Patient’s Questionnaire
After analyzing your information we will send you back a proposal for further procedures and therapeutical possibilities. Copy the file to your computer, fill in the questionnaire, save it to your computer and send it back to an email address:
Information concerning both partners
- Infertility duration (number of years trying to reach pregnancy)
- Number of pregnancies with current partner
- number of pregnancies:
- number of deliveries:
- number of miscarriages:
- number of extrauterine pregnancies:
- Number of pregnancies with any previous partners
- number of pregnancies:
- number of deliveries:
- number of miscarriages:
- number of extrauterine pregnancies:
- Therapy by means of methods of assisted reproduction in the past:
- Intrauterine insemination (indicate last 4 inseminations)
- Assisted reproduction – artificial fertilization
(IVF, ICSI, oocyte donation, PGD)
- month and year:
- medicines used:
- number of oocytes:
- number of fertilized oocytes:
- number of embryos transferred:
- number of embryos cryopreserved:
- course of embryo transfer:
- Pregnancy:
- Comments:
- Transfer of embryos defrosted:
- Month/Year:
- Number of embryos defrosted:
- Number of embryos transferred:
- Pregnancy:
Information on the woman:
Medical History:
- Cycle/period duration: (e.g. 28-29/5):
- Weight:
- Height :
- Smoking habits (Cigarettes/day):
- General medical history:
- Personal
- Do you suffer from any illness which might impair your health during pregnancy (diabetes, cardiopathies, neuropathy)?
- Surgery, especially on reproductive organs (ovaries, oviducts, uterus) and/or appendectomy:
- Allergies – especially to medicines (medicine designation)
- Medicines administered currently:
- Gynaecological
- Deliveries:
- Miscarriages – abortions:
- Examinations performed during diagnostics and therapy of infertility
- FSH, LH and oestradiol levels between cycle days 1-4
(Please give the most accurate data, if possible)
2. AMH - Antimullerian hormone (Please give the most accurate data, if possible)
- Prolactin level (Please give the most accurate data, if possible)
- Transvaginal ultrasound (presence of cysts, myomas, polyps, …)
-Have you undergone hysterosalpingography? (X-ray examination concerning oviduct patency) or laparoscopy. Results?
- Have you undergone a post-coital test in order to find the presence of mobile spermatozoa in mucus? What was the outcome (normal or abnormal?)
- Have you undergone a genetic examination? (What was the outcome?)
- Further examinations and comments
Information on the man
Medical history:
a. Family: Have any genetic disorder or infertility problems occurred in your family?
b. Personal:
- Did you suffer from mumps during adolescence?
- Do you have an inborn defect of the genitals (genesis vas deferens, testicle descensus …) ?
- Have you suffered from any genital injury or varicocele?
- Allergies: especially to medicines (medicine designation)
- What medicines do you take at present?
- Do you smoke? Number of cigarettes/day.
c. Obstetric
deliveries and miscarriages with your previous partner:
Examinations performed during diagnostics and therapy of your infertility
- Outcomes of the 2-3 latest sperm characteristics
Volume (in ml):
Sperm concentration /ml):
Sperm motility (%):
Sperm motility with good progression (%):
Normal sperm morphology (%):
- FSH, LH, PRL, testosterone levels in blood:
c.Genetic examination (karyotype):
Therapy up to now:
a. Administered medicines:
b. Surgeries:
Personal data:
Name and Surname:
Please kindly return this questionnaire to an email address: