Mid Yell Junior High
Staff Handbook
Contents Page
Senior Management Team
Staff Absence
Staff Notices
Non-teaching time
Emergency Closure
Phone Calls
Fire Drill
Parent Council
Parent Council/P.T.A Newsletter
Extra Curricular Activities
School Day
Staff and Class Monitoring Visits
Staff Development
Educational Excursions/School Trips
Leave of Absence
Staff Meetings and Development Sessions
School Code of Conduct
Pupil Absence
Leaving School
Probationer Teachers
Additional Support Needs
Structured Liaison:
School Fund
Fire Regulations
Behaviour Support
Sanctions and Referrals
Referral Forms
Equal Opportunities
Anti-bullying Measures
Pupil Support and Pastoral Care
Effective Learning and Teaching
Educational Aims
Information for Staff Members
Senior Management Team
This consists of Head Teacher, Depute Head and two Principal Teachers. They have at least one formal meeting per week and meet at other unspecified times as the need arises.
Staff Absence
When staff know they are going to be absent they should contact their line manager as soon as possible or the school on 01595745050 from 8.30 am. In the case of illness the probable duration should be indicated.
All absences should be reported – this includes half or part day absences.
Staff should note that for absences between one and seven days inclusive, they are required to complete a self-certificated absence form. Supplies of these are available from the School Office. All staff should report to the School Office on return from absence so that the relevant “pink” forms can be completed. The Mid Yell Junior High School is required to follow the guidelines and procedures stated in the SIC Absence Management Policy and this may include a “return to work” interview.
Staff Notices
Please ensure that you consult the white board in the staff room each morning for new information. The daily changes are posted as a notice, and may contain important information for staff and pupils. There will also be a brief staff meeting at 9.05 am daily.
Staff meals are payable at the cash point each day, and cost £3.10.
Non-teaching time
You should sign out at the Office if you are leaving school during the teaching day. This information is needed in case of a fire alarm, or personal messages. Please put details of departure/return on the sheet kept for this purpose in the Office.
Emergency Closure
In the event of the school not opening in the morning, the Head Teacher will get in touch with staff. Members of staff will get in contact with parents.
Parents will be contacted by:
M. MorrisGloup, Cullivoe, Gutcher and Sellafirth
S. PetrieHillend and North-a-Voe
J. NisbetRemainder of Mid-Yell
A. GearWestsandwick, Setter and Herra
S. ThomsonBurravoe to West Yell
J. MouatAywick and East Yell
A. CouttsNursery pupils
There is one whole school assembly per month on a Monday afternoon. Otherwise, classes start the day with registration in their own room (Primary), or with a first line Guidance Teacher (Secondary). The Primary meet together on Thursday afternoon.
Invited speakers should not be left unaccompanied with classes. The contents of their tasks should be checked in advance and should, as far as possible, fit in with some aspect of the curriculum. The Management Team should clear visits of this sort.
Phone Calls
Outgoing calls should be made in non teaching periods and private calls paid for at the time they are made. As far as possible, incoming calls should be arranged for non-teaching time, so as to minimise interruptions to class work.
The school financial year starts on the 1st of April, and teachers should have their priorities lined up by then so that requisitions can be submitted as early as possible. Catalogues are kept in the meeting room.
Fire Drill
Make sure you know the fire drill instructions for each room you use. Please read the school Fire Regulations Policy later in this book.
Parent Council
Present Membership is:
ChairmanK. Hannay/M. Thomason
Vice ChairT. Fraser
T. FraserJ. IrvineA. SmithJ. Thomson
M. SaundersS. SaundersL. JeffreyV. Johnson
Teachers RepM. Coutts
SecretaryM. Morris
The Head Teacher attends in an advisory capacity.
Parent Council/P.T.A Newsletter
This is produced annually.
Extra Curricular Activities
A variety of musical, sporting and other activities take place during the year. If you want to take part or to offer something new, please consult the Head Teacher. The school values the time given up by staff on these activities and is keen to encourage them.
School Day
The school day begins for teachers at 9.05 am, when they should come to the Staff Room to consult the white board and attend a meeting.
The pupils’ day begins at 9.10 am, with 5 minutes registration. There is a 15 minute morning break, 50 minutes at lunchtime, and closure at 3.35 pm. The Primary day finishes at 3.10 pm. Primary pupils who go home by bus at 3.35 pm are attended to by a supervisor between 3.10 pm and 3.35 pm. The secondary day consists of 6 x 50 minute periods plus 1 x 25 minute period.
All accidents, to either pupils or staff, should be recorded on an electronic PIN form and sent to the Education Service.
In the event of an accident a First Aider should be consulted immediately. We should then be able to make a quick decision as to whether the Doctor/Nurse needs to be called in. At present the following staff have First Aid Certificates:
Mark LawsonJamie MouatIan McConnell Ann Marie Smith
Staff and Class Monitoring Visits
The Head and Depute Head visit rooms and follow classes from time to time, as a Quality Assurance measure within the school. These visits are discussed with the staff concerned well in advance, and a record of the visit is kept.
