Inland Empire Pagan Guild’s

October 19th2013 – BloodMoonRitual

Opening Blessing:

Blessed Lady,The fulless of the moon reflectsthe fullness we long to have bloomwithin our spirits. We come to youthis night to celebrate and rejoice the harvests of fall and the ending of the year. Helpus leave behind the obstacles that keep us from reaching our goals, and open us toward those ideas filling us with the full moons energy. Blessed Be!

Casting Circle:

I conjure thee, by Spirit’s power, a Circle now around us stand!

I trace the path between the worlds, A boundary line of gods and man.

Once around I trace the path. Twice, it turns into a flame.

Three times around, a wall of fire. Within whose realm we will remain.

This ground is sacred and consecrated.

By the power of earth and air we conjure fire to cleanse our hearts

And waters deep to guard us here.

In the name of She who watches, In the name of He who stands

This Circle bright is bound around us, While Spirit works its mighty plan.

As above, from crown of the heavens, Now below, it is revealed,

Magic Circle o’Nature’sFortress , By my words your power is sealed!

So mote it be!

Call Quarters:

East:Guardians of the East, Element of Air we call to thee. Bring the winds of change forth and seep us in the knowledge of our Ancestors. Hail and Welcome! (Light Candle)

South:Guardians of the South, Element of Fire we call to thee. Bring the Embers of passion forth and light the way for us with the courage of our Ancestors. Hail and Welcome! (Light Candle)

West:Guardians of the West, Element of Water we call to thee. Bring the tides of love forth and envelope us in the warmth of our Ancestors. Hail and Welcome! (Light Candle)

North:Guardians of the North, Element of Earth we call to thee. Bring protection and nourishment forth and bury us in the Wisdom of our Ancestors. Hail and Welcome! (Light Candle)

Invoke the Star Goddess:

Hear the words of the Star Goddess, the dustof whose feet are the hosts of heaven, and
whose body encircles the universe:

"I who am the beauty of the green earth, and the white moon among the stars, and the mysteries of the waters, I call upon your soul to arise and come unto Me.

For I am the soul of nature that gives life to the universe.From me all things proceed and unto me they must return.Let my worship be in the heart that rejoices, for behold! All acts of love and pleasure are my rituals.Let there be beauty and strength, power and compassion, honor and humility, mirth and reverence within you.

And you who seek to know Me, know that you’re seeking and yearning will avail you not, unless you know the Mystery.For if that which you seek, you find not within yourselfyou will never find it without.For behold! I have been with you from the beginning, and I am that which is attained at the end of desire."

Blood Moon:

The Blood or Hunter's Moon gets Her name from the fact that She rises to fullness during the opening months of hunting seasons everywhere. While in ancient times, hunting was necessary to feed families, this is no longer the case. Still, it is a sacred ritual for many people. As hunters, we take full responsibility for the life we harvest. We not only eat the meat, but - just as our ancestors before us - make swift use of the animal's other gifts, giving it immortality it might not otherwise have.During this Moon, give thanks to the animals who gave their lives that yours might continue. Include the world of fruits and vegetables as well, for make no mistake: each time one is plucked from the vine to feed you, its life is cut short, too. Then give some thought to how you might immortalize these wonderful, caring creatures in your magick and in your life. The cycles of the season and life are all around us.

Samhain will be upon us shortly. It is the time of the last harvest, the time when the dark rules. The Sun God dies at Samhain in a few short weeks, signaling the beginning of the year for us. Winter is almost upon us and we come inside more, hibernating in our homes. It is a time of reflection. In ancient times this is the frantic mad dash, to bring in the last of not only the harvests, but settling any debts of that year. There is only a short time left to do so.

Draw Down the Moon:

Lift your hands. Close your eyes and see the moon. Bright, New, and Majestic. Feel her energy fill you. Feel it fill your hands and come down your arms, filling your head and chest, your tummy, hips and down your legs and feet. Feel the energy hum within you. Notice how focused you are and powerful you feel. Let the energy wash out any negativity and hurt you feel. Feel that Moon’s Energy bring energy and light into you. Stirring you into action, stirring you to start the things you’ve been putting off. When you feel full to bursting with that energy start coming back by letting the excess flow into the earth. Lower your hands and let the last of the excess drain from your head down your body and into the earth keeping what you need for the task tonight.


Fire Magick:

Write what you’d like to let go of, write what you saw in you meditation, or even something different. Maybe you need to let go of any road blocks that are stopping you from letting go of things. When your ready put it in the fire.

Quarter Release:

North: Guardians of the North, Element of Earth thank you for attending this rite and bringing the protection and nourishment forth as well as the Wisdom of our Ancestors. Go if you must, stay if you will. Hail and Farwell! (Extinguish Candle)

West: Guardians of the West, Element of Water thank you for attending this rite and bringing the tides of love forth and enveloping us in the warmth of our Ancestors. Go if you must, stay if you will. Hail and Farwell! (Extinguish Candle)

South: Guardians of the South, Element of Fire thank you for attending this rite and bringing the Embers of passion forth and lighting the way for us with the courage of our Ancestors. Go if you must, stay if you will. Hail and Farwell! (Extinguish Candle)

East: Guardians of the East, Element of Air thank you for attending this rite and bringing the winds of change forth and seeping us in the knowledge of our Ancestors. Go if you must, stay if you will. Hail and Farwell! (Extinguish Candle)

Closing Blessing: Blessed Lady, thank you for being with us this night, guiding us within the energies of the full moon and the wisdom she bestows upon us. For the fullness of the moon reflectsthe fullness we long to have explore within our spirits. Thank for helping us let go and discard the obstacles that keep us from reaching our full potential. Blesses Be!