resources to support the technology (e.g., infrastructure, adequately skilled labour, etc.)
Other/s (please specify):
Country level / The diplomatic, economic and political relations between the transferor’s and your organisation’s home government
Stringency of technology export control of transferor’s home government
Intellectual property protection and business contract enforcement in the transferor’s home country(e.g., effectiveness in protecting the interests of both the transferor and the transferee in a transaction)
Other/s (please specify):
(please specify)
33) / What is the link between the innovation and technology selection strategies of your organisation?
Technologies are chosen based on our organisation’s innovation goals
Our orgnaisation’s innovation strategies are dependent on technologies acquired
Our organisation’s innovation and technology transfer strategies are independent of each other
We do not have any innovation and technology selection strategies
Other/s (please specify):

Please feel free to share any further comments you think are relevant to this study:

What is your current position or job title?

Please provide your contact information below.







If you would like to have a copy of the summary of survey findings, please tick the box.

All information will be kept strictly confidential and will be used for this study only.

Thank you for your participation in the survey

Please return the questionnaire to:

Ms. Ambika Koonj Beharry

E-mail to:

Please return the completed survey by 08 April 2015