Information Technology Strategic Oversight Committee (ITSOC)
July 10, 2015 1:30 – 3:00 p.m. SSB330C
Attending: James Lyall, Kevin Taylor, Nick Pistentis, Michael Erskine, Mike Hart, Jeff Helton, Janos Fustos, George Middlemist, Mark Potter, Steven DeVisser, John Wiltsie, Diane Watkins, and Nathan Solheim from MarComm
Absent: Patsy Hernandez, Eriks Humeyumptewa, Lindsay Packer, Sheila Rucki, Hsin-Te Yeh, Chad Mortensen
1. Approval of Minutes from May 8, 2015 ITSOC Meeting
a. Approved by George, seconded by Jeff.
2. Announcements/Updates as appropriate
a. We are doing away with paper timesheets and the system goes live with the first users next Wednesday. We are starting with student employees and will spend the fall finishing their migration. All full-time employees will be done during the spring.
b. We are close on the Recruiter app. We still plan to have it complete for the spring application process.
c. We are moving to Site Manager 8.
d. We have worked with Embanet to expand their scope and we now have 24/7 Help Desk services.
3. Items for Discussion and Recommendation
a. Demonstration of new ConnectU/Student Hub
i. The new ConnectU site is a huge change for campus. The term ConnectU means something different to everyone. Luminis is the product behind the current page and is neither intuitive nor stable. There is no upgrade path from our current version of Luminis to a newer version. We have dramatically simplified how to get to services and not have to log in multiple times.
ii. This web page is Phase One and we have been working on it for several months. What do faculty, staff and students want to find quickly? Because it is a web page, it is very easy to make changes to. All of the Banner functions are working and we are in the process of integrating Blackboard and email (Office 365). You will be able to authenticate once and access all of these services.
iii. The point was made that some people are accustomed to multiple clicks to register.
iv. In early August, we are going to add a link to the “New ConnectU” site on the Current ConnectU site and do a soft launch.
v. It was suggested that the font sizes be consistent.
vi. We are doing this in phases. If there’s something that is not here, let’s add it. We want feedback on functionality.
vii. James will send the link out after this meeting.
viii. We’ve been working with students throughout this process, and those that have seen it, love it. This is Phase One.
ix. Phase Two is the Student Hub which will take the Phase One page and redesign it based on the work Nathan and MarComm have completed. Student government expressed concern about how hard it is to find things. Nathan did a lot of research with students and created a place where they can do the business of being a student and also a messaging place for engagement to include clubs and organizations. They wanted to marry technology with the audience. Students come to register, get to email, link to clubs and organizations, things that make their college experience better and they are calling it the Student Hub. They are in the process of finalizing the design. There is an area for engagement, as students who are involved stay and graduate. They are trying to use intuitive language. Things that are most important to students are on the top of the page. They also put the academic calendar on this page and a newsfeed from the Metropolitan. They wanted the site to be responsive and can be used on a mobile device. People prefer scrolling to clicking. Categories can be linked to this landing pages. Current students can do everything they need to do here. We want to make as easy a transition as possible. Changing the ConnectU site in phases will help students to adapt to and use the Student Hub.
b. Planned and Approved Projects for 2015/2016
i. Account Provisioning and Deprovisioning system will take over a year. We only have what people have given us to get to a role based access to information.
ii. VOIP Proof of Concept. The AHEC voice system is in dire need of a significant investment. This year we will take the first step to move away from that system.
iii. We will be doing Risk Assessment and Security Audits.
c. Next Meeting – September 11, 2015