RQ CH 10 Part 1 pp. 190 -196
1 Poster 191 – GBQ – Chart 192
Poster -Who is called the “Father of the United States of America?
GBQ -What country is the speaker from?
- America should be an example of?
- America must not become?
Chart - Which four (4) Cabinet level positions are created 1st by GW and Who are appointed to lead each?
2 Opening Quote 195 – Portrait 193 – GBQ 194 – Box Graph 194 – Drawing 195
-All of these “Sources” are concerning whom?
OQ - Which enlightenment philosopher is referenced?
Portrait - What are the three (3) reasons mentioned why he never becomes President?
- He formed a?
-With a?
- To unify?
- And encourage?
- His Chief Rival was?
- Who extolled?
- And who also thought the USA should remain an?
GBQ - Finish Quote: “He touched the…
Box Graph - Title?
- Which three (3) specific “debts” does his system take on?
- Which three (3) forms of “revenue” are established to pay the “debt?”
Drawing - A paper, which is a letter of “incorporation,” has artwork at the top of the document which is an endorsement of Hamilton’s Dream, which was that the USA would someday become what?
Reading Questions:
Note: The AOC are replaced by the new Constitution, BUT- even its (Constitution) adoption did not end the DEBATE over just what form American Government would take J--- You should be noticing trends and events that develop that shape the answers to the following questions---questions that in each of the next two periods and even throughout the course might have different answers---the Constitution is a “LIVING DOCUMENT” that can bend-be flexible- that is why it has lasted this long---answers to these questions often depend on the perspective of the person asking the question and the time period they liveJ
[Rhetorical Questions—To Consider]
1 – Would the President, Congress, or the Judiciary be the dominant branch?
2- What should be the proper division of authority between the Federal (National) Gov’t and the States?
3- What economic policies would best serve the infant Republic?
4 – How should the Nation defend itself against Foreign Foes?—What principles should guide Foreign Policy?
5 – How could the rights of individuals be protected against a powerful Federal (National) Government?
6 – Was America a Nation at all, OR was it merely a geographic expression, destined to splinter into several bitterly quarreling sections (SECTIONALISM)?
3 A decade of what two (2) actions was not the best training ground for government making?
4 Americans had come to believe that a “Central Authority” [strong central-National Governement] was a necessary evil… Something to be—What?
5 Finances—Revenue had declined drastically, and public debt ($ owed by the governments- National & State) was what?
6 What two (2) groups had issued paper $ (it became almost worthless)?
7 The attempt to create a Republic on such an immense scale (“the extended republic”) Traditional political theory deemed what?
8 The ______of a ______were on the “upstart” United States of America?
9 How often was the population of the United States doubling 2X?
- In what year was the 1st OFFICIAL CENSUS taken?
- How many people?
- Which five (5) cities are now noticed (4 in 1776)?
- What % of the American people lived in RURAL areas?
10 Name the next four States to enter the Union within the next 14 years? (Remember: the NW Ordinance of 1787, passed under the AOC—still guides the Nation—about the process, “temporary tutelage/territory system,” of how new states enter as “completely equal to all of the original 13,” –at this time this is remarkable---considering how much IMPERIALISM (taking colonies) continues in the world until the post-WW2 era.)
For Extra Credit---in the year the 17th state is admitted to the Union—How many FREE States and how many Slave States exist? (you can use the animated map posted on my website if you wish J)
11 People in the new western states were______and dubiously ______.
12 Which Nation controlled the “mouth of the Mississippi River” (New Orleans)?
- What do they call this for Western US Citizens? (3 words)
13 Which two (2) Nations use $$$ to attempt to encourage REBELLION in the West?
14 Who, in 1789, is elected the 1st President of the United States of America, UNANIMOUSLY-THE ONLY EVER?
Note: he is elected twice—serves two terms only---
- Who is elected as his Vice-President? (note: He serves as GWs VP in both terms, and then is elected President in 1796)
15 Residing in Mount Vernon, Virginia, GW is perhaps the only President who did not actively do what?
16 Where was the temporary capital of the 1st US Gov’t under the Constitution? (later the Capital will move to the “Federal City” and at this time it is undecided where this will be located---pay attention—because it’s location will be negotiated as part of a significant deal between Hamilton and Jefferson/Madison that is included in this reading J)
17 Does the Constitution mention a “Cabinet?”
18 What three (3) offices are created as the 1st “Cabinet Level” positions in the EXECUTIVE BRANCH---And Who does GW appoint to lead each of these Cabinet postitions?
