Information for Basic Food Outreach Forum- November 2012

  1. REMINDER-The EBT card replacement by mail only is now statewide as of October. If a client needs a replacement EBT card, with a few exceptions, the replacements are all done by mail. Clients can call DSHS at 1-877-501-2233, or they can call JP Morgan directly at 1-888-328-9271 for a replacement card. Initial cards for new recipients are still issued from the CSOs. It is important that clients safeguard their cards as replacement cards can take 5 to 7 days to be received in the mail.
  2. Just a reminder that the BFET program is available through many local colleges. BFET is an acronym for Basic Food Employment and Training. Basic food clients can get assistance through this program to attend school and/or receiving training to allow them to gain marketable skills, get them job ready in fields that pay a living wage. In addition, BFET may be able to help with transportation, clothing and other support services. Clients should contact their local college for more information.
  3. Effective October 1st, some of the basic food deductions had slight increases. The maximum shelter deduction went from $459 to $469 and the standard deduction went from $147 to $149. The maximum benefit amounts did not increase so clients who were already getting the maximum allotment would not have seen any changes but those who were not may have seen a slight increase in their benefits.
  4. The contact center has a feature on our phone system called SureConnect. This feature allows callers to hang up and have us call them back rather than waiting on hold for an available call agent. The way that SureConnect works is that once the client’s call is in the right queue (for example, child care or to report a change) they will be offered the option of using SureConnect. Instead of being on hold while waiting for the next available call agent, their place in line is saved. When their turn in line comes up, the system automatically calls them back and then connects them to a call agent. The SureConnect system will call them back up to 3 times at 3 minute intervals. The wait time is the same as it would have been if they had waited on hold except that they are freed up to do other things while waiting and most importantly, if they are calling from a cell phone, they are not using up their minutes while waiting on hold. Clients need to be aware that when they are called back, the call will show up as unknown or private, not DSHS. They also need to listen in the beginning of their call to us for the prompts that give them the option to use SureConnect. This usually happens 1 minute after being put on hold.
  5. DSHS offices will be open on Monday, December 24th but with limited staffing. Any food benefits that are approved on the 24th will either be available the same day if possible, or on the 25th.