Student Name: ______Period: ______

Due: Friday, August 11, 2017

Mrs. Armstrong’s Film and Lit

This packet contains the following:

ü  Film and Literature Class Contract

ü  Annual Movie/Video Permission

ü  Plagiarism/Cheating Policy

ü  Moodle Registration Instructions

ü Registration Instructions

I have read this packet and understand that I am responsible for the information it contains. Furthermore, I understand that as part of the course curriculum my child will be viewing PG, PG-13 and R rated movies in his/her Film and Literature course. I understand that these movies will be related to course objectives and therefore approve of my child viewing these films.


Student- Print Name Student Signature Date


Parent/Guardian- Print Name Parent/Guardian Signature Date


Parent/Guardian Home Phone Parent Guardian Cell Phone


Parent/Guardian E-mail Address

Once you have successfully completed registering for, complete the following information:

Student Moodle Username: ______

Student Moodle Password: ______

Once you have successfully completed registering for, complete the following information:

Student Username: ______

Student Password: ______

PLEASE NOTE: You must complete ALL of the information above by the due date in order to receive credit for this form.

Information for Mrs. Armstrong’s Film and Literature Class

Please allow me to welcome you to my Film and Literature class! I am looking forward to what is undoubtedly going to be an exciting and successful year for all of us. To make sure that we as a class achieve the results we should, there are a few basic guidelines we need to follow. For the students, the guidelines are as follows.

1.  All students are expected to be in class and on time everyday.

2.  All students will be ready and willing to learn and master the curriculum.

3.  All students will behave respectfully towards all other students and members of the staff.

Every student is expected to follow these guidelines in class everyday. Failure to follow them will impede the class’s academic progress and, as such, will not be tolerated. While I do not anticipate any problems, please be aware that behavior that violates these guidelines and impedes the class’s academic progress will be punished pursuant to the school’s discipline policy. These punishments include, but are not exclusive to, the step system, after school detention and Saturday work.

As I have expectations for the students, it is only fair that the students have expectations of me. The students can expect me, as their teacher, to

1.  Be at school as often as is possible.

2.  Be prepared to teach the curriculum in such a way that allows all students to learn. This includes being available outside of class time if the student needs help. To this end I am in my room before and after school almost everyday and frequently in my room at lunch as well.

3.  To treat every student with respect.

I will endeavor to fulfill these expectations to the best of my ability everyday. I am confident that if both the students and I make an honest effort to do our best then we, as a class, will be successful.

One measure of a student’s success is their attendance and class participation. Because of this, exceptional attendance in this class is essential. If a student is absent they will be given the amount of time they were out to turn in the missed assignment. So if a student is gone for three days they will have three days to make up the missing work. If you are absent on a day we are watching a movie, you are required to rent or find a copy of the movie and watch it at home. I will NOT be able to supply you with a copy of the movie. Because movies can often be difficult to find, I will allow you two weeks from the date of the absence to make-up any tests related to the film. Tests must be made up during lunch. Failure to make up any missed tests after the two week window will result in a zero. Students can get a jump-start on any missed work by acquainting themselves with the class website at This site is maintained regularly and will contain the following: a syllabus for the week(s) ahead, a listing of all past assignments and a link where both students and parents can e-mail me.

Another measure of a student’s success is their grade. Grades in this class are weighted into two categories: Attendance/Participation and all other assignments (i.e.: class work, homework, quizzes, tests, essays, etc.). Attendance/Participation will account for 20% of the final class grade and will be calculated weekly; while all of the other assignments will be worth 80% of the class grade. Because attendance and participation are so importance, students who are absent, tardy, a distraction or not participating in the class will lose points. All other assignments are designed to measure mastery of California Common Core Standards so the grade awarded will be in direct correlation to the student’s mastery of the standard(s). The grade scale is a traditional one. 100-90% is an A, 89-80% is a B, 79-70% is a C, 69-60% is a D and anything lower than 60% is a fail. Because of the point system, students should be aware that any missing assignment will hurt their score considerably. Therefore, it is imperative that they make every effort to complete and turn in their assignments on time. If a student does not turn in an assignment on time they may still turn it in late but they will only receive half credit; so, I advise students not to get in the habit of turning work in late. Grades can be viewed through your PowerSchool account.

E-mail is the quickest way to contact me. I will reply to all e-mails within 24 hours at the latest but in most cases you can expect a response the same day. If e-mail is not convenient for you, I may be reached via telephone at 718-3100 ext 605. If you call during school hours you will get my voice mail; so please leave a message and I will get back to you as soon as possible.

In closing, I look forward to what I know will be a very successful school year for all of us. If there is anything on this sheet that is unclear or you require any further information, please do not hesitate to contact me. Students will receive points for returning this sheet with both you and your student’s signature on or before the due date; so please sign below when you have read and feel comfortable with the information contained within this handout. A copy of this sheet can be found on the class website for future reference. Thank you for your time.


Mrs. Armstrong

English Department

Quartz Hill High School

718-3100 ext 605

Annual Movie/Video Permission

In this Film and Literature course, your son or daughter will be studying film as an artistic medium and how it relates to the elements of literature. We will study the development of film from the silent era to the present. Emphasis will be placed on viewing and studying specific film genres, while teaching students to analyze and write about various film techniques (i.e.: editing, camera work, composition, directorial style, etc).

To these ends, throughout the school year, we will be watching PG, PG-13, and R rated movies. Some of these movies will be watched in class, while others will be viewed as homework. Only movies that are relevant to our course objectives, as outlined above, will be shown. Be assured that we will use proper discretion when choosing which movies to show.

By signing the first page of this packet, you are giving your student permission to view all of the films shown in this course throughout the school year. You may view our class content, including movie choices, on our class website: If you have further questions, please do not hesitate to contact me.




Test taking procedures: It is essential that students follow and are aware of the following rules regarding test taking in my class; violation will result in serious ramifications as outlined below:

Ø  Keep your eyes on your paper only, until all papers are collected.

Ø  Desks are clear of everything but test-taking materials.

Ø  Do not talk when the first test papers are passed out until all papers are collected, even if your paper has been collected. If one test is “out” you may not talk.

Ø  Stay in your seat unless given permission otherwise.

Ø  When the allotted time for a quiz is over, you will immediately stop working and hand in your paper (no last minute changes during the passing-in of papers).

Ø  Do not make your answers available to other students (flip your paper over and/or cover answers).

Ø  If you tend to work quickly, bring a novel to read while others finish.

Ø  ABSOLUTELY NO electronic devices (ex. iPod and especially cell phones) may be out or on. Not only will you receive a zero, but you will also receive a Saturday school assignment.

Plagiarism: Given the seriousness of plagiarism, it is important to know exactly what it is and what you can do to avoid it. Here is a simple test to determine whether something is plagiarized: ask yourself is this information, idea, or statement common knowledge? If the answer is no, then ask yourself, did this information, idea, or statement come from a source outside myself, or did it come from my own experience as a result of my own creative activity? If the information, idea, or statement is not common knowledge, and if it came from an outside source, then you must credit that source. Failure to do so constitutes plagiarism.

Unauthorized Collaboration (unless specified by the teacher), copying or sharing answers (with or without the other person’s consent) is considered cheating. Work that is in part or whole verbatim clearly indicates collaboration. Do not use the excuse that you were “working together.” Do not ask for partial credit; the entire assignment will receive a zero even if part of it is the student’s original work.

Consequences: Unauthorized collaboration, violating teacher specified test-taking procedures, and plagiarism are considered cheating. The following three penalties will result for students who violate the cheating policy:

1.  A zero grade on the assignment for students involved in cheating or allowing their work to be copied. (Ignorance is not an excuse; keep your work protected)

2.  Parent notification (a CHT will appear on PowerSchool grade reports)

3.  Automatic “U” in citizenship on report card for the semester

Further offenses will result in referral to administration for disciplinary action in addition to the above penalties and may be grounds for removal from special programs, e.g. IB, Pre-IB/Honors, AP.

Moodle Registration Instructions

1.  Open a browser and log onto

2.  Click on the orange Log in in the right upper corner.

3.  Click on the Create new account button.

4.  Fill in all the blanks (Surname means last name).

5.  Write your username and password down in your planner and on the front of this packet. Keep this somewhere safe.

6.  Click on Create my new account.

7.  You will see a moodle page and screen that says Continue

DO NOT CONTINUE…stop here and go to your email account

8.  You will see an email from Admin User (if it doesn’t immediately, give it time or check your junk mail folder). Open the email and click on the link. You will be logged back onto moodle.

9.  Click Courses button.

10.  Scroll to Language Arts and click on our class: Film & Lit Armstrong Film & Lit.

11.  On the left side of the screen in the Administration box, click on Enroll me in this course.

12.  When it asks for the enrollment key, type in rebels.

13.  Congratulations. You are now enrolled in my online class.

In the future:

1.  Go to

2.  Click on the green Login in the right corner

3.  Enter your username and password

PLEASE NOTE: Parents may NOT enroll or activate an account on Moodle; however, they may view the course website as a guest. Student User Instructions

Getting Started:

1.  Log onto website at

2.  Click on Create Account.

3.  If you have never had a account, click on Student. If you have previously used, proceed below to the section entitled “Joining Accounts.”

4.  Complete all of the information it asks for, including class ID and class enrollment password. You MUST have a valid e-mail address.

Film/Lit CLASS ID: 15476264

Class Enrollment Password: rebels

5.  Don’t forget to write your password down in a safe place and on the front of this packet.

6.  When you have finished and have read the user agreement, click I agree - - create profile.

Logging on:

1.  Log onto website at

2.  In the upper right hand corner, type in your e-mail address and password.

3.  Click on the Sign in button.

Joining Accounts: