Informed Consent for Surgery or Treatment

Patient: Date of Birth:

1. I hereby request and authorize Marcelo Hochman, MD, his assistants, and operating room personnel to perform upon me:

On or about the date of:


In general, the purpose of the procedure is:

2.  Dr. Hochman has fully explained, in terms clear to me the operation(s) to be performed, foreseeable risks involved, alternative methods of treatment, as well as what I can expect if surgery is uneventful. I further acknowledge that I have been given an opportunity to ask any questions I desired and that these questions have been answered to my satisfaction. Initial______

3. Dr. Hochman has fully explained, in terms clear to me the specific and pertinent risks associated with my procedure. I acknowledge that I have been given an opportunity to ask any questions I desired regarding these specific risks and that these questions have been answered to my satisfaction. Initial______

4. I also authorize Dr. Hochman to perform any other procedure(s) or take whatever measures he may deem necessary or desirable, in addition to or in substitution for the surgical procedures initially contemplated. Initial______

5. I have been advised that the object of the operation I have requested is improvement in my condition, not perfection; that there is a possibility that imperfection might ensue, and that the result might not live up to my expectations or the desired goals that have been established. I acknowledge that no guarantee has been made by anyone regarding the procedure that I have herein requested and authorized. Initial______

6.  I have been advised that any incisions made in the skin will leave permanent scars. The extent and location of these scars have been described to me. I have also been advised that scars may take up to one year to mature and the changes that normally occur in their appearance during the healing period have been described to me. Initial______

7.  I have been told that a medical grade implant may be used in the above-mentioned procedure and have been advised of the risks as well as alternative forms of treatment. Initial______

8.  I have been informed that the above procedure may require that transplantation of tissue, cartilage, or bone from other areas of my body. Initial______

9.  Dr. Hochman has fully explained to me, in terms clear to me, the effect of the local anesthetics that may be used for my operation. Initial______

10.  I understand that if Dr. Hochman judges at any time that my surgery should be canceled for any reason, he may do so. . Initial______

11.  I agree to follow the instructions given to me by Dr. Hochman to the best of my ability before, during and after surgery. Initial______

12.  I hereby state that the information I furnished to Dr. Hochman during my comprehensive pre-operative evaluation is complete and correct and that I have disclosed all my known medical conditions, allergies, or adverse reactions to medical preparations. Initial______

13. I hereby state that I have quit smoking for at least 3 weeks before my operation and will continue to refrain from smoking for at least 3 weeks after. Initial______

14. I hereby grant consent for my blood to be drawn and tested if a staff member incurs an accidental needle stick or wound during my procedure or medical treatment. Initial_____

15. If a laser is being used for my procedure I have been advised of the specific and pertinent risks associated with laser procedures. Initial_____

Date: ______Signed: ______Relationship to patient: ______

Patient or Representative


Marcelo Hochman, MD Witness:

Surgery Patient Check-In

Name: Claire Perrill DOB: 1/17/1948

Date______Arrival Time______


Name of caregiver & #______

Patient Pick up W & C or WMW

Name and DOB verified ____

Consent up to date ____

Allergies verified ____

o  NPO? ____

Contacts removed ____

Dentures removed ____

Hearing Aids “ “ ____

Make up removed ____

Post –Op care sheet given & reviewed ____

Medicines reviewed ___

Any meds taken at home ___

o  Any additional rx’s given ___

o  Patient states understanding of all instructions ___

Patient pre-medicated with the following meds @ ______

o  Cephalexin 500mg #_____

o  Clindamycin 300mg #_____

o  Diazepam 5mg # _____

o  Hydrocodone 5 mg #_____

o  Oxycodone 7.5/325mg # _____

o  Promethazine 25mg # _____

o  Prednisone D #_____

o  Odansetron # ______@ ______

o  Chlorhexidine Gluconate mouthwash _____

o  Acyclovir 800 mg _____

o  OTHER______

Nurse X:______

MD X:______


Date______Patient Name:Claire Perrill DOB: 1/17/1948

Patient name and DOB confirmed: Yes No

Allergies:______NPO Status:______

Patient alert & oriented to person, place, and time: Yes No

Operative site verified: Yes No; Coincides with informed consent: Yes No

Time in OR:______Anesthesia Start:______Procedure Start:______Procedure End:______

