Information Processing 10


September to January, 2016-17

Welcome to InfoPro 10!

Information Processing focuses on building communication and processing skills that are relevant to business and work environments. These skills focus on the practical side, including working with various computer software and the internet, and the conceptual side, including the use of formal and professional language and formatting.
The aim of Information Processing is to provide students with the basic skills to process information in five broad areas:


•Computer applications


•Management of information

•Develop image manipulation skills to create aesthetically satisfying pictures

Education Goals:
Awareness: To develop an awareness and understanding of the various information processing competencies required for problem solving and personal economic decision making.

Personal-Use Skills: To develop work habits, attitudes, communication skills, problem solving skills, and independent thinking skills that will enhance personal, school, and work experiences.

Communications: To develop effective social and written communication skills desirable in the business environment.


This course is a study of processing information from a personal perspective. Many of the activities and areas of study are designed to prepare students for lifelong application of word processing and computer skills. All notes in class and all assignments requiring word processing are expected to be typed using touch keyboarding skills.

The course is broken down into seven basic units as listed and briefly described below:

Unit 1:Personal Use Information Processing - basic skills – digital communication, proofreading, computer theory and ethics

Unit 2:Introductory Word Processing and Formatting - basic keyboarding skills, writing formal communication, ergonomics and use of word processing for presenting information, research and citations

Unit 3:Careers – Exploring the use of computers, internet and digital communications for business and career purposes. Includes revising career portfolios and researching career details

Unit 4:Ethics in Business – Exploring dynamics between consumers and businesses, and formal/persuasive writing, research and citations

Unit 5:Introduction to Spreadsheets - use of mathematical features, document production, and statistical graphs to present information in an organized and formal manner

Unit 6:Introduction to Digital Photography - digital image processing, manipulation of images, publication, and collaboration through the use of a wiki

Objectives will be assessed on an individual basis using the 4-Point scale. For reporting purposes an overall class mark will be converted and issued as a percentage.

-In order to maximize learning, you must maintain regular attendance.

-All summative assessments must be completed in order to meet required course outcomes.

  • Class time will be given to work on summative assessments, and a deadline set
  • On the day of the deadline, students will have time for finishing touches, then assignments will be collected AS IS
  • All assignments will be open to resubmission within 14 school days of their return

-Formativeassessments must be completed to the best of one’s abilities to be eligible for rewrites. This includes homework, which will be periodically checked.

-If you miss a summative assessment or miss a submission deadline, you will be with me for a scheduled time to catch up.

  • Continued delays will result in contact with home and school administrators
  • After this, students will be scheduled/mandated to complete the task in a Learning Lab – inside or outside of the school day.

-Many projects will involve the use of technology and work outside of the class, and class time will be offered as working through the projects is part of the process for this class. However, if students are missing class time, they will need to be aware of what programs they require, and understand that if they cannot work on them at home, they will need to speak with me regarding computer lab or learning lab time to catch up

Summative assessments will be evaluated based on the following curriculum outcomes:



-Computer Knowledge/Theory


-Resume, Cover Letter, Career Expository



Required Course Materials:

It is expected that students will provide a USB Key/Drive to store their work in InfoPro. This will not be necessary until later in the class, as the school network drive provides enough space at first. However, as projects get larger, particularly Photoshop, the USB key is a requirement.

Technology and programs will be provided for student projects, provided that the students are working in the computer lab.

Classroom Values:

RespectResponsibilityChoose to Learn

Cells phones usage in the classroom is for educational purposes only. If cell phones are brought to the classroom they are to be placed in a designated container and only removed with permission of the supervising staff member.

Cell phones, iPods/Pads and MP3 Players are not to be brought into rooms in which tests or exams are to be written.


The easiest way to reach me is via email: