RANK:Associate Professor
ADDRESS:School of Psychology
Boorooma Street
Wagga Wagga, 2650
PHONE:61 269332775 office
B.A.(Hons.)Psychology, YorkUniversity, 1970.
M.A.Psychology, University of Western Ontario, 1971.
Ph.D.Counselling Psychology, University of Western
Ontario, 1975.
Registered Psychologist, 1997 - present
Psychology Board of Australia
2013 -Retired/Adjunct Associate Professor
School of Psychology
Charles Sturt Univeristy
1997 - 2013Associate Professor
School of Humanities & Social Sciences evolving into the School of Psychology in 2010
Wagga Wagga, NSW
2006 – 2008Associate Dean (Psychology)
Faculty of Arts
Wagga Wagga, NSW
1989 - 1996Associate Professor
Thunder Bay, Ontario, Canada
1987 – 1995Consulting Psychologist (part time)
Youth Court
Ministry of the Attorney General.
Thunder Bay, Ontario, Canada
1994 – 1995Consulting Psychologist (part time)
Probation and Parole
Ministry of the Solicitor General and Correctional Services
Thunder Bay, Ontario, Canada
1983 - 1989Adjunct Professor (part time)
Department of Psychology
Thunder Bay, Ontario, Canada
1987 - 1989Chief Psychologist
Thunder Bay Correctional Centre and Youth Centre
Ministry of Correctional Services
Thunder Bay, Ontario, Canada
1984 - 1987Consulting Psychologist (part time)
Ministry of Correctional Services
Thunder Bay, Ontario, Canada
1983 - 1987Psychologist
LakeheadPsychiatric Hospital
Thunder Bay, Ontario, Canada
1979 - 1983Visiting Fellow (promoted to Tenured Lecturer)
Department of Psychology
Western Australian Institute of Technology
Perth, Western Australia
1978 - 1979Psychologist
Department of Psychiatry
Woodstock GeneralHospital
Woodstock, Ontario.
1975 - 1978Counsellor and Program Supervisor
Student Services
University of WesternOntario
London, Ontario.
I.Journal Articles – Refereed
Marshall, E. J., & Thompson, A. P. (2013 in press) Shedding light on the
difficulties and challenges experienced by mothers of infants. Australian
Thompson, A. P. & McGrath, A. (2012). Subgroup Differences and implications
for contemporary risk-need assessment with juvenile offenders. Law and
Human Behaviour, 36, 345-355.
McGrath, A. & Thompson, A. P. (2012). The relative predictive validity of the
static and dynamic domainscores in risk-need assessment of juvenile
offenders.Criminal Justice and Behavior, 39 250-263.
Nolan, J., & Thompson, A. P. (2009). Psychological change in voluntary and legally coerced clients of a residential drug and alcohol treatment
program. Psychiatry, Psychology and Law, 16, 458-472.
Upperton, R, A., & Thompson, A. P. (2007). Predicting juvenile offender
recidivism: Risk-need assessment and juvenile justice officers. Psychiatry,
Psychology and Law, 14,138-146.
Gullifer, J., & Thompson, A. P. (2006). Subjective realities of older male farmers:
Self-perceptions of ageing and work. Rural Society, 16, 80-97.
Thompson, A. P., & Pope, Z. (2005). Assessing juvenile offenders: Preliminary
data for the Australian Adaptation of the Youth Level of Service/Case
Management Inventory(Hoge & Andrews, 1995). Australian Psychologist,
40, 207-214.
Feelgood, S., Cortoni, F., Thompson, A. (2005). Sexual coping, general coping
and cognitive distortions in incarcerated rapists and child molesters. Journal of Sexual Aggression, 11, 157-170.
Thompson, A. P., Lo Bello, S. G., Atkinson, L., Chisholm, V., & Ryan, J, J.
(2004). Brief intelligence testing in Australia, Canada, the United Kingdom
and the United States. Professional Psychology: Research and Practice,
35, 286-290.
Thompson, A. P., & Putniņš, A. L. (2003). Risk-need assessment inventories for
juvenile offenders in Australia. Psychiatry, Psychology and Law, 10, 324-
Thompson, A. P. (2003) A survey of brief intelligence testing inAustralia.
Australian Psychologist, 38, 62-67.
Thompson, A. P. (2001). Juvenile offending: An overview in support of assessing
risk factors, needs, and strengths. The Australian Educational and
Developmental Psychologist, 18, 39-56.
