Info on Selecting a Sponsor for your Confirmation
Confirmation Mass will be May 22, 2016 at 11:00am
The Role of Sponsor:
- Sponsors help the candidates understand and appreciate the Sacrament of Confirmation and help them to have the right intentions for receiving the sacrament.
- Sponsors help the candidates prepare for Confirmation by encouraging them to pray, participate in the Eucharist, go to confession regularly, and to become involved in the parish community.
- Sponsors assist parents and core team members by answering the candidates’ questions about the Catholic faith. Being a sponsor is an opportunity to learn more about your own Catholic faith.
- Sponsors present the candidate for conformation. Sponsors are present for the rehearsal and Confirmation Mass
- Sponsors continue to assist the conformed person in fulfilling the obligation of this sacrament by encouraging the candidate’s growth in faith and involvement in the parish community.
- A sponsor is a person whom the candidate trusts, one the candidate feels comfortable with, and one who encourages the candidate to be a good Christian. Being a sponsor is an enriching experience for both the candidate and the sponsor, not just for a few months, but for many years to come.
- Sponsors who are not registered members of St. Joseph’s Parish must obtain a Sponsor’s Certificate or letter from the pastor of their church affirming that they are Practicing Catholics. This letter or certificate should be filled out and returned to Judi Benestante, and should include the candidates name.
A few things to keep in mind while deciding on a sponsor:
- Your sponsor’s purpose is to take care that the person confirmed behaves as a true witness of Christ and faithfully fulfils the duties inherent in this sacrament.
- The sponsor may be male or female.
- The sponsor must be a baptized Catholic; have received First Communion and has also received the Sacrament of Confirmation.
- Cannot be the mother or father of the Candidate.
- The sponsor must be a practicing Catholic
- A Non-Catholic cannot act as a sponsor.
- A sponsor may not be less than sixteen (16) years of age; if he/she is 16 he/she must have already been confirmed.
- Asking your Baptismal Sponsor to be your Confirmation Sponsor is highly suggested
Dear ______(insert Sponsor’s name here)
On May 22, 2016 @ 11am, I will receive the Sacrament of Confirmation in the Roman Catholic Church. I ask you to be my sponsor as I prepare for the sacrament. I am attending Confirmation Preparation Classes to learn more about my faith. I will also be performing community service hours to learn more about service and helping others. I will be growing spiritually through prayer, attending Mass, and reception of the sacraments. I would like to ask you to be my sponsor to accompany me on my faith journey.
Thank you,
(Confirmation Candidate Signature)