Expression of Interest –

Informed Consent Specialty Subcommittee – Maxillofacial consent forms

Queensland Health’s Patient Safety and Quality Improvement Serviceis recruiting for a consumer representative for the Informed Consent Specialty Subcommittee – Maxillofacial consent forms.

The aim of the subcommitteeis to review current informed consent forms and to make sure the contents of up to 16 consent forms including patient information sheet is up to date, consumer friendly, and meeting best practice standards.

Please see Terms of Reference for more information.

It is recommended that the applicant have experience with maxillofacial surgery, either personally, or as a carer of someone who has received maxillofacial surgery. It is also preferred that they are a part of a relevant support group or network.


The purpose of the Informed Consent (IC) Specialty Subcommittee (subcommittee) is to review and update (as required) existing informed consent and patient information leaflets, and develop new ones where the need has been identified. This subcommittee provides expert input and is responsible for statewide consultation with clinicians.


The main functions of the Statewide IC Specialty Subcommittee are to:

a)co-ordinate the statewide review of specialty based informed consent documents and patient information leaflets

b)develop customised consent documents and patient information leaflets that are fit for purpose

c)provide specialist advice to the Statewide IC Steering Committee regarding the development of new IC documents and advice on other matters that may affect other statewide informed consent materials.

This position is remunerated in line with Health Consumers Queensland’s recommended rates.

Meetings are bimonthly, and may be conducted face to face in Brisbane, or via teleconference.The subcommittee may not meet, but members will review material independently and provide feedback via email or phone.

Please complete this Expression of Interest and return to by 9 am Tuesday 12 September 2017

For more information on this position, please contact Naitik Mehta, Queensland Health Patient Safety and Quality Improvement Service on 07 3328 9910.

If you need support to complete this form, please call Health Consumers Queensland on 07 3012 9090.

Personal Details
Surname: / Given Name:
Address: / Postcode:
Phone No.:
Mob: / Email:
Please highlight to indicate your response
Do you identify as Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander? / Yes / No
Do you identify as being Culturally or Linguistically Diverse? / Yes / No
Do you identify as being from a non-English speaking background? / Yes / No
Do you identify as being transport disadvantaged or physically isolated? / Yes / No
Do you identify as having a disability? / Yes / No
By completing this application I consent for my details to be added to the Health Consumers Queensland network database / Agree / I do not agree
Are you happy for Health Consumers Queensland to share this form with the Patient Safety and Quality Improvement Service as part of the process for this application? / Yes / No
Would you like Health Consumers Queensland to retain this application for future vacancies? Applications not retained are destroyed once the application process is complete. / Yes / No
Support Requirements
I will require support to attend these meetings / Yes / No
If yes, please provide details and indicate other support that you require, for example, disability support worker, interpreter, Auslan interpreter, closed captioning, hearing loop, dietary requirements etc.
Dietary requirements
I have special dietary requirements / Yes / No
Please give details
Please describe any experience (if any) as a health consumer representative including committees, focus groups, surveys, governance roles, etc.
Please describe any connections you have to your community (e.g. networks, groups), especially those that relate to maxillofacial surgery.
Please describe your interest in this activity, and any relevant experience you have to inform your contribution to the subcommittee.