Thompson, A. P., & Plumridge, S. (1999). Two- and four-subtest short forms of
the WAIS-R: A comparative validity study with a normal sample.
Psychological Reports, 84, 371-380.
Lobello, S. G., Thompson, A. P., & Evani, V. (1998). Supplementary WAIS-III
tables for determining subtest strengths and weaknesses.Journal of
Psychoeducational Assessment, 16, 195-199.
Thompson, A. P., & Sota, D.D. (1998). Comparison of WAIS-R and WISC-III
scores with a sample of 16-year old youth. Psychological Reports, 82,
Thompson, A. P., Browne, J., Schmidt, F., & Bauer, M. (1997). Validity of the
Kaufman Brief Intelligence Test and a four-subtest WISC-III short form
with adolescent offenders. Assessment 4, 385-394.
Thompson, A. P., & Fata, M. (1997). Relating the psychological literature to the
American Psychological Association ethical standards. Ethics & Behavior,
7, 79-88.
Bjorgvinsson, T., & Thompson, A. P. (1996). Evaluation of an Icelandic
translation of the Basic Personality Inventory using a bilingual sample.
Journal of Clinical Psychology 52, 431-435.
Thompson, A. P. (1995). Test-retest evaluation of a four subtest WAIS-R short
form with young offenders. Journal of Clinical Psychology, 51, 410-414.
Thompson, A. P., Lake, K., & Rickards, C. (1994). Frequently cited sources in
human sexology: A nineties update. Journal of Sex & Marital Therapy, 20,
Thompson, A., Hodgins, C. (1994). Evaluation of a checkingprocedure for
reducing clerical and computational errors on the WAIS-R. Canadian
Journal of Behavioural Science, 26, 492-504.
Thompson, A. P., & LoBello, S. G. (1994). Reliable and abnormal scaled score
range estimates for common Wechsler selected subtest short forms.
Journal of Psychoeducational Assessment, 12, 264-269.
Thompson, A. P., & Bulow, C. A. (1994). Administration error in presenting the
WAIS-R Blocks: Approximating the impact of scrambled presentations.
Professional Psychology: Research and Practice, 25, 89-91.
Thompson, A. P., & Molly, K. (1993). The stability of WAIS-R IQ for 16 year-old
students retested after 3 and 18 months. Journal of Clinical Psychology,
49, 891-898.
Bjorgvinsson, T., & Thompson, A. P. (1993). Psychometric properties of an
Icelandic translation of the Basic Personality Inventory: Cross-cultural
invariance of a three-factor solution. Personality and Individual Differences,
16, 47-56.
Thompson, A. P. (1992). Subtest scatter is not an indicator of inaccuracy for
short-form estimates of IQ. Psychological Reports, 70, 889-890.
Thompson, A. P., & Mountain, M. A. (1987). Effects of an orientation videotape
for newly admitted psychiatric patients. Professional Psychology:
Research and Practice, 18, 619-623.
Thompson, A. P. (1987). Methodological issues in the clinical evaluation of two-
and four-subtest short forms of the WAIS-R. Journal of Clinical
Psychology, 43, 142-144.
Thompson, A. P., Howard, D., & Anderson, J. (1986). Two- and four-subtest
short forms of the WAIS-R: Validity in a psychiatric sample. Canadian
Journal of Behavioural Science,18, 287-293.
Thompson, A. P. (1986). Changes in counseling skills during graduate and
undergraduate study. Journal of Counseling Psychology, 33, 65-72.
Thompson, A. P. (1984). Extramarital sexual crisis: Common themes and
therapy implications. Journal of Sex & Marital Therapy, 10, 239-254.
Thompson, A. P. (1984). Emotional and sexual components of extramarital
relations. Journal of Marriage and the Family, 46, 35-42.
Thompson, A. P., & Cranwell, F.R. (1984). Frequently cited sources in human
sexology. Journal of Sex & Marital Therapy, 10, 63-70.
Thompson, A. P. (1983). Extramarital sex: A review of the research literature.
Journal of Sex Research, 19, 1-22. Also reproduced in B.C. Miller & D.H.
Olsen (eds), Family studies review yearbook. Volume 3, 1985, Ca.: SAGE
Thompson, A. P. (1982). Extramarital relations: Gaining greater awareness. The
Personnel and Guidance Journal, 61, 102-105. Also reproduced in:
Newsletter: Sexual Information and Education Council of Canada 1983, 18,
Thompson, A. P. (1982). Extramarital relations: Counselling considerations and a
developmental perspective. Australian Journal of Family Therapy, 3, 141-
Thompson, A. P., & Smith, L. M. (1982). Conceptual, computational and
attitudinal correlates of student success with introductory statistics.
Australian Psychologist, 17, 191-197.
Uhlemann, M. R., Thompson, A. P., & Reberg, B. J. (1982). Validity of study
skills tests with first year university students: A second examination. The
Bulletin (Canadian Association of College and University Student
Services), 12(3), 4-6.
Thompson, A. P., & Hutchinson, G. E. (1981). The predictability of Strong-
Campbell interest themes among tertiary-level students. British Journal of
Guidance and Counselling, 9, 221-225.
Uhlemann, M. R., Thompson, A. P., & Reberg, B. J. (1979).Validity of study skills
tests with first year university students. Canadian Counsellor, 13, 17-20.
Thompson, A. P., & Siess, T. F. (1978). Subjective expectation, outcome
discrepancy, and job satisfaction. Canadian Journal of Behavioural Science, 10, 248-257.
Thompson, A. P., Young, A., Keffer, A. ,& Wigmore, R. (1978). Delivery of
counselling and psychological services in a faculty of education. Canadian
Counsellor, 12, 190-193.
Thompson, A. P., Reberg, B. J.,& Uhlemann, M. R. (1978). Canadian normative
data for the McGraw-Hill study skills test from a Canadian university.
Canadian Journal of Behavioural Science, 10, 267-269.
Thompson, A. P. (1976). Client misconceptions in vocational counseling. The
Personnel and Guidance Journal, 55, 30-33.
II. Other Articles, Reports, Book Reviews & Letters to Editor
Thompson, A. P.,& Webster, M. (2003). An analysis of psychological forensic
reports for juvenile offenders. Collaborative Research Unit Monograph
Series– Number 3. Sydney, New South Wales, Australia: Department of
Juvenile Justice.
Thompson, A. P. (2000). Structured assessment of risks, needs and assets with
juvenile offenders. Final report for the Department of Juvenile Justice New
South Wales.
Thompson, A. P. (1998). Are rural health practitioners professionally isolated? In
S. Sarantakos (Ed.,), Quality of Life in Rural Australia (pp 20-24). Wagga
Wagga, NSW: Centre for Rural Social Research, Charles Sturt University
Thompson, A. P. (1995). Student evaluation of teaching: A study of non-
respondents and item characteristics. The Lakehead University Teacher: An Instructional Developmental Newsletter, 4(4), 1-2.
Thompson, A. P. (1995). Teleconferencing project for Northern psychologists
Northern Health Human Resources Research Unit Research Bulletin.
Fall/Winter, 4-5.
Thompson, A. P., & Jamieson, J. (1995). Teleconferencing project for northern
psychologist: Final report. Sault Ste. Marie. ON: Ministry of Northern
Development and Mines.
Thompson, A. P. (1995). Recruitment and retention of health professionals to
rural regions: A literature summary. In B. Minore & C. Hartviksen (eds).
Redressing the Imbalance: Health Human Resources in Rural and
Northern Communities (p. 300-315).Thunder Bay, Ontario: Lakehead
University Centre for Northern Studies.
Thompson, A. P. (1994). Consent and psychological assessment under the
Young Offenders Act. Expanding Horizons: Psychiatric Research Bulletin,
4(2), 1-35.
Thompson, A. P. (1993). A comparison of Native and Non-Native young
offenders serving secure custody sentences in Northern Ontario Youth
Centres. North Bay, ON: Ministry of Correctional Services - Northern Region.
Thompson, A. P., Thompson, J., & Bino, A. (1993). Informed consent with Rattus
Norvegicus. Journal of Polymorphous Perversity. 10(2), 3-4.
Thompson, A. P., & Dalrymple, A. (1992). Recruitment and retention issues
related to psychological services in Northern Ontario. Ontario Psychologist,
24(2), 7-8.
Thompson, A. P., & Sheppard, R. R. (1990). A reply to Gans re: Child sexual
abuse. SIECCAN Journal, 5(2), 24-25.
Thompson, A. P., & Sheppard, R. R. (1989). Child sexual abuse: An analysis of
six stepfather perpetrators. SIECCAN Journal, 4(3), 3-14.
Thompson, A. P. (1988). Book review: Richardson, L.(1985). The new other
woman: Contemporary women in affairs with married men. The Free
Press, New York. SIECCAN Journal, 3(2), 15-16.
Thompson, A. P. (1987). Extramarital relations: Observations of the current
situation. The Journal of Clinical Practice in Sexuality, 3(3), pp 17,21,22.
