Principal Employer – Annexure – A


No. / Particulars / Details / Description
1. / Name / address of Website /
2. / Name of the Establishment / AHLCON PUBLIC SCHOOL
3. / Address of the Establishment ( Registered Office) / AHLCON PUBLIC SCHOOL, MAYUR VIHAR PHASE -1, DELHI – 110091
4. / Address of the Establishment / Branch Office where contract workers are to be engaged / AS ABOVE
5. / Nature of work for which Contract Workmen are to be employed / House-Keeping, Security Staff & Driver & Helpers
6. / Name of the Proprietor / Partner / Director / Managing Director / Shri Bikramjit Ahluwalia
7. / Date of starting of School / 1988
8. / Date of Initial agreement with the Principal Employer ( working since with PE) / 01/07/2016
9. / Mobile No. of PE / Contractor / P E - 9810504773 / Shivani Ent. – 9313127729 K’Night Rider - 9873699673/ Sai United- 9811102446
10. / E-mail ID of PE / Contractor / P E -
Shivani Ent. -
K’Night Rider-
Sai United Servies
11. / Website Address of Contractor’s establishment / Shivani Ent.-
K’Night Rider- Not Applicable
Sai United Services –
12. / Registration Certificate No. of PE / Contractor Labour License No. and valid up to / P E - CLA/PE/03/2003/DLC (E)
Shivani Ent.- APPLIED FOR
K’Night Rider - Not Applicable
Sai United Servies – Not Aapplicable
13. / Registration No. under the Registration Act, 1908 / ------
14. / Registration No. under Partnership Act, 1932 / Sai United – District (East)/Firm(32) of 2010
15. / Registration No. under the Companies Act, 1956 / K’Night Rider – U74920DL2001PTC110298
16. / Registration No. under the Delhi Shops & Establishment Act, 1954 / Not Applicable
17. / Registration No. under the Factories Act (for PE) / Not Applicable
18. / Registration No. of Employee ESI Act, 1948 / P E - 10001154370001302
Shivani Ent.- 10001190660000699
K’Night Rider- 10000505530001001
Sai United Services- 11301150451006
19. / Registration No. EPF and Misc. Provisions Act, 1952 / P E – DS/SHD/0012563000
Shivani Ent.-DSSHD1400315
K’Night Rider-DSSHD0026715000
Sai United Services – DL938317
20. / Service Tax Registration No. / Not Applicable
21 / Sale Tax Registration No. / Not Applicable
22 . / PAN Card No. / P E - AAATS2472E
Shivani Ent.- AECPY8648C
K’Night Rider- AABCK8495R
Sai United Services – ABTFS3603H
Name and address of Principal Employer establishment– AHLCON PUBLIC SCHOOL, MAYUR VIHAR PHASE-1, DELHI-91
Name and address of Principal Employer – P.K. Bhatnagar Designation- Manager
No. / Name and address of Contractor/s engaged / Name of Executive Partner / Prop. / Director / Site / Work place where contract labour is to be engaged / Nature of contract work / Maximum Number of workers to be engaged / Period of Contract From____
_____ To / Date of Payment of Wages / Name & Designation of Authorized Representative of PE for verifying witness the wages disbursement
1. / Shivani Enterprises,
C-39, New Ashok Nagar, Delhi -110096 / Sh. Ashok Kumar Mewati / APS, Mayur Vihar / House-Keeping / 34 Workers
1 Supervisor / 01/07/16 to 30/06/17 / By 07th of every month / Sh. Anil Kumar, Campus Supervisor
2. / K’Night Rider Security-Detective Agency Pvt. Ltd., C-4/28, Acharya Niketan, Mayur VIhar Phase-1, Delhi-91 / Col. Vinod Preenja (MD)
Mr. OP Jakhmola (Director) / APS, Mayur Vihar / Security / 16 / 01/07/16 to 30/06/17 / By 07th of every month / Sh. Anil Kumar, Campus Supervisor
3. / Sai United
C-296, New
Ashok Nagar,
Delhi -110096 / Sh. Mahavir Singh (Partner) / APS, Mayur Vihar / Drivers & Helper / 14 / 01/07/16 to 30/06/17 / By 07th of every month / Sh. P. Sarkar, Transport Manager

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