Councillors are summoned to a KESSINGLAND PARISH COUNCIL Meeting
on Wednesday 11 April2018at 7.00pm
in the Parish Council Office, Marram Green, Hall Road, Kessingland
1. a) To receive any apologies for absence.
b) To receive any Declarations of Personal interest
c) To receive any Declaration of Disclosable Pecuniary Interest
d) To receive any Requests for Dispensation
2.Minutes of Last Meeting held on 14 March2018
To approve as a correct record and sign the Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting heldon 14 March2018 (Attached)
3.Co-option of a New Parish Councillor
To consider the co-option of a new Councillor onto the Parish Council
Public participation: During each meeting the council will hold public questions for a period of 10 minutes. During this time, residents will have a maximum of 3 minutes each to put views / questions to the Chairman regarding matters on the agenda. Where possible, the Chairman will respond but the matter may have to be deferred and placed on a later month’s agenda for discussion.
4.a) To receive reports from the PCSO Police representative for the Kessingland area for March 2018 and the Annual Report for 2017/18 (To Follow)
b) To receive a report from Waveney District Councillors A Green & B Provan
c) To receive a report from Suffolk County Councillor M Ladd
d) To receive comments from any members of the public on matters on theAgenda.
5.Chairman’s Matters:
(i)Update on Kessingland Neighbourhood Plan and on Application No: DC/18/1364/FUL – Site Neighbourhood Plan – Ashley Nurseries Site, London Road, Kessingland SA1 in Kessingland
6.To receive updates from working groups and representatives on project groups and to receiverecommendations for consideration including:
a)Leisure and Environment Working Group- Cllr B Burden
b)Highways & FootpathsWorking Group - Cllr L Martin
c)Beach Wardens – Cllrs M Dunne and S James
d)Allotments representative – Cllr B Nicholls
e)Greener Growth Update– Cllr P Wernham
f)Emergency Planning Update– Cllr S James
g)Kessingland Sports & Social Club representative – Clerk
h)Marshes– Clerk
i)Suffolk Association of Local Councils – Cllr James
7.Hidden Needs Event – 15 March 2018 – Feedback
To receive feedback from Cllr Difford on the Hidden Needs Event held at Marram Green
a)Planning Applications to be considered:
(i)Application No: DC/18/1085/FUL – Retrospective approval - Retention of existing garage on land adjacent to New Haven, 36 High Street, Kessingland
(ii)Application No: DC/18/1022/FUL –Construction of a single storey extension to provide additional bedroom -10 High Street, Kessingland
(iii)Application No: DC/18/1235/FUL – Construction of a side extension to kitchen – 22 Holly Grange Road, Kessingland
(iv)Application No: DC/18/137/AME - Non-Material Amendment on DC/14/4029/FUL – Not to go ahead with proposed alterations to the front of the property – The Rosery, Green Lane, Kessingland
b)To receive WDC responses to planning applications
(i)Application No: DC/18/0181/FUL – Changes to a pitched roof – Northacre, Kessingland. Application Approved.
(ii)Application No: DC/18/0368/FUL – Construction of a storage building to rear of 22 High Street (Market Place), Kessingland. Application Approved.
c)Other Planning Matters:
(ii)Waveney District Council Draft Final Local Plan – To consider a formal response
To consider a report seeking approval of payments and invoices for the period up to 11 April 2018 and for expenditure to be incurred to upgrade the Vehicle Activated Sign (VAS) (To Follow)
10.Review of Standing Orders (Attached)
11. Review of Financial Regulations (Attached)
12.Waveney District Council – Review of Public Convenience on Church Road (Nr Sailors Home)
To consider making representations to Waveney District Council regarding a review of public conveniences across the Waveney District
13.Waveney District Council - Scrutiny Review of Anglian Water 25 year Strategy Direction Statement
To consider submitting 2/3 questions to aid a WDC Scrutiny Review of Anglian Water’s New 25 Year Strategy Document
14.Date of Next Parish Council Meeting.
Wednesday 2 May 2018 at 7pm
Please note that all Parish Council meetings are open to the public and press.
The Parish Council abides by the Parish and Town Council Code of Conduct 2011.
The Code of Conduct is available for inspection by contacting the Clerk.
Signed: D Lee Dated: 05/04/2018
Parish Council Office, First Floor, Marram Green, Hall Road, Kessingland, NR33 7PP
Telephone: 01502 744367E Mail:
Website: Kessingland.onesuffolk