Pre-op Diagnosis:______

Post-Op Diagnosis: ______

Surgeon: Dr. Marcelo Hochman

Anesthesiologist: ______Other:______

Scrub Nurse:______Circulator:______

Wound Class: I II III IV
Specimen sent: Yes No Coastal Maize ______

Skin Prep: Technicare/ Water Betadine other______

Positioning: Beach Chair Elbows padded bilaterally soft wrist protectors in place for duration of procedure Blankets applied over torso and lower extremities. Other: ______

SCD’s #EA415748

Electrosurgical Unit: Ellman Surgitron 4.0 Dual RF P/N 2480234 Settings:______

Grounding pad-Site:______Skin integrity intact: pre-op post-op

Vital Signs: (NIBP/Pulse/O2 Sat)



Sponge/ Sharps Count Correct: Initial: Yes No; If No, action taken:______

Closing: Yes No; If No, action taken:______

Implant Record: Type/ Reorder number/ Lot number/ Manufacturer/ Size


Meds: NS 500cc Sterile Water 500cc Lidocaine 1% with epi. Betadine

Vaseline Surgicel Kenalog 40mg Tetracaine ½ 0/0 gtts Maxitrol ung Marcaine

BSS Afrin Nasal Spray Other______

Drains Yes No Type and Location:______

Dressing: Telfa 2x2 drip pad under nose Glasscock Dressings Xeroform 4x4
Kerlix Co-flex Tape Nasal Splint Compression Garment
Other ______


*Patient discharged in satisfactory condition via W/C to personal ride

*Discharge Instructions Reviewed & Post-Op Appointment given to patient Caregiver


Signature Date

Procedure Note


PATIENT NAME: Claire Perrill BIRTHDATE1/17/1948




Laser Eye Shields/Goggles placed and removed by MD





ANESTHESIA: ½ % lidocaine with 1:200,000 epinephrine

1 % lidocaine with 1:100,000 epinephrine



Date:______Patient Name:Claire Perrill Date of Birth:1/17/1948

Procedure: ______


Circle One

L.O.C / Drowsy / Alert / Oriented / Sleeping / Sedated / Other (See Notes)
Circulatory / Pink / Warm / Cool / Clammy / Other (See Notes)

Dressing / Operative Site______Dry & Intact Other (See Notes)
IV Therapy: Fluid______Site:______Amount: ______
Patent, Dry, Intact, No Redness or Edema Noted  Other (See Notes)
Level of Pain:______

Vital Signs

Time / BP / Pulse / O2 Sat

**Medications given – see anesthesia record**______
Plan of Care / Interventions
Potential Alteration in Mental Status Reoriented to Time and Place
Potential for Fear / Anxiety  Oriented to Environment Questions Answered
Potential Alteration in Comfort  Repositioned for Comfort Level of Pain ____
Pain Reevaluation if Meds Given ______
Potential for Injury Never left unattended Assisted to the bathroom
Brakes locked when transporting
Potential Alteration in Fluid Volume PO Fluids given Assess for Nausea
Knowledge Deficit Review post-op instructions with pt and caregiver, including after hour provisions Post – op Appointment
Discharge Evaluation
Vital signs at preoperative level Minimal or No Pain Minimal or no Nausea
Dressing Dry and Intact if applicable Able to Bear Weight Responsible Adult to accompany pt home
Discharge @______Via  Wheelchair Other (See Notes)
IV d/c @______
Nursing Notes
Nurse’s Signature:______