Boccia Provisional Classification
Information Pack and Form
What is Classification?
Classification refers to the on-going process by which athletes are assessed to determine the impact of their physical impairment on sport performance and to ensure that there is fairness for all athletes within the sport.
What is Provisional Athlete Evaluation?
This process has been designed to allow athletes who do not have access to a full Classification panel, to gain an indication of whether they are eligible, and where they may fit within the national Boccia classification system. This provisional classification must be given by a certified medical classifier, and is conducted in line with International classification rules for Boccia.
Provisional classification is valid for club, regional, state level competition. It is generally not valid for national level competition, unless otherwise advised by Boccia Australia.
All Provisional Athlete Evaluations provide an indication of a classification and are only valid for a 12 month period or until an athlete is seen face to face .
Athletes should attend a face to face classification with a national panel at the next available opportunity. Athletes with a provisional classification are not eligible for team selections.
What if I do not agree with my provisional athlete evaluation?
If you disagree with a Provisional Athlete Evaluation outcome, the usual process would be to present for a face to face athlete evaluation before a national classification panel. This may be held at a State or National Championships.
Provisional Athlete Evaluation, while endeavouring to be an accurate indication of class, is a general guide only and may change upon face to face assessment by a full national classification panel.
Steps to Completing the Provisional Classification Form
STEP 1. Obtain Medical Documentation
All athletes, except those with an obvious limb deficiency, will need to provide a letter or report from a specialist (eg neurologist, orthopaedic or spinal specialist) stating their diagnosis, and the impairments relating to this diagnosis. This letter should not be more than 5 years old.
STEP 2. Complete SECTION 1: Athlete Details and Informed Consent
The athlete (or parent guardian if under 18 year of age) completes the athlete details and agrees to the terms in the Informed Consent form.
STEP 3. Complete SECTION 2: Boccia Athlete Evaluation Sheet
Athletes are to make an appointment with their physiotherapist or medical doctor to complete this section. The physiotherapist or medical Doctor is to fill in SECTION 2.
STEP 4. Complete SECTION 3: Application Submission Checklist
□ Completed Athlete Details and Informed Consent form (Section 1)
□ Completed Boccia Classification Evaluation Sheet (Section 2)
□ Attach medical documentation from your medical specialist that outlines your diagnosis and related impairments.
Please return application to:Submit completed forms via email or post to:
Australian Paralympic Committee
Classification Services
PO Box 596
Sydney Markets NSW 2129
Your completed application will be reviewed by an accredited National Boccia Classifier.
Please allow 4 weeks for your application to be processed once received. Any incomplete or missing information may delay the provisional classification process.
You will be contacted by the Australian Paralympic Committee confirming your Provisional Classification outcome. Your outcome will also be added to the Australian Boccia Classification Masterlist.
For further information contact:Australian Paralympic Committee
Classification Services
Phone: 08 8415 6803
SECTION 1: Athlete Details and Informed Consent
Athlete Details (Athlete to complete)Surname: / First Name:
Suburb: / State: / Postcode:
Date of Birth: ___/___/______/ Gender: M / F
Classification Summary (Authorised Classifier to complete):
Sport / Boccia
Class / Athlete is Eligible: BC1 BC2 BC3 BC4 BC5
Athlete is Not Eligible (NE)
Classification not completed
Due to:
Status / Provisional Review Year of Review______
If Review status is allocated indicate reason: / Maturity (Skeletal)
Maturity (Training)
Progressive condition
Fluctuating condition
Recent injury
Borderline classification
Impairment Type / Hypertonia Ataxia Athetosis
Limb Deficiency Impaired range of movement
Impaired muscle power
Classifier (Print Name) / Date
Provisional classification is an indication of class. Athletes should attend classification with a panel at the next available opportunity.
Office Use Only¨ Consent Form signed
¨ Athlete provided with copy of this result sheet on ___/___/_____
¨ Entered on Masterlist on ___/___/_____
(Athlete to complete)
I ______(print full athlete name):
Understand that:
· Classification is a process that requires me to answer a series of questions about my medical condition and the impairments related to this condition as well as my level of training; complete activities and sport skills; and may require me to be observed during competition.
· Should I not be able to complete the classification fully due to pain, injury or other reason, my classification may not be able to be completed.
· Classifiers may require medical documentation to complete my classification.
· National classification is for the purposes of Australian domestic competition only. International competition requires an International classification and any International classification changes supersede any national classification.
· To answer all questions fully, truthfully and to the best of my knowledge.
· To attempt all activities to the best of my abilities and that failure to give my best effort may be considered as Intentional Misrepresentation. I understand this may result in termination of the classification process.
Am aware that as an outcome to my classification being completed:
· My classification data will be stored in a confidential database.
· Relevant information about my classification will be shared with classifiers and relevant Australian Paralympic Committee and National Federation Classification personnel
· My name, state, date of birth, class and status will be made available on the Australian Paralympic Committee and Boccia Australia website.
I understand that, as an athlete, I have the following rights during classification:
The right to withdraw
My participation in the classification process is voluntary and I have the right to withdraw from the classification process at any time. Signing this form does not change my right to withdraw at any time. I understand that if I withdraw from the classification process I will not be able to be classified and will not be able to compete in Boccia competitions in Australia.
The right to respect and confidentiality
Evaluations will be conducted respectfully and information obtained during the classification process will be treated confidentially.
The right to challenge a classification decision or process
This should be done through the Boccia Australia and/or the Australian Paralympic Committee.
I allow my data and any video recordings collected during the classification process to be used for research and educational purposes by my sport. I understand that I may withdraw this consent at any time.
Athlete Name: ______Date: ____/____/______
Athlete Signature: ______
Where athlete is under 18 years:
Parent/Guardian Name: ______Date: ____/____/______
Parent/Guardian Signature: ______
Boccia Provisional Classification Form
This form is for boccia players with a physical impairment seeking a Provisional level classification in Australia. It is used to collect sports specific information that will assist an authorised Boccia Classifier to determine a Provisional Boccia Classification.
The form is marked where the athlete or medical professional is required to complete relevant sections.
Athletes are requested to submit this form along with the Boccia Provisional Classification Data and Consent Form and the medical reports from their neurologist or specialist to the Australian Paralympic Committee.
1. Athletes to complete:
Section 2a / Athlete to complete their personal details, training history and functional skills2. Medical Professional to complete:
The form is marked where the medical professional (Physiotherapist or Medical Doctor) is to complete.
The approved medical professional will complete a range of physical measures and tests and record the results on the sheet where required.
This form is divided into sections relevant to an athlete’s specific impairment.
Medical Professionals should only complete the parts of the form that relate to the athlete’s impairment.
Section 2b / To be completed for ALL athletesSection 2c / To be completed for athletes with Hypertonia / Ataxia / Athetosis
Section 2d / To be completed for athletes with impairment in Muscle Power or Passive Range of Movement
Section 2e / To be completed for athletes with limb loss or limb deficiency
3. Sections to leave blank:
Section 2f / Sections highlighted in yellow and marked for the authorised classifier to complete should be left blank.Any questions about completing this form should be directed to:
Australian Paralympic Committee
Classification Services
Phone: 08 8415 6803
SECTION 2a Athlete Personal and Sport Details (to be completed by the Athlete/Carer)Surname: / First Name:
Date of Birth: ___/___/______/ Gender: M / F
Years involved in boccia:Training sessions per week (sport specific):
Training sessions per week (other, cross training):
Other sport history:
Propels ball by (please tick all that apply):
Throw / Kick / Ramp□ Left hand thrower
□ Right hand thrower
□ Requires both hands to throw
Able to:
□ Throw Overhand (> 1.5m)
□ Throw Underhand (> 1.5m)
□ Grasp a ball in one hand
□ Release a ball from grasp / □ Left foot Kicker
□ Right foot Kicker
□ Requires both feet to kick
Able to:
□ Kick (> 1.5m)
□ Grasp a ball in one hand
□ Release a ball from grasp / Assistant Requirements:
□ Pass ball
□ Pass ball and move ramp
□ Pass ball and move all equipment
Able to:
□ Grasp a ball in one hand
□ Release a ball from grasp
Trunk Stability
□ Requires restraint
□ Uses head to centre after throw
□ Uses arms/hands to centre after throw
□ Can return to upright without head/hands after throw
□ Good/fair trunk rotation
□ Sit to stand with hands for support
□ Sit to stand without hands for support
SECTION 2b: Medical/Impairment Information (to be completed by Medical Professional for all athletes)MEDICAL PROFESSIONAL DETAILS:
Signature / Date of Assessment / _____/______/______
Diagnosis (verified by medical documentation): ______
Date of Onset: ______
Cause: ______
Is the condition: Acquired Date______Congenital
Is the condition: Stable Changing/Progressive
Epilepsy (last seizure, medication): ______
Medication: ______
Surgery: ______
Botulinum Toxin eg Botox/Dysport (last injections, which muscle groups):
Splinting/serial casting (when and where):
□ Does athlete use equipment for breathing assistance?
□ Walks independently
□ Walks with aids Describe______Distance (m) ______
□ Manual wheelchair □ Self propelled OR □ Attendant propelled
□ Power Wheelchair
□ Transfers Stand / Slide / Hoist
SECTION 2c: Medical Professional to complete this section for Athletes with Hypertonia/Ataxia/AthetosisSpasticity –Record grade and distribution (using Australian Spasticity Assessment Scale below)
*Australian Spasticity Assessment Scale (ASAS):0 No catch on Rapid Passive Movement (RPM) [ie no Spasticity]
1 Catch occurs on RPM followed by release. There is no resistance to
RPM throughout rest of range.
2 Catch occurs in second half of available range (after halfway point) during RPM and is followed by resistance throughout remaining range.
3 Catch occurs in first half of available range (up to and including
halfway point) during RPM and is followed by resistance throughout the remaining range.
4 When attempting RPM, the body part appears fixed but moves on slow passive movement.
Athletes with Hypertonia (Dystonia/Spasticity/Rigidity) /Ataxia/Athetosis:
Babinski / Yes / No / Left / RightClonus (> 4 beats, repeatable) / Yes / No / Left / Right
Reflexes UL / Brisk/Different / Normal / Left / Right
Reflexes LL / Brisk/Different / Normal / Left / Right
Spasticity Grade (ASAS) / Catch at ? / Catch at ?
Spasticity Left / Degrees / Spasticity Right / Degrees
Flexion / 0 / 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 0 / 1 / 2 / 3 / 4
Extension / 0 / 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 0 / 1 / 2 / 3 / 4
Flexion / 0 / 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 0 / 1 / 2 / 3 / 4
Extension / 0 / 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 0 / 1 / 2 / 3 / 4
Pro- Supination / 0 / 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 0 / 1 / 2 / 3 / 4
Flexion / 0 / 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 0 / 1 / 2 / 3 / 4
Extension / 0 / 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 0 / 1 / 2 / 3 / 4
Dominant Side: □ Left □ Right
Dominant neurological presentation
□ Spastic Quadriplegia □ Athetosis □ Other
□ Ataxia □ Dystonia
Upper limb co-ordination tests / DescriptionFinger opposition (Circle any applicable) / Symmetrical Asymmetrical
Smooth Lack of coordination
Finger to nose to finger (Circle any applicable) / Symmetrical Asymmetrical
Smooth Evidence of Ataxia
Finger tapping / flexion /extension
Rubbing hands
Rapid elbow flexion extension
SECTION 2d: Medical Professional to complete this section for Athletes with impairment in Muscle Power or Passive Range of Movement
Muscle Power
Left (0-5)** / Muscle Power
Right (0-5)** / PROM
Left (degrees) / PROM
Right (degrees)
Shoulder / Flexion
Elbow / Flexion
Wrist / Flexion
Hip / Flexion
Knee / Flexion
Ankle / Dorsiflexion
**Assessment of Muscle Strength
Muscle Strength is assessed as per Oxford Scale detailed below. Athletes are assessed seated in their sport wheelchair.
Muscle Testing (Oxford scale)
0 Total lack of voluntary contraction.
1 Faint contraction without any movement of the limb (trace, flicker).
2 Contraction with very weak movement through full range of motion when gravity is eliminated.