Family Engagement Night Fall 2017 Break Out sessions:

Pets on Wheels : Rm. 52

Pets on Wheels Program staff and Pets: This is an opportunity to play with some therapeutic pets and learn about a program that helps people use interaction with pets to help them feel calm, healthy and safe.

Coping Tools Make and Take: Rm. 50

Lisa Dickerson –Guerra, LCSW-C; Molly Esworthy LCSW-C :This is an opportunity to learn about how to make fidgets for the distracted or slightly anxious child using examples and fun make and take activities.

Mindfulness - Peaceful Parenting: Rm. 46

Rebecca Duclos, LCSW-C - This session for families will focus on helping learn strategies for self-calming and noticing the important things in the world around us. Finding ways to bring mindfulness into daily life can help to improve self-awareness, social interactions and relationships, and promote patience and empathy.

Technology Tools for Parents: Library Lab

Taneka Hammond, LCSW-C -This family session will focus on ways to use technology to promote social emotional learning at home. It will include examples, fun ideas to try, and resources that can help families make safe use of the ever changing technology around them.

The Teenage Brain: Rm. 49

This Parent University Presentation will focus on how teenaged brains grow and develop, and what is important to know as we support teenagers in their learning about themselves and the world around them.

Collaborative Problem-Solving for parents and children: Rm. 47

What role do lagging skills and unmet expectations have to do with problem behavior with youth and adolescents?

John Worden , Counselor- BCPD

Physical Education for Families – Have Fun and Get Active with your Kids: Gym

Have fun doing Physical Education activities as a family!

Eric Yeager- PE Teacher

Resource Tables:

-Connie Stanton -DHS- Baltimore County- Energy Assistance

-Chris Pineda – Dundalk Renaissance Corporation

-Nick D’Alessandro – DHS – Young Parent Support Center

-Kelly? – United Health Care

-Joel Gamble Foundation- Football Clinic Info.

-Sue Hahn- Parent University

-Jean Considine- Resource Center for Families

-Staff- Food Bank

-Jeremy Selover- Keypoint

-Jessica Woods/Greg Miller -North Point Library

-Melissa Goble from Adventure Dental, Vision and , 410-487-1849.???????

-Colgate Dental Van??????- Have calls and email in…no answer