- Informationaldayonthe project, duringwhichthe project and thepartnersareintroduced.
- The creation of twocenters, onein Kassa and onein Miskolc, taskedwiththe building of relationships, thecooperationwiththe local governments and non-govermentalorganizations, thesharing of thecollectedinformationbetweentheproject-partners, theorganizationalpreparation of theconference, thepanel-conversations, and seminars, theinsurance of theprofessionallevel of theeducational modul, regular monitoring.
- Development of a new, commoneducational modul, builtuponspecialneeds; development of timetable and curriculum, and theirimplementationinthetargetgroups.
- Professional conference and panel-conversationsin Miskolc entitledThe socialproblems of thedistrict of theLocal-government of Kassa and Borsod-Abauj-Zemplencounty.
- Selection of 70 participantsfromemployees of thesocialsphere (30 individuals) and fromindividuals of disadvantagedsituation (40 individuals).
- Creation of a tri-lingualwebpage
- Providingspecialseminars and lecturesforthosewhoparticipateintheeducationalprocess
- Closingact of theedcuationalprocessina 5-day-long, bilingualtraining
- Roma languagecourseonbothsides of thefrontier
- Writing of thefinalanalysis and thecreation of theregionalsocialfolder (database)
- Improvement of tools
- The personalrequirements of the center weremet.
Gathering of dataonthesocialfieldconcerningourcountyfromthepublicdatabases of thesocialinstitutions and non-governmentalorganizationsinourcounty, inordertoincludetheminthedatabaseto be createdbythe project.
- Creation, editing, lectoring, and printing of educationalnotebooksforthesociallydisadvantaged and workers of thesocialsphere.
- Organizational and interpretationaltasksduringThe socialproblems of thedistrict of theLocal-government of Kassa and Borsod-Abauj-Zemplencountyconferenceheldinthe Institute of Sociology of the University of Miskolc on december 10. 2012, and creation of theconference-book.
- Inthesecondphase of the project, theselection of the 35 individualsrequiredfortheeducationaltrainingtookplace. 15 individualswerechosenfromworkers of thesocialsphere, while 20 individualswerechosenfromthedisadvantagedsocialgroups.
- Providedspecialseminars and lecturesforworkers of thesocialspheretaking part intheeducationalprocess. The trainingwasheldon 5*2 days, on 3-4 May, 9-8 May, 13-14 May, 17-18 May, 23-24 May. Forparticipants of thetraining, catering and housingwasprovided.
- Organization of roma languagecoursesonbothsides of theborderwas part of thesecondphase of the project. The educationtookplacebetween 12th February and 21st May. 15 individualstook part inthe roma languagecourses, in a total of 64 hours. The participantsreceived a notebook helpingthelearning of roma languagefromthelecturer.