Title I Update

Informationis also available on the LD South Title I Webpage

Go to LAUSD > Local Districts > Local District South > Instruction > Title I


Reminders and Updates

Process for the use of the Carryover of the 2014-2015 Targeted Student Population (TSP) Per Pupil School Allocation (Program 10400)(Interoffice Correspondence from Dr. Ruth Perez, Deputy Superintendent of Instruction, dated September 17, 2015)

•The resources from this program, known as TSP-Per Pupil School Allocation, must support the needs of low-income, English Learners, RFEPs, and Foster Youth and must be aligned to the following goals described in the District’s Local Control and Accountability Plan (LCAP)

•100% Graduation, Proficiency for All, 100% Attendance, Parent, Community and Student Engagement, and Ensure School Safety

•Schools must provide a brief summary of how the carryover funds will be used by completing 2015-16 School level Plan for Use of Targeted Student Program (10400) Carryover Funds (Attachment A), and a manual budget adjustment and submit it to the Local District Title I Coordinator.

•Due: November 2, 2015

Review – BUL-6517.0 Additional Review Process for Supplemental Instructional Materials (SIM) Purchased with Title I Funds

Local District South Title I Coordinators are now the second approvers for all Title I (7S046) Supplemental Instructional Material (SIM) purchases. Schools are required to enter an itemized list of all SIM items in the Shopping Cart and are required to scan and attach SPSA pages and/or Justifications Pages, and/or an SPSA Update. If the expenditure is greater than $5,000, a vendor quote is also required.

Single Plan for Student Achievement (SPSA)Evaluation
School Site Council (SSC) annually evaluates the Single Plan for Student Achievement (SPSA). This process will be included in the development of the SPSA this year. The SPSA evaluation will be for the 2014-15 services provided. The required documentation will be SSC Agenda, Sign-ins, Minutes indicating SPSA evaluation was discussed, motion was made and evaluation was approved.
Budget Adjustment Requests
When submitting a Budget Adjustment Request (BAR), please remember to attach the Budget Justification Page and the SPSA Plan Page to the School Budget Signature Form that addresses the budget expenditure. If it is an item that is not included in your 2014-2016 SPSA, a SPSA Update is required. All budget adjustments must be submitted to your Fiscal Specialist.
Fall Survey for Elementary and Secondary Schools REF-6580
Due on November 20, 2015


December 2, 2015*Title I Designees Meeting

January 29, 2016*New Title I Designees Meeting

February 3, 2016*Title I Designees Meeting

March 2, 2016*Title I Designees Meeting

Secondary Title I Designees Meeting - 8:00 AM - 11:30 AM (Room 11)

Elementary Title I Designees Meeting - 12:30 PM - 4:00 PM (Auditorium)

*This schedule will apply to ALL remaining 2015-2016 Title I Designees Meetings.

Single Plan for Student Achievement (SPSA) Trainings

SPSA Technical Assistance Training #2

Training session #2 will continue LD South’s technical assistance for schools on the completion of the 2016-2017 Single Plan for Student Achievement (SPSA). Topics will include the Academic Goal pages (100% Graduation, ELA, Mathematics, EL Programs), Culture and Climate Goal page, Social/Emotional Goal page, and data analysis. Training sessions should be attended by those primarily responsible for the SPSA at your school site. This may include the Principal, Title I Designee, SSC Chairperson or Designee, and/or Instructional Lead (maximum three attendees).

Monday, November 9, 2015

8:00 AM – 11:30 AM, Sellery Auditorium

Networks – Tony Aguilar, Lee Lee Chou (Elementary only)

12:30 PM – 4:00 PM, Sellery Auditorium

Networks – Gina Ellis, Alma Kimura

Network – Robin Benton (Room 11)

Monday, November 16, 2015

8:00 AM – 11:30 AM, Sellery Auditorium

Networks – Terry Ball, Linda Kay

12:30 PM – 4:00 PM, Sellery Auditorium

Networks – Veronica Aragon, Lee Lee Chou (Secondary Only)

Training #3 January 28, 2016 and February 8, 2016

All SPSAs will be due in Early February 2016

Robert OyeLorraine Torres

Title I CoordinatorTitle I Coordinator

Local District SouthLocal District South

(310) 354-3452(310) 354-3531