The conversation continues: working together and sharing information
Feedback from event 14 June 2016
Most useful aspects
- Action planning to achieve the aim.
- Continued scoping of the prioritising of themes.
- Interesting discussion – good to meet other providers and hear their positive views
- Group session and discussion we had in groups. Sharing group information together.
- Hearing Cllr Hargrove.
- Table discussions: longer funding, working with corporates – welcoming failure.
- Really positive conversations with like minded people. We demonstrated good ‘joint working.’
- Talking through how we will all work together.
- Networking.
- Interesting table discussion. Great reflections on a shared aim and principles of action.
- Excellent discussion on our table with good range of voices from different sectors.
- Hearing different thoughts, discussing barriers and solutions.
- Brainstorming together about the priorities.
- Sharing experience.
- Hearing the different perspectives of the different sectors / stakeholders.
- Opportunity to come up with ideas across sectors on how working together can be achieved.
- Arrived late and missed the beginning but found workshop on sharing ideas and different perspectives was useful.
- Meeting others to discuss serious issues that have to include discussion and resolution.
- Appreciating the challenges and opportunities for the voluntary sector.
- Discussion, hearing other people’s views.
- Sharing view on the new VCS strategy specific to the group we support, ie disabled people.
- The table discussions (workshops) – worked well with representatives from the voluntary sector, CCG and council, it really (made sense?).
- Thinking together about a practical strategy.
- Getting input from the 3 different sectors involved in the meeting.
- Really it was very useful event I met the local organisations and shared ideas and opinions.
- Reviewing suggestions from the last meeting. Not reinventing the wheel.
- The workshop – identifying barriers and action plan.
Least useful aspects
- Unclear of the actual objectives of the meeting. Was it to help councillors understand what the community wants.
- Still not sure what the objectives of the strategy are, the table felt that it was quite difficult to develop clear actions as a result.
- Still not much NHS / CCG support evident!
- None (X 4).
- (Tough?) catch up not being at earlier events and unclear for framework of discussion.
- Would love to have an opportunity to discuss outcomes and the scope / ambition of the strategy.
- It can be said all areas are important that has been discussed – it is more how it is utilised.
- Inevitable relative superficiality.
- N / A – only present for the workshop.
- Need to know who is who in the room. List of attendees.
- Lack of overall objectives, the bigger picture, principles or aims of what we are trying to achieve as VCS + LBS. I’d like to see the bigger picture.
- Feedback on what had emerged from the conversations to date – not great.
- To share information and intelligence and brining an idea together.
- No true diversity of the demograph of LBS, so not equal representation.
- Need certain notes to be clearer. Where talking about adopting model eg SAIL need to explain what SAIL is in brief.
Other comments
- Concern about the shrinking budget for social care and how this impacts on the people who need to use services.
- The need for community activities if people with needs (learning disabilities) no longer eligible for a personal budget – how are these needs to be met.
- Would be good for you to ask or give the option for attendees to email in their thoughts and notes made during the table discussions.
- Critical to ensure we have a response and implementationplan to (build?) the strategy.
- Would love to hear more about the conversations of the steering group.
- It would be beneficial to (gain?) sub meetings about particular categories - so to focus on particular areas.
- Location is good.
- Organisation of event session has been good.
- Good mix of representatives – minus the NHS .
- It would be good to present the draft strategy to people who have been involved in workshops to make sure it’s captured everyone’s views.
- Don’t try putting the jelly in the box. It will fall apart (jelly being ‘natural’ communities that have come together for whatever reason).
- The discussion felt less positive, and I hope the actions do happen in the future.