
  • Informationaldayonthe project, duringwhichthe project and thepartnersareintroduced.
  • The creation of twocenters, onein Kassa and onein Miskolc, taskedwiththe building of relationships, thecooperationwiththe local governments and non-govermentalorganizations, thesharing of thecollectedinformationbetweentheproject-partners, theorganizationalpreparation of theconference, thepanel-conversations, and seminars, theinsurance of theprofessionallevel of theeducational modul, regular monitoring.
  • Development of a new, commoneducational modul, builtuponspecialneeds; development of timetable and curriculum, and theirimplementationinthetargetgroups.
  • Professional conference and panel-conversationsin Miskolc entitledThe socialproblems of thedistrict of theLocal-government of Kassa and Borsod-Abauj-Zemplencounty.
  • Selection of 70 participantsfromemployees of thesocialsphere (30 individuals) and fromindividuals of disadvantagedsituation (40 individuals).
  • Creation of a tri-lingualwebpage
  • Providingspecialseminars and lecturesforthosewhoparticipateintheeducationalprocess
  • Closingact of theedcuationalprocessina 5-day-long, bilingualtraining
  • Roma languagecourseonbothsides of thefrontier
  • Writing of thefinalanalysis and thecreation of theregionalsocialfolder (database)
  • Improvement of tools


  1. The personalrequirements of the center weremet.

Gathering of dataonthesocialfieldconcerningourcountyfromthepublicdatabases of thesocialinstitutions and non-governmentalorganizationsinourcounty, inordertoincludetheminthedatabaseto be createdbythe project.

  1. Creation, editing, lectoring, and printing of educationalnotebooksforthesociallydisadvantaged and workers of thesocialsphere.
  2. Organizational and interpretationaltasksduringThe socialproblems of thedistrict of theLocal-government of Kassa and Borsod-Abauj-Zemplencountyconferenceheldinthe Institute of Sociology of the University of Miskolc on december 10. 2012, and creation of theconference-book.


  1. Inthesecondphase of the project, theselection of the 35 individualsrequiredfortheeducationaltrainingtookplace. 15 individualswerechosenfromworkers of thesocialsphere, while 20 individualswerechosenfromthedisadvantagedsocialgroups.
  2. Providedspecialseminars and lecturesforworkers of thesocialspheretaking part intheeducationalprocess. The trainingwasheldon 5*2 days, on 3-4 May, 9-8 May, 13-14 May, 17-18 May, 23-24 May. Forparticipants of thetraining, catering and housingwasprovided.
  3. Organization of roma languagecoursesonbothsides of theborderwas part of thesecondphase of the project. The educationtookplacebetween 12th February and 21st May. 15 individualstook part inthe roma languagecourses, in a total of 64 hours. The participantsreceived a notebook helpingthelearning of roma languagefromthelecturer.