Information for prospective New Writing South

Board members

New Writing South (NWS) is one of seven writing development agencies in England which collectively aim to support all kinds of creative writing, providing talent development opportunities for writers and commissioning new work across the country. NWS is particularly interested in nurturing diverse talent, offering support to writers from the South East region who would not ordinarily have access to professional development opportunities.

Our vision is for the South Eastto be a place where creative writing thrives and literature is at the cultural heart of the region.

NWS exists to be a centre of excellence in nurturing diverse writing talent in south -east England. We do this by encouraging ambition and by supporting writers with training, mentoring and networking opportunities to provide creative and career development.

NWS is an Arts Council England National Portfolio Organisation.

A Brief History

NWS began life in 1995 as a peer support group for Brighton playwrights. The then-named Pier Playwrights was formally established as a company limited by guarantee and a charity, led by Chris Taylor, in 2000. With support from Arts Council England the company grew steadily, running a programme of readings, workshops and conferences.

Membership grew to include all types of creative writers from across the south east region and so the company was re-launched in 2006 as the more-appropriately-named New Writing South.

In 2008 NWS became an Arts Council England regularly funded organisation taking on the mantle of literature development agency for the south east region. The company embarked on an ambitious programme of training, support and employment opportunities for writers including a comprehensive package of writer visits to schools.

NWS moved into The Writers’ Place in central Brighton in 2012 where it now runs workshops and courses and hosts a range of activities with other writing, theatre and live lit organisations. We work with our main partner, the Creative Writing Programme (CWP) to host a range of adult writing courses including a 2-year, part-time creative writing course, poetry and life writing.

We also run all kinds of projects across the region. Recently, these have included young writers squads, funded by Esmèe Fairbairn Foundation and run in cultural venues across the region including the Turner Contemporary, Towner Gallery, The Story Museum and Quay Arts on the Isle of Wight, and the Heritage Lottery funded Queer in Brighton oral history project and anthology.

Chris Taylor retired from NWS in 2015. The current Chief Executive, Lesley Wood, aims to build on the legacy of 15 years focussing strongly on talent development and diversity.

Looking to the future….

NWS will start 2017/18 with a new staff structure and reinvigorated artistic vision for the future, striving to be a centre of excellence for nurturing new writing, with an explicit, steadfast commitment to supporting diverse writers across the South East. The introduction of a new Guest Artistic Director post will enhance the company’s artist focus, leading our work with established and new arts partners to extend reach and strengthen our offer.

We will take a root-and-branch approach to improving diversity throughout the whole organisation, including at Board, staff, artist and audience level, integrating new people, new ideas and new activities into the company culture.

New Writing South’s artistic aims are:

  • to create opportunities for writers to embark on and sustain creative careers through workshops and courses, mentoring, editorial feedback, networking opportunities ans support for writers’ independent artistic projects.
  • to commission, produce and promote excellent new work that reflects the diversity of the South East’s written, spoken and digital voices by engaging a writer to the new post of Guest Artistic Director, commissioning new writing and running writer development projects.
  • to develop audiences and participants for creative writing in all forms by providing opportunities for young people to write and share their work, building our digital outputs and ringfencing space and resources for writers from under-represented communities.

Our organisational aims are:

  • to build a sustainable, resilient organisation with governance, management and financial systems and processes fit for purpose;
  • to be a more focused, inclusive, accessible and accountable organisation.

Recent and current projects include:
Inn Crowd rural touring project taking live literature to pubs in rural areas across Kent, East Anglia and Sussex, in partnership with Applause, Creative Arts East and Writers Centre Norwich;

Queer in Brighton LGBT oral history project and anthology, in partnership with Pink Fringe and Photoworks.

Theatre Royal Brighton Young Playwrights (16-25 years) and Brighton Young Writers Squad (13 – 17 years) – 2 year-long projects for young writers in Brighton.

What you might like to know as a prospective Board member

New Writing South is a charitable company limited by guarantee (Company number: 2913814) and a registered charity (Charity number: 1092533). This means we are set up as a non-profit organisation that is intended to deliver what we regard as an important vision and mission.

The company is governed by a Board of Trustees, currently comprising eight writers, broadcasters and literature producers (please see Trustee Biogs attached).