Note: The office of Attorney General is not yet considered to be the head of a department, Edmund Randolph, from Virginia is the 1st Attorney General.
19 Many States had ratified (approved) the Constitution in their State ratifying conventions with what understanding about a Bill of Rights?
20 What are the two (2) ways that Constitutional Amendments could be proposed?
21 Who drafted ALL of the Amendments to be considered by the 1st Congress by himself?
- In which year are the Bill of Rights adopted?
- How many Amendments to the US Constitution are included in the Bill of Rights?
- List the Bill of Rights here:
1st- 6th-
2nd- 7th-
3rd- 8th-
4th- **9th-
5th- ***10th-
-How was the 9th unique in purpose?
- How was the 10th supposed to reassure “states-righters?”
22 How does the 1st Congress affect the Judicial Branch with the Judiciary Act of 1789?
-it (the judiciary act, 1789) specifically does what?
- Who becomes the 1st Chief Justice of the Supreme Court?
- How many total Judges, at this time, sit on the Supreme Court? (it changes over time)
NOTE: This is massively significant---and will have many meaningfully long term (even today) consequences J
23 Who was the key figure in the new government, a “Financial Wizard?”
24 His “ECONOMIC PLAN” was created in a way to favor what group?
25 What two (2) key things would this group “lend” the new National (Federal) Government?
26 What was Hamilton’s 1st objective?
-What does he “boldly” urge Congress to “fund at par?”
-What does he also ask Congress to “Assume?”
Note: “Assumption” and “Funding at Par” are critical to know about in Hamilton’s overall “Financial Plan.”
27 What does “Funding at Par” mean?
-How much?
- To what value had US government bods (IOUs) depreciated (lost value over time)?
28 Does Congress approve this measure?
29 NEXT—Eager to take on more DEBT, Hamilton, asks Congress TO ASSUME WHAT DEBT?
- How much?
- What is it called? (1 word)
30 Hamilton was crafty… and he knew “assumption” was significant for the new Federal (National) Government—HOW-WHY?
31 The support of the ______for the ______was a CRUCIAL LINK in Hamilton’s political strategy of STRENGTHENING THE POWER OF THE NATIONAL GOVERNMENT AT THE EXPENSE OF THE STATE GOVERNMENTS.
32 The reaction to ASSUMPTION—
-Which State is mentioned as supporting assumption—and Why?
- Which State is mentioned as opposing assumption—and Why?
33 By what “deal” (remember earlier in these questions) does Hamilton gain Jefferson’s and Madison’s support for ASSUMPTION?
What does the State of Virginia gain in return for Jefferson’s and Madison’s support?
CUSTOMS DUTIES AND EXCISE TAXES (still massively significant)
NOTE: This is the “revenue” idea in Hamilton’s Financial Plan---to pay off all of the debt.
“customs duties” are often referred to as TARIFFS-taxes on imported goods from foreign countries.
“excise taxes” are taxes on goods made in the USA.
34 How much was the total National Debt, at this time? (For extra credit, use the internet to find an “inflation calculator” to attempt to discover how much the National Debt at this time would be today?)
35 Who is called the “Father of the National Debt?”
36 Who said, “A National Debt is a National Blessing?”
37 How was debt an “adhesive (glue) for the Union,” according to Hamilton?
38 What was Hamilton’s specific unique contribution?
39 What was “revenue” to come from to pay this debt?
- What does this depend on?
40 What % rate was used to TAX imports in the 1st TARIFF BILL in 1789? (Note: the TARIFF will become a HUGE ISSUE)
- The two goals of the TARIFF were?
41 What vision did Hamilton see?
-What two (2) groups, though, dominated Congress?
42 In 1791, Hamilton got Congress to pass an additional way to gain revenue---AN EXCISE TAX---Which one (1) item that is taxed is notable? (it will lead to a mini-backcountry rebellion later)
-How much per gallon?
- Who bore the burden, primarily, of this tax?
-What was this item sometimes used for?
Note: This debate begins Jefferson and Madison thinking about creating the 1st Political Party in US History******
43 What was Hamilton’s CAPSTONE for his FINANCIAL SYSTEM?
- From what did he take as his model for the above?
44 He proposed a powerful ______institution of which the Federal (National) Government would be the
major ______and in which the Federal Treasury would deposit its ______.
45 The Central (Federal/National) Government would have a convenient ______in a National Bank—
BUT—would also ______business by loaning that $. The Bank would also print______
______which would provide a sound and stable National Currency. (Similar to our Federal Reserve
System today)
46**************THE BANK WOULD BE USEFUL---BUT WAS IT______?
Note: This question above is key---and begins a monstrous debate which in many cases defines ALL DEBATES we have going forward in American History concerning the CONSTITUTIONALITY of ANY SUBJECT –and STILL DOES EVEN TODAY!****
47 What does GW request from TJ regarding his view on question #46?
48 How does the 10th AMENDMENT support Jefferson’s argument?
-Who, according to TJ, should have the power to charter banks?
49*****Those that supported TJs opinion believed that the Constitution should be interpreted ______
OR ______. TJ and is disciples embraced the theory of “______” of the
50 What does GW request from Alexander Hamilton regarding the question in #46?
51 What did Alexander Hamilton “in general” believe about the Constitution and the powers of the National Gov’t?
- What did Thomas Jefferson believe?
- Which “SPECIFIC CLAUSE” (same one you found in your scavenger hunt) in the Constitution does AH use to support his argument in favor of the National Bank?
52 To be able to use the above clause to “stretch the powers” of the Federal (National) Government a specific written allowed power has to be the basis for the action----WHAT TWO (2) SPECIFIC POWERS DOES HAMILTON POINT OUT ARE GRANTED TO THE US GOV’T AND ARE THE BASIS FOR HAMILTON’S BELIEF THAT A NATIONAL BANK WAS CONSTITUTIONAL?
- If so, Hamilton argued---that a National Bank was not only ______BUT______.
53 Based on the clause mentioned in question #51 & AHs explanation of how it was applied in #52---WHAT TYPE OF NEW POWERS—ARE CREATED AND GIVEN, PERHAPS, TO THE FEDERAL/NATIONAL GOVERNMENT?
Now—think---How would those who were States-Righters or Slave Owners FEEL about a National Government--- with the type of POWERS that could be used with the idea mentioned in #53---How would these potentially BROAD POWERS BE USED??? ----RHETORICAL—BUT VERY IMPORTANT---
54 What is Alexander Hamilton’s interpretation of the Constitution called--______or ______?
55 Alexander Hamilton and his followers based their theory on invoking which clause?
-The new powers are called?
56******FOR WHOM----Alexander Hamilton and his written argument----OR---Thomas Jefferson and his argument---DOES GW DECIDE IN THEIR FAVOR?
***Note: GW is a southern man—who owned slaves—an agriculturist---- to some---this decision alone makes him a “traitor” to his brothers-----and will have A MASSIVELY SIGNIFICANT IMPACT—(creating the 1st Political Parties)
Now GW NEVER joins a Political Party and will warn of their creation and possible negative impact THE PP WILL HAVE IN the future of the United States in his farewell address***** but his decision---and the subsequent FEAR—of the potential STRONG NATIONAL GOVERNMENT WITH “implied powers”--- has---will impact the debate between North and South & those who believe in a STRONG Federal Gov’t that is SUPERIOR to the States---and Those that believe that the Federal Government should be limited - small and subservient to the STATES (States Righters) ---Madison’s views on this issue DRAMATICALLY SHIFT from when he for YEARS wrote eloquently about the necessary DOMINANCE of a Federal Gov’t over the States –especially in the Federalist Papers—while he was supporting the ratification of the Constitution--- Madison teaming up with Jefferson at this time ---leads to one of the most surprising and complex questions in American History that many still write about today---and NO ONE has yet found PROOF—or SPECIFIC EVIDENCE to WHY Madison, perhaps, switches/flip-flops his VIEWS SO DRAMATICALLY. BUT MADISON AND JEFFERSON WILL BE A POWERFUL FORCE GOING FORWARD---so powerful and eloquent that the South during the Civil war will use a lot of what these two write to defend their ideas---and WHAT makes this so interesting to many today---is that BOTH THE TEA PARTY AND LIBERTARIANS ---AND THE MOST LIBERAL DEMOCRATS---- USE JEFFERSON AND MADISONS WRITINGS –OFTEN THE SAME WORDS---AS THE BASIS FOR THEIR BELIEFS---AND MANY POLITICIANS FROM DIFFERENT PERSPECTIVES (LIBERAL AND CONSERVATIVE) BOTH CLAIM THAT THE FOUNDING FATHERS (JEFF AND MADISON) BELIEVED THE SAME THINGS THAT THEY DO---- THAT THEIR PARTICULAR VIEW IS THE “AMERICAN VIEW” J ain’t politics amazing J