Initial to Standard Certificate: 30-hour CPDU NBPTS Class
Developing Accomplished Teaching Practices Course SESSION 5: Analyzing Student Work
/ Materials / Minimum TimeWelcome
Facilitator will- Disseminate initial materials.
- Solicit, answer, and share resources that address participants’ questions.
- Share goal for the session: To use the NBPTS questions and standards to analyze student progress in-depth.
- Review outline of agenda topics for this session.
- Nametags and Participants’ List
- Chart Paper lists from previous sessions
- Parking Lot Chart Paper
- Participants’ Agenda (Handout or Posted with bold-faced topics from this working agenda)
Key Concepts of Assessment
- Direct participants to independently read and identify key words and phrases in the section “Teachers Regularly Assess Student Progress” on pages 25 and 26 of What Every Teacher Should Know and Be Able to Do.
- In whole group, ask participants to report out and record on chart paper key concepts on assessment. Facilitate discussion to clarify meanings and examples if needed. Some examples may be:
Teachers make judgments about their teaching based on student learning.
Teachers balance what they know about individual progress with what they do with the whole class.
Teachers observe students.
Teachers develop a variety of evaluation methods.
Teachers use innovative tools-portfolio, videotape, presentations, exhibitions, demonstrations, quizzes, exams.
Teachers ask questions in the middle of discussions.
Teachers talk individually with students.
Teachers constantly evaluate daily, weekly, and over time.
Teachers offer constructive feedback.
Teachers help students self-reflect on progress.
Teachers clearly articulate their goals for students. /
- What Every Teacher Should Know and Be Able to Do Books
The NBPTS Standards for Assessing Students
- Write one of these as a heading on each of three pieces of chart paper- Assessment Tasks, Assessment Tools (rubrics, checklists, etc.), and Feedback Strategies.
- Direct participants to work in small groups to
- Read the NBPTS standard on assessment.
- Identify concepts and examples that fit each of the categories on the chart paper. Write one example on one post-it and post on the chart paper with the appropriate heading.
Direct participants to walk to each of the chart papers and take notes.
- Direct participants to discuss in small groups what they already do to show evidence that they meet key concepts in the assessment standard.
- Chart paper
- Post- It notes
- Handout--Copy of NBPTS Assessment Standard (Prior to the session, copy the assessment standard for each participants’ certificate. If not possible, give each participant a copy of the EC, MC or EA Generalist Assessment standard
Identifying NBPTS Standards Evidenced in their Student’s Work
- Direct participants to individually
- Read their student’s work and identify examples and quotes that show evidence of key concepts from the NBPTS standard on assessment.
- Write sentences that explains why you assigned this work. Show evidence of your knowledge of your student and effective ways to assess.
- Participants’ work
Analyzing Student Work
- As a whole group, introduce the packet of the third grade student’s work.
- The teacher used the two rubrics as a guide to making decisions about the progress of moving the student to meeting the criteria in the rubric. Both rubrics address the same criteria.
- One rubric is written so students may understand the criteria.
- One rubric is written for the teacher.
- Both rubrics are used to analyze the student’s progress in both pieces of student work.
- The student completed the sample of work on 1-3 in response to the prompt at the top of the page.
- The student completed the second sample of work on 2-9 in response to the prompt at the top of the page. A single sheet shows the Chart that the teacher posted on the wall on 2-9.
- Direct participants to work in groups to
- Review the first sample of the one-page student’s work about earning money for the movies dated 1-3. Identify what the student knows and does not know related to the criteria in the rubric.
- Then use the study guide sheet titled “An In-Depth Look at Students’ Work” to guide the discussion.
- As a whole group, facilitate a discussion of student progress in the first sample of student work and identify next steps. Share the teacher’s goals for the second samples of student work.
- Identify and use important elements of the problem
- Use graphs to systematically represent the concept
- Direct participants to work in groups to review the second sample of the same student. Analyze the student’s progress toward the two goals set by the teacher and the middle column of the same math rubric used for the first sample.
As a whole group, discuss what the student knows and does not know and where the student falls on the rubric. (ISBE ISAT support materials rate this second sample of work as all 4’s). Brainstorm what instructional strategies the teacher could have used to move the student between the first and second piece of work.
/ Handouts- ISAT Mathematics Grade 3 Student Friendly Rubric
- ISAT Mathematics Rubric (2 pages)
- Student Work Sample dated 1-3
- “An In-Depth Look at Students’ Work”
- Teacher’s Chart of criteria dated 2-9
- Student Work Samples dated 2-9
Analyzing Your Student’s Work
- Direct participants to individually analyze their student’s progress and their thinking about their practice by answering some of the questions in the handout “An In-Depth Look at Students’ Work”. Reassure participants that they will not be able to answer all the questions in the limited time.
- As a whole group, share insights into teaching decisions about assessment. What new “aha’s” did participants discover? What issues and questions arose?
- Participants’ samples of student work
- Handout “An In-Depth Look at Students’ Work”
Reflective Assignment:
Ask participants to reflect when they return to their own class.- Continue to reflect on their decisions by addressing questions on the “An In-Depth Look at Students’ Work” handout.
- Go to the NBPTS website ( to the Candidate Resource Center and read their certificate area portfolio overview and portfolio instructions for videotaping. A quick way to discover this to click on overview at
- Reflect on what they already do that fits the requirements of that videotape entry.
Ask each participant to individually reflect on this session by answering these questions:- What worked?
- What do you need?
- What other comments?
Lynn Gaddis, Illinois State University, 20031