When appointing new Board members, we are looking for people who areprepared to make the commitment to the organisation,uphold and promote the values and ethos of the organisation as a literature hub dedicated to providing high quality activities that stretch, empower and promote writers and their work, in particular, the progression of young writers and diverse communities in the South-East.

Trustees have different specialisms which add to the richness of the Board and the organisation. In particular, we are looking for Trustees who have expertise in Financial Management and who can speak with authority on this subject because of professional qualification, past or present involvement in this area at work, or through considerable experience gained at other charities.

What you can expect of us

Being a Board member is a stimulating, challenging and rewarding role. It offers the chance to work with a dedicated, committed, resourceful and professional group of people (staff team, Board and advisers) in an innovative and challenging environment. In becoming a Board member we will invite you to use your skills, experience and attitude to:

  • Make a real difference to the future of the literature sector in the south east.
  • Help develop meaningful opportunities for writers and literature producers
  • Support diversity in writing from the region that challenges perceptions and pushes boundaries.
  • Actively engage with the strategic decisions and planning necessary to ensure NWS thrives.
  • Deepen understanding of the lives of people from a range of social backgrounds and cultures.

As a new Board member you will receive a thorough induction to the Company, ongoing training as appropriate and the support of your other Board members and the NWS staff team.

What we will expect of you

Board members are asked to commit to the following:

  • Attendance at all Board meetings (4 times per year).
  • Attendance at a minimum of 2 NWS events per year (although you are welcome to attend more).
  • Attendance at sub-committee meetings or working groups as appropriate (up to 3 times per year). Trustee(s) with financial expertise will be invited to be leading member(s) of the Finance sub-sommittee
  • Providing contacts who can help provide support, advice or funding.
  • Attending stakeholder meetings or networking on behalf of NWS
  • Being alert to opportunities that would further the NWS vision and mission.
  • Becoming familiar with NWS business and financial models, finances, budget, and financial/resource needs.
  • Understanding our policies and procedures.
  • Helping communicate and promote the NWS mission and programmes to stakeholders, artists, and audiences.
  • Supporting NWS in a manner commensurate with your abilities and expertise.
  • Act in the best interests of NWS at all times.
  • Declare any conflicts of interest as soon as reasonably practicable where these may arise, and withdraw from decision-making as appropriate.

Board members are also responsible for the selection, appointment and development of new Board members and as such are required to:

  • Monitor the skills, knowledge and experience of the Board’s membership.
  • Ensure the Board has the competences and abilities to achieve its aims.
  • Identify your own development and/or support needs and with the company make arrangements for these to be met.
  • Participate in training as required.
  • Maintain an up-to-date knowledge of the sector.

What some of our stakeholders say about us:

“The course has really raised my confidence levels, my writing has changed so much for the better as a result. The feedback I have received has really helped me to focus and work on improving my writing. I have become so productive, working with a group of like-minded people and with such excellent, and inspiring, tutors.“ Suzanne Lively

Your energy and enthusiasm really inspired me to use all my ideas and images and just get on and write. Your classes are ace! Lindsey

“NWS organised a Publishing Industry Day […where] people could ‘pitch’ their work and get personal advice from agents and publishers. I took a deep breath and booked appointments. On the day I was so nervous I nearly didn’t go. Against all the odds, it sometimes seems, life throws you a straight ball. I was offered a contract with Myriad to publish We Go Around and a week or two later accepted an offer of representation from AC at Conville & Walsh.” Jules Grant

"Being part of a group dedicated to writing and writers keeps me inspired."


I broached the idea of applying for Arts Council funding. Again,my wishes were translated into direct action. I would have been too daunted to consider an application on my own, but NWS Director’s enormous experience, enthusiasm and patience with my endless drafts resulted in a successful application. This enabled me to set clear aims for the year - a full draft byAugust, ready to start mentoring in September. I am now half way though the

mentoring process, and am on track to finish the final draft of my novel by May/June."