Thompson, A. P. (1987). Book review: Kaplan, H. S.(1987). Sexual aversion,
sexual phobias, and panic disorders. Brunner/ Mazel, New York.
Readings: A Journal of Reviews and Commentary in Mental Health, 2(4), 23.
Thompson, A. P. (1986). Retrospective reports of sexual abuse by adults. The
Ontario Psychologist, 18, 3.
Thompson, A. P. & Hutchinson, G. E. (1977). Refinement of a follow-up
questionnaire designed to measure counseling process and outcome.
ERIC Document Reproduction Services, # ED 134-897.
Thompson, A. P., & Thompson, J. K. (1972). Toward a more effective group
home. Journal (Ontario Association of Children's Aid Societies). Sept., 9-
McGrath, A., & Thompson, A. P. (2013). An Australian juvenile offender risk-
need inventory and what we have learnt about its accuracy. Paper
presented at Applied Research in Crime and Justice Conference, Sydney,
February 2013.
McGrath, A., & Thompson, A. P. (2011). Actuarial risk assessmentfor juvenile
offenders: Lessons from an Australiannormative study. Paper presented
at the 32nd Congress of the InternationalAcademy of Lawand Mental
Health. City of Berlin 2011, July 17-23.
Thompson A. (2009) Psychologists for peace: APS interest group Initiatives and
Peace Research. Symposium convenor. 44rd APS Annual Conference
(30 September – 04 October). Darwin Northern Territory
Burke, S., Beskow, M., Louis, W., Thompson, A., Trinder, M., & Wertheim, E.
(2009). Initiatives of the APS interest group Psychologists for Peace.
Presented at the 44rd APS Annual Conference (30 September – 04
October). Darwin, Northern Territory.
McGrath, A., & Thompson, A. P. (2009). Assessing Indigenous and non-
Indigenousjuvenile offenders using the Youth Level of Service Case
Management Inventory. Paper presented at the Indigenous young people,
crime and justice conference. Australian Institute of Criminology,
Parramatta, NSW, 31 August
O’Brien, A. E., & Thompson, A. P. (2008). Life regrets and subjective well-being
in older adults. In K. Moore (Ed.), Proceedings of the 43rd APS Annual
Conference (pp. 244-248). Melbourne, Victoria, Australia: The Australian
PsychologicalSociety Ltd.
Harrison, J. M. D., & Thompson, A. P. (2007). Evaluation of a group behavioural
family intervention for families of young children with developmental
disabilities. In K. Moore (Ed.) Proceedings of the 42ndAPS Annual
Conference (pp. 180-184). Melbourne, Victoria, Australia: The Australian
Psychological Society Ltd.
Nolan, J., & Thompson, A. (2007). Repeated measures of psychological change
in residential clients of an alcohol and drug treatment program. In K.
Moore (Ed.) Proceedings of the 42ndAPS Annual Conference (pp. 292-
296). Melbourne, Victoria, Australia: The Australian Psychological
Society Ltd.
Wilson, S. J., & Thompson, A. (2007). The adjustment of African refugee
resettlers in a regional Australian city. In K. Moore (Ed.)
Proceedings of the 42ndAPS Annual Conference (pp. 420-424).
Melbourne, Victoria, Australia: The Australian Psychological Society Ltd.
Heath, J., & Thompson, A. P. (2006). Extrafamilial child sexual abuse: An
analysis of briefs of evidence to investigate relationships between
perpetrator, victim and offence. In M. Katsikitis (Ed.), Proceedings of the
2006 Joint Conference of the APS and NZPsS (pp. 180-184). Melbourne,
Victoria, Australia: The Australian Psychological Society Ltd.
Magor-Blatch, L., & Thompson, A. P. (2006). Is there concurrent validity between
assessments made by correctional officers utilising the Level of Service
Inventory-Revised and self –assessments made by offenders. In M.
Katsikitis (Ed.), Proceedings of the 2006 Joint Conference of the APS and
NZPsS (pp. 229-233). Melbourne, Victoria, Australia: TheAustralian
Psychological Society Ltd.
Thompson. A. P. (2006). Do we need to worry about subgroup differences in
juvenile offender risk-need assessment. In M. Katsikitis (Ed.),
Proceedings of the 2006 Joint Conference of the APS and NZPsS (pp.
445-449). Melbourne, Victoria, Australia: The Australian Psychological
Society Ltd.