Staff Development
The school has a Staff Development Policy and each teacher should have a copy. The central purpose of staff development is to bring about an increasing range of skills to enhance the learning experience of all pupils. The school intends to help each teacher reach their expected levels of CPD. To plan this, a development review meeting will take place with every staff member annually. A blank pro forma agenda sheet for the meeting is available on the pool and should be completed by all staff in advance of their meeting, to stimulate ideas and to ensure all relevant aspects of their personal development are considered. If a member of staff wishes to go on a course or a visit which has not been pre-planned, this should be discussed in the first instance with the Head or Depute Heads.
Educational Excursions/School Trips
All visits/trips should be planned well in advance and can only go ahead if cleared by the Management Team. Departments should be prepared to lose some teaching time because of trips/excursions.
Leave of Absence
All requests for leave of absence must be discussed with the Head Teacher.
Staff Meetings and Development Sessions
These are usually held after school on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Please consult the white board and daily bulletin for details. Guidance and Primary staff meet from time to time during school hours. There is a management team meeting once a week.
School Code of Conduct
The school has a Code of Conduct, devised by the Pupil Council and based on the general principle that we treat each other, the premises and equipment with consideration and respect. We prefer positive motivation and hold that any rules or prohibitions must be explained and backed up with reasons. Pupils will therefore understand their purpose and importance. A copy of the school Code of Conduct is in the appendices in this handbook.
There are however some basic rules, which must be observed:
During school hours pupils may not leave the school grounds without the knowledge and consent of a teacher. At lunchtime pupils from S3 & S4 who have a signed contract between themselves, their parents and the HT are allowed to leave the school grounds. They must sign a sheet in the office as they leave and when they return. Pupils may, if specially arranged by the school and the Leisure Centre, go there at intervals for approved activities.
Pupils who dismiss at 3.10 pm are from that time no longer in the school’s care. Parents of Primary pupils are asked to complete a form indicating where they go after school. If pupils are going to an organised activity they stay with the auxiliary. Those waiting for buses at 3.35 pm remain in our charge and are under the supervision of the auxiliary. They may not leave the school premises without our approval.
Smoking is forbidden on school premises and buses.
Chewing gum is forbidden due to the mess it makes.
For safety reasons, snowballing within the school precincts during school hours is banned throughout Shetland.
For security, money or valuables should be lodged in the office or in the pupil’s locker.
Knives should not be brought to school.
If any damage occurs, accidentally or otherwise, it should be reported at once to a member of staff. If it has clearly resulted from reckless or malicious behaviour, liability for repair or replacement may fall on the person responsible.
Pupil Absence
Pupils are expected to attend school punctually and regularly, and a signed and dated note must explain all absences. In cases where the school becomes concerned about the frequency of absences, parents will be contacted prior to action, such as referral to the Reporter to the Children’s Panel, being taken. Very detailed statistics on attendance and absence now have to be compiled annually and sent to the Scottish Office Education Department in Edinburgh.
Leaving School
Pupils whose 16th birthday falls on or before 30th September can leave the previous May 31st. If a pupil’s 16th birthday falls between 1st October and the end of February he/she can leave at the Christmas break.
All teachers at Mid Yell Junior High School are expected to co-operate with and support one another. They are required to have a thorough understanding of the aims of the school and encourage in pupils an appreciation of what the aims set out to achieve. They are also required to understand fully the responsibilities and duties of all staff.
Teachers are required to demonstrate high professional standards in all areas of their work, to participate fully in the wider aspects of school life and to contribute to creating a positive and friendly ethos throughout the school.
Delegated Authority
The Head Teacher has delegated authority from Education Services via the Service Head to ensure the effective operation of the school at all times. In the absence of the Head Teacher the Depute Head Teacher will be responsible for conducting the school’s affairs.
The Head Teacher is directly accountable to the Education Service Officer with responsibility for Junior High/Secondary division and to the Parent Council. Staff are accountable through the Head Teacher for the effective discharge of their agreed delegated duties.
Head Teacher: Mr Mark Lawson
The role of the Head Teacher is, within the resources available, to conduct the affairs of the school to the benefit of the pupils and the community it serves, through pursuing objectives and implementing policies set by the Schools Services under the overall direction of the Head of Schools.