W A Greenhalgh

“Mentoring has been one of the best experiences of my life. Vanessa […] has challenged me and brought my writing up to a level I would not have thoughtpossible. She has helped me to achieve the goal I set out with at the beginningof our sessions; a piece of my work is being published early next year.” Moray Sanders

Appendix 1: Role description

Role Purpose

Under charity law New Writing South Board members are Trustees of the charity and have ultimate responsibility for directing the affairs of the Company, and ensuring that it is solvent, well-run and delivering the charitable outcomes for which it was established. In law, Trustees of NWS have three particular duties –compliance, care and prudence – which are set out below. As NWS is also a Company Limited by Guarantee Board members also act as Directors of NWS for the purposes of Company Law.

Principal responsibilities

  1. Compliance

Trustees must ensure that New Writing South complies with:

  • Charity Law and the requirements of the Charity Commission
  • The requirements, charitable purposes and objects of Ne as defined in the charity’s governing documents Company Law and the requirements of Companies House
  • The requirements of other legislation and regulators governing the activities of NWS
  1. Duty of care

Trustees must make sure they keep up to date with what NWS is doing and should:

  • Exercise reasonable care and skill, using personal knowledge and experience to ensure that the charity is well-run and efficient.
  • Ensure that they receive sound advice, assurance and useful and timely reports from the executive team.
  • Ensure that they act with integrity, avoiding any personal conflicts of interest or misuse of charity funds or assets.
  • Be committed to the work of NWS and be prepared to undertake activities on behalf of the Company.
  1. Duty of prudence

Trustees must ensure that NWS is and will remain solvent. They must:

  • Keep informed of NWS’s activities and financial position.
  • Ensure that charitable funds and assets are used wisely, and only to further the purposes and interests of the charity.
  • Avoid undertaking activities that might place NWS’s funds or assets or reputation at undue risk.
  • Establish and monitor appropriate audit arrangements to ensure NWS is meeting its aims, objectives and goals.
  • Appoint the Chief Executive (and other senior staff as required).
  • Through the Chair, monitor the performance of the Chief Executive and staff team, establishing clear delegation of operational and management arrangements as required.

In undertaking the above Board members will ensure a secure strategic direction for New Writing South, including:

  • Providing guidance to the Chief Execuitve on long term aims.
  • Contributing actively to the strategic direction to the organisation, through business planning, and by establishing a clear mission, values and long term objectives.
  • Considering and approving strategic policies consistent with the business plan, legislation, mission, values and objectives.
  • Considering and approving the Business Plan.
  • Undertaking monitoring and evaluation as appropriate to ensure NWS’s aims are being met.

Conditions for Board members

Length of service

Up to 4 years, plus 1 further term (8 years in total) is the maximum standard length of service for all Board members.


All reasonable expenses of Board members incurred in the course of your duties as a Board member will be reimbursed by NWS on receipt of an evidenced claim and in accordance with NWS’s expenses policy.

Appendix 2: Person Specification

Essential criteria

Personal Qualities

  • An understanding of, and commitment to, diversity andf access
  • A commitment to act solely in the best interests of New Writing South
  • Strategic vision and the ability to focus on practical issues
  • Personal experience of diversity and equality issues
  • Fairness, independence of mind, integrity, wisdom and good judgment
  • Readiness to take, and be accountable for, decisions
  • Self-aware and self-managing
  • An effective team member
  • No significant conflicts of interest
  • The necessary time available to be an effective Board member

Core competencies

  • Analytical skills
  • Ability to work collaboratively
  • Communication skills
  • Ability to challenge positively
  • Ability to be creative and logical
  • Ability to interpret diverse information
  • Ability to act as an ambassador for New Writing South

Experience required in at least one of these areas

  • Experience of financial and risk management
  • Direct personal experience of disability, diversity or equality issues
  • Experience of the disability arts or wider disability sector
  • Experience of leadership
  • Board, committee or senior team level decision making
  • Experience of organisations with complex stakeholder networks and relationships
  • Experience of governance in either the private, public or non-profit sectors

Desirable criteria

Knowledge and skills of:

  • Arts practice
  • Diversity, Disability or equality issues
  • Audience development
  • Stakeholder management
  • Business, finance and governance
  • Non-profit sector
  • Sustainability issues

General requirements

  • Provision of artistic programmes
  • Business and strategic planning
  • Monitoring and evaluation
  • IT and business processes