Thompson, A. P. (2005). Risk-need assessment with juvenile offenders: Past,
present and future. In M. Katsikitis (Ed.), Proceedings of the 40th APS
Annual conference (pp. 343-347). Melbourne, Victoria, Australia: The
Australian Psychological Society Ltd.
Upperton, R., & Thompson, A. P., (2005). Predicting recidivism: A risk
Assessmentinventory versus juvenile justice officers. In M. Katsikitis
(Ed.), Proceedings of the 40th APS Annual Conference (pp. 236-241).
Melbourne, Victoria, Australia: The Australian Psychological Society Ltd.
Thompson, A. P., & Pope, Z. (2003). The conceptual and psychometric basis for
risk-need assessment in juvenile justice. In M. Katsikitis (Ed.),
Proceedings of the 38th APS Annual Conference (pp 224-228).
Melbourne, Victoria, Australia:The Australian Psychological Society.
Upperton, R., & Thompson, A. P., (2003). Risk assessment in juvenile justice:
Predictiveand practical utility. In M. Katsikitis (Ed.), Proceedings of the
38th APS Annual Conference (pp. 236-241). Melbourne, Victoria,
Australia: The Australian Psychological Society Ltd.
Thompson, A. P., McGrath, A., & Delahunty, J. (2010). Understanding low risk
offenders who re-offend and high risk offenders who desist. NSW
Department of Attorney General (Juvenile Justice) $45,584
Thompson, A. P., Boxall, D., Hodgins, G., & Patrick, K.(2006-2008)Key Lessons
from Psychology: Promoting Psychological Well-being in Everyday Life.
Charles Sturt University Faculty of Arts Research Development Grant.
Thompson, A. P., & Keogh, T. (2000-2002). Extending our understanding and
use of risk assessment in juvenile justice. Australian Research Council,
SPIRT. $63,240
Thompson, A. P. (1999). Structured assessment of risks, needs and assets with
juvenile offenders. Department of Juvenile Justice, NSW, Australia
Thompson, A. P. (1997). Promoting research linkages concerning human
health resources and service delivery in rural and under served regions.
Program for International Research Linkages, International Council for
Canadian Studies, Canberra, Australia. $5,000
Thompson, A. P. (1995). Teleconferencing project for northern psychologists.
Ministry of Northern Development and Mines, Ontario Canada. $12,058.
Thompson, A. P. (1992). Recruitment and retention of psychologists and
psychiatrists to Northern Ontario. Northern Health Human Resources
Research Unit. $6,432.
Thompson, A. P. (1992). Psychometric properties of an Icelandic translation of
the Basic Personality Inventory. Lakehead University-Faculty
Development Fund. $800.
Thompson, A. P. (1991). A baseline investigation of native and non-native young
offender characteristics in Phase II secure custody facilities of Northern
Ontario. Ontario Ministry of Correctional Services. $36,300.
Thompson, A. P. (1991). Research assistant training and data collection for secure custody young offender study(see above). Northern Ontario Job
Opportunities Programme. Ministry of Northern Development and Mines.
Thompson, A. P. (1990). Secure custody young offenders, probationary young
offenders, and non-offending youth: A comparison on measures of
intelligence, personality, substance abuse, and family function. Lakehead
University-Senate Research Committee (SSHRC General Research Fund)
Subjects Taught
Psychological Testing
Ethics and Professional Issues
Introductory Psychology
Psychology of Ageing
Research Methods & Statistics
Abnormal Psychology
Psychology of Stress and Trauma
Rehabilitation Psychology
Correctional Psychology
Interviewing and Counselling Skills
Topics in Family, Marital & Sex Counselling
Supervision (1980-2008)
Honours and 4th
20 complete
Malone, J. Rural psychology practice in Canada Issues in professional ethics.
Completed2010(principal supervisor).
Upperton, R. Risk assessment in Juvenile Justice: The predictive and practical
utility. Complete 2007 (principal supervisor).
Allan, J. The problems of therapeutic intervention with children who are sexually
violent. Complete, 2005 (co-supervisor).
Gullifer, J. An analysis of university student plagiarism (in progress – secondary
Nichols, D. M. Risk-need assessment and violent delinquency among Australian
juvenile offenders. Complete 2007 (principal supervisor).
Heath, J. Extrafamilial child abuse: an analysis of briefs of evidence to investigate relationships between perpetrator and victim characteristics
Complete 2010(principal supervisor).
Klamer, S. Downloading child pornography: A qualitative study of men convicted of child pornography offences. (inprogress – principal supervisor).