
Borrowing Library Processes

Receiving Items Sent from other Link+ Libraries

Checking out item to local patron in the DCB

Check-out of Received Link+ Items to local patrons on the DCB

Checkin Link+ Items on the DCB

Item Site Processes

Printing Paging Slips

Checking out Items to Fulfill Link+ Requests

Check-in Items Returned from Off-Site

Cancelling a Request that Cannot be Filled

Basic Inn-Reach DCB Circulation GuideConfidentialPage 1 of 30

Borrowing Library Processes

Receiving Items Sent from other Link+ Libraries

1)Go to ‘Not My Item Checkin’

2)Scan Barcode and click on the ‘Search’ button:

3)Decide whether you would like a ‘holdslip’ to print for the item:

4)The item is now received:

Checking out item to local patron in the DCB

1)If the item needs to go to another pickup location the system will alert you during the receiving process:

Message to acknowledge:

Item shows “IN TRANSIT” status:

Check-out of Received Link+ Items to local patrons on the DCB

1)Go to ‘Patron Check-out’ Mode:

2)Enter Patron Barcode and click on the ‘Search’ button:

3)System will alert staff that there are items ready for pickup, click ‘OK’:

4)Scan item barcode and click the ‘Search’ button:

5)System will alert staff that the item status of received is being cleared, acknowledge by clicking ‘OK’:

6)Item is now checked out to the patron on the DCB box:

Checkin Link+ Items on the DCB

1)Go to ‘Not My Item Checkin’:

2)Scan item barcode and click on the ‘Search’ button:

3)Decide if you’d like to print a transit slip:

4)Item now shows Link+ status of Returned:

Item Site Processes

Printing Paging Slips

1) Go to ‘Notices’ Mode:

2)Select print job and click on the ‘Prepare’ button:

3)Click on ‘Send Notices’ to print:

4)Click ‘OK’:

5)Confirm that all the notices printed and printed correctly, then click ‘Yes’ to clear the paging slips file:

Checking out Items to Fulfill Link+ Requests

1)Go to ‘Library Check-Out’ Mode:

2)Scan barcode of item to lend and click the ‘Search’ button:

3)Acknowledge the message indicating the checkout and where the item is to be sent:

4)The item is now ready to be shipped:

Check-in Items Returned from Off-Site

1)Go to ‘My Item Check-in’ Mode:

2)Scan barcode and click the ‘Search’ button:

3)Acknowledge the item has been cleared of the INN-Reach checkout:

4)The item now reflects the cleared status:

Cancelling a Request that Cannot be Filled

1)Go to ‘Search/Requests’ Mode:

2)Search for the item using the appropriate search index:

3)The item will be or needs to be selected in the ‘Summary’ tab:

4)Select the request tab:

5)Click on the ‘Cancel Requests’ button:

6)Indicate which action to take for the cancellation:

7)Choose or Key a cancellation reason and click ‘OK’:

8)The system will indicate the cancellation is completed, click ‘OK’:

Basic Inn-Reach DCB Circulation GuideConfidentialPage 1 of 30