Transport Accident Commission (TAC)

Information Sheet

Information for TAC Clients Living in Bushfire Risk Areas

The 2009 Victorian Bushfires Royal Commission Interim Report No.2 was released. This report recognised in a series of recommendations, that there is a need for practical steps to be taken to protect vulnerable Victorians living in bushfire risk areas.

The Department of Sustainability & Environment advises that the following steps should be taken by Victorians to minimise risk during fire season:

•Clean up around your home and property

•Make a fire plan

•Learn how to protect yourself and your family

•Be fire ready

This document is intended to provide information to assist clients who live in bushfire risk areas. It is not intended to provide any recommendations about how you can or should prepare for the bushfire season. This is the responsibility of an individual and family. For information about bushfire safety and preparation, please refer to the following websites or contact your local Council for assistance:

  • Department of Sustainability & Environment
  • Country Fire Authority
  • Department of Human Services

The TAC may be able to provide support in the following ways:

Preparing Your Property

The TAC can consider requests for funding reasonable domestic assistance to minimise fire danger on properties of eligible clients who are unable to undertake these tasks themselves as a result of their transport accident injuries.

Examples of assistance which can be considered include cutting of long grass or clearing dry leaf litter from house guttering.

Note: the TAC is not able to pay for services which a person could not reasonably have performed for themselves prior to their transport accident, such as cutting down and removal of large trees.

For more information, please refer to the TAC’s policies in relation to Household Support Services.

Developing a Bushfire Survival Plan

The Department of Sustainability & Environment (DSE), together with the Country Fire Authority (CFA), recommends that all people in bushfire risk areas prepare a Bushfire Survival Plan so you know what to do in the event of a bushfire alert. Please refer to the CFA website for information about Bushfire Survival Plans.

People requiring assistance to develop a Bushfire Survival Plan should contact their local Council or the CFA to ensure that your plan is appropriate for your local area (eg: identification of appropriate exit routes). Your General Practitioner will also be able to assist you to determine any special needs you may have to consider in the event of a bushfire emergency.

TAC clients who are in receipt of attendant care services should also speak with their service provider/s to ensure they are aware of your needs and your intentions.

Emergency Accommodation

You should also speak to your General Practitioner and your attendant care service provider/s to determine emergency accommodation options in the event that the DSE or CFA issue a relocation recommendation during a bushfire. This is particularly important to ensure reasonable continuity of service.

Continuation of Services

If you have any concerns about the continuation of attendant care services in the event of a bushfire warning or emergency, you should speak to your service provider/s directly.


If you have any questions about travel expenses payable by the TAC, please refer to the travel and accommodation expenses policy.

Further information

TAC Customer Service Centre

1300 654 329 (local call)
1800 332 556 (toll-free outside the Melbourne metropolitan area)



Effective 24/12/2009