Bridge Meeting, 3 June 2013

P. O’Briens, 1830 – 2015

Agenda Items

1830-1845 – Commodore:

  1. Review Minutes From May Meeting
  2. Bylaw Review Update from “how goes it” – As per Eddie, no intent to review language.

1845 – 1900–Racing Commodore:

  1. Membership Snapshot
  2. KISS Series Review
  3. PHRFs & Race Entry Plans
  4. Equipment Requirements
  5. Regattas(GEICO Cup, Leukemia Cup)
  6. Racing-Hosted PSC Membership Event
  7. SOR/Senior SOR Qualification Criteria & Evaluation Process
  8. Night Racing
  9. Review of Tracking Tool

1900– 1910 - River Commodore:

  1. Update on Electrical Work: Not Completed

Have been trying to find an electrician to pursue this but the people I have spoken to are advising against for the following:
A. Cost will be high.Minimum of $500 per boat
B. Finding a reliable electrician is near impossible
C. Review of Tracking Tool

1910 – 1920 - Membership Commodore:

  1. Review of Tracking Tool

1920 – 1930 – Communications Commodore:

  1. Review of Tracking Tool

1930 – 1945 - Vice Commodore:

  1. Holiday Party Status
  2. FVSM
  3. Insurance Update
  4. Review of Tracking Tool

1945 – 1950 - Secretary:

1. Women’s Group Outbrief, Minutes, Files, etc.

1950-2000 – Training Commodore Status:

1.River Training Status-going well, will be buying more class materials soon

2.Bay Training Status-busy year, growing program, more 104 candidates than ever, also busy year for Bay Skipper training

3.Instructor Update--began growing primary instructors again after a hesitant start...

4.Review of Tracking Tool--

5. Night Racing--still working on Skips proposed local certification, but not final yet.

2000-2010 - Treasurer’s Report

Club is very flush right now. Balances as of 5/30/2013:

Checking Account:$42,407.00

CD & Money Market Accounts: $20,000

Total O/H balance: $62,407.00

I made a number of payments for future Bay Sails this morning so the actual balance is a little less right now. However, we had almost an equal number of registrations/payments for the Basic Sailing Class and Bay Sails that have not processed through to the checking account yet so the net change in checking account balance is probably pretty small.Wild Apricot Online Registration/Payments are really working well. I receive an occasional check but it’s becoming a rarity now. Have experienced a few minor issues with registrations/payments for the Basic Sailing Class combined with PSC Membership as some people initially paid for a membership separately and then signed up for the class using the combined class/membership price. I monitor these closely and issue refunds when this happens. The second situation that creates a problem occasionally is when more than one family member wants to sign up for the class. The only way to do this is for one person to register for the class paying the combined Class/Family Membership price. Once their membership is activated, they can sign up other family members using the member class price. It might be good to put some additional info on the site about how this. The other thing that is happening more frequently is people signing up for events but not paying for them when they sign up.Happening most often with people signing up for the Basic Sailing Classes in July/August/September. WA will create an event registration record and reserve the space without a payment being made. I review these at the beginning of each month and send them an email reminding them that they owe money. My policy is to cancel them out of the event if they haven’t paid at least 30 days prior to the event so someone else can sign up for the space. The good news is that most people pay up when I send out a reminder. Roger