The Head Teacher shall be accountable to Education Services for the following list of duties and for such other duties as can reasonably be attached to the post:
- Pupils
- Quality Improvement Officer
- Management Teams
- Staff
- Parent Council and PTA
- Pupil Council
- Parents
- Other agencies/schools
- Visitors
- Community council and local Councillors
- Building /Maintenance contractors
- ICT Technician
- Transport Providers
- Pupil Support
- School Improvement Plan
- Standards and Quality Report
- School Brochure
- Returns
- Policies/Guidelines
- Reports
- Pupil Reports
- Meetings
- Overall responsibility for all staff
- Appointment of staff
- Induction and support for new staff, probationers and students
- Staff review and development
- Whole school in-service
- Leave of absence requests
- Supervising and directing ancillary staff
- Staff cover throughout the school
- Line Management of SMT, Clerical Staff, Janitor
- Line Management of Expressive Arts, Science, Maths, Technology, Nursery staff
- Assessment procedures
- Co-ordination of development across Primary and Secondary departments
- Overview and forward planning
- Time-tabling
- Transition
Monitoring and Evaluating:
- Using Information Management Systems (Seemis)
- Attainment
- Development of School Policies
- Learning and teaching across the school
- Implementation of school policies/guidelines
- School ethos including discipline and behaviour
- Quality Assurance over all aspects of the school
- Programmes of study in subject areas
- Achievement and success across the whole school
- School budget/DSM
- Annual requisition
- School funds
- Sponsorship
- Sourcing additional funding
Maintenance and Safety:
- School building, equipment and grounds
- Insurance issues
- Safety and First Aid
- Arrangements for inclement weather/school closures
- Fire drills and evacuation procedures
- Risk assessment/ Building maintenance controls
Pupil Support
- Vocational opportunities
- Liaison with Social Services
- Liaison with pupil support staff
- Ensuring suitable ethos and equal opportunity
- Designated member of staff for Child Protection Procedures
Depute Head (Primary): Mrs Alexa Coutts
The role of the Depute Head of Primary is to assist the Head Teacher in the conduct of the school’s affairs, and deputising for the Head Teacher if required.
Teaching commitment:
- ASN in Nursery, Primary and Secondary
- Education Services
- Management Team
- Pupil Support Team
- Parents/Visitors
- Looked after Children key person
- Pupil Council
- Review Meetings
- Nursery and Primary Parents’ meetings
- Pupils
- Other agencies/schools
- Staff
- ASN audit
- Policy Guidelines
- Primary Pupil Reports
- Care Commission reports
- IEP/ CSP co-ordination
- Line manager for Primary, Nursery, ASN, and Support Staff
- Assist in appointment of staff
- Support for all staff, probationers and students in the Primary/ Nursery Departments
- Staff review interviews
- Absence cover
- Primary in-service
- Liaison with support staff
- Provision of professional advice/support to staff
- CPD advice
- Special Assessment Arrangements
- Primary Curriculum Development
- Overview and forward planning
- Primary, Nursery and ASN time-tabling
- Transition across all stages
Monitoring and Evaluating:
- Monitoring use of Homework Diaries in Top Primary and Secondary
- Learning and Teaching in the Primary
- Implementation of policies/guidelines eg National Testing
- School Ethos – promoting positive behaviour in the Nursery and Primary
- Quality Assurance throughout the Nursery and Primary
- Annual requisition Primary, Nursery, ASN
Maintenance and Safety:
- Management role in monitoring and raising awareness
Support for Pupils:
- Ensuring suitable ethos and equal opportunities in Primary
- Health and well-being of pupils
- Management of whole school Additional Support for Learning
- Chair of Primary staff meetings
- Chair of Primary/Secondary Forward Planning/Review meeting
- Plan and take Primary Assemblies along with the Head Teacher
- Transfers in Primary Department
- School Trip organisation
Principal Teacher – Guidance: Mrs Jennifer Nisbet
Teaching commitment:
- Lifeskills
- Head Teacher/Depute Head Teachers
- Pupil Support Team
- First Level Guidance Staff
- Staff
- Parents
- Pupils
- ASN Staff
- Community Youth Development
- Outside Agencies
- Other Schools
- Pupil Support Calendar
- PSHE for Secondary
- Vocational training
- Study Support
- Promote/co-ordinate Health Days
- Primary Curriculum Development Co-ordinate Lifeskills Resources
Support for Pupils:
- PERSONAL – health and well-being
-knowledge of individual pupils
-promote positive behaviour, Secondary dept
-Pupil Interviews
-Home Visits
- CURRICULAR – Pupil Records
-Transition (S4-S5)
-Overview of Arrangements for Secondary Parents Evenings
- VOCATIONAL - Work Experience organisation
-Liaise with Careers Scotland
-Liaise with Outside Agencies
Monitoring and Evaluating
- Homework Diaries
- Secondary Target setting and Tracking
- Policies
- Secondary Guidance Reports
- Letters to Parents
- Responsibility for PSHE education budget
Principal Teacher of Curriculum: MrsSusan Thomson
Teaching Commitment:
- Business Studies/Management
- Admin & IT
- Computer Science
- Head Teacher/Depute Head Teacher
- SQA – including invigilators – SEEMIS DMS
- Staff
- Parents
- Pupils
- ASN Staff
- Other Schools
- Timetabling along with HT/DHT
- Organisation of Prelims
- Collation of Unit Assessments
- National exam organisation
- Electives
Support for Pupils:
- Special arrangements for SQA exams
- Curricular/timetabling support for individuals
Monitoring and Evaluating
- Homework Diaries
- Secondary Target setting and Tracking
- Verification procedures
- BGE S1-S3 – Pupil Profiles and Parent Information Sheets
- Monitoring of programmes of study/planning across various subject areas
- SQA results/ Insight analysis of NQ results
- Probationer support