Weekly Interactive NB Check Rubric

3 Proficient / 2 Basic / 1 Beginning
Left-Hand Pages / Articles/notes
*  highlighted where appropriate
*  include additional thoughts
*  answered thoroughly
*  show evidence of correction/ additional thinking. / Articles/notes
*  highlighted where appropriate
*  answered thoroughly
*  show evidence of correction/ additional thinking. / One – two assignments or notes are missing, incomplete, or some errors may not have been corrected.
Right-Hand Pages / Proficient use of knowledge:
  The application of concepts is appropriate and shows depth of understanding. / Basic use of knowledge:
  Show a general understanding of the concepts. / Beginning use of knowledge:
  Shows some understanding of the concepts
  The application of concepts may be superficial or random.
Skills /   Uses complete thoughts and own words
  Contains most important information
  Completed per instructions /   Sometimes uses complete thoughts and own words
  May include some irrelevant details
  Completed per instructions /   Uses incomplete thoughts or is copied directly from another source
  May include irrelevant details
  Not completed per instructions
Organization &
Presentation /   Use of color is consistent, eye-catching, and effective
  Pictures are complete, and show an understanding of the text.
  The notebook is neat and attractive /   Color is used, but not consistently or effectively.
  Few pictures are complete, and show an understanding of the text
  The notebook is neat and attractive /   Color is rarely or never used
  No pictures or pictures show a lack of understanding of the text.
  The notebook is not neat and attractive.

Rubric Scores

A / 11 - 12 / 11 = 95, 12 = 98
B / 8 - 10 / 8 = 86, 9 = 89, 10 = 92
C / 6 - 7 / 6 = 78, 7 = 82
D / 4 - 5 / 5 = 74, 4 = 70


  Notebooks that are incomplete or poorly done will receive a grade of INC (incomplete).

  When being graded by a rubric, all expectations for a category must be met for the highest score, any missing elements will result in the next highest score for that category, and so on.

  The maximum score for this rubric is 98, however, the teacher reserves the right to award an additional two points for work that exceeds expectations.

  Students are encouraged to correct and complete their notebooks because it will receive an overall portfolio grade per unit.