Information on the organizational issues of
IV International Conference
"Challenges of coordination of military technical and defense industry policies in Ukraine. Prospects of development of armaments and military equipment"
1. In accordance with paragraph 6 of the Minutes of the meeting at the Administrative Office of the National Security and Defense Council of Ukraine dated January 27, 2016 "On the organization of XIII International Specialized Exhibition "Arms and Security" and X International Aviation and Space Salon "Aviasvit – XXI" in Ukraine in 2016", Central Research Institute of Armaments and Military Equipment of the Armed Forces of Ukraine is appointed as the organizer of the IV International Conference "Challenges of coordination of military technical and defense industry policies in Ukraine. Prospects of development of armaments and military equipment" (hereinafter the Conference).
2. In order to prepare and conduct the Conference properly, we kindly propose to provide the following information to the Central Research Institute of Armaments and Military Equipment of the Armed Forces of Ukraine before August 1, 2016 (28 Povitroflotskyi Ave., Kyiv 03049, fax +38 044 520 12 84):
-participants of the Conference, indicating full name, position, academic rank and degree;
-topics of the presentations according to the Conference Plan;
-properly drawn up theses of the presentations and expert opinions on the permissibility of publishing information in the press and other mass media. Please send electronic theses to . Contact person — Dmytro Yakovenko, tel. +38 044201-11-63.
3. The final Conference Plan including all the suggestions regarding participants and topics of the presentations will be posted on the official website of the International Exhibition Centre on August 20, 2016.
1. Speech theses should be sent in one copy signed by the author (indicating first name and surname), only as part of the full set of required documents which is not subject to be returned.
2. The organizing committee is not responsible for the content of theses.
3. Speech theses should be up to two pages of text long, typed in Times New Roman font in Microsoft Word, font size 14, without hyphenation, style — normal, line spacing — multiple 1. Filename with speech theses must correspond with the first author's surname in Latin letters, e.g., Petruk.doc.
4. Sheet format — A4.
5. Page settings:
- margins: left — 2,5 cm, right — 2,0 cm,
top — 2,0 cm, bottom — 2,0 cm;
- no page numbering.
6. In the upper right corner (normal spacing font, no italics and underlining):
- initials and surname;
- academic rank and degree;
- organization name, work phone number, e-mail
Speech title should be printed in capital letters, boldface, no italics and underlining, in the center of the page, without hyphenation, separated from the text with one line from above and below.
7. Formulas, figures and tables inside the text of theses are not allowed.
8. References should not be attached.