Influencing Social Housing Maintenance


23 Cunningham Drive


Leics LE17 4YR


Fourth Seminar of the year

to be held at

Ansty Hall Hotel, Main Rd.

Ansty Coventry CV7 9HZ

Tel 0844 8799031

Tuesday 11th December 2012

Andy Ballard

Andy is a qualified solicitor and for 30 years has provided advice and support to most of the major housing providers in the Midlands on matters of Strategy, Governance, Assets , People matters and Policy before setting up Andy Ballard Housing Solutions Ltd.

Recommendations in both major legal directories as a leader in his field in respect of advice to housing providers. Andy brings a wealth of experience and is able to provide practical solutions in a cost effective way.

Andy was named as one of the UK’s “Hot 100” lawyers on 2009 by the Lawyer magazine.

Andy is currently Chair to Herefordshire Housing, a stock transfer organisation.

Ian Rumsam

As Group Head of Repairs and Maintenance for the Together Housing Group Ian is a passionate and dynamic leader, delivering great, high customer satisfaction, services. His empowered internal team is able to flex its delivery to meet the current agenda. The drive continues for change and with a pragmatic approach the emphasis is that our customers should not have to pay a premium for great services (to our 35,000 homes?).

With over 30 years experience, his drive to control costs, whilst being flexible and engaging with customers, makes Ian proud of his team achievements in delivering VFM as well as through his innovative ways of procurement.

Trevor Batt

Trevor has nearly 30 years’ experience in the gas industry since joining British Gas in 1983. He worked as an engineer until 1992, before leaving to join CORGI, the gas safety regulator, in 1992 as an Inspector.

Since 2001 Trevor, has been working with Clients in the social housing sector to assist them in delivering a secure and robust gas safety management regime. He has recently developed three VRQ qualifications in gas safety management and awareness for those in the social housing sector so that they can achieve professional recognition for their skills and experience.

An Incorporated Engineer and Carbon Monoxide Incident Investigator, Trevor has worked with the police, HSE, Coroners Court and inspected hotel accommodation overseas so is experienced in all aspects of gas safety



David Cockayne

David has been working in the Housing Repairs sector for 16 years and has seen many technologies come and go. However, the speed at which the mobile market place is developing leaves everything else lagging behind. David will explain what is happening in the marketplace and will note all the important points in relation to mobile working and finding the right solution not only for now but for the future. For many years IT in the workplace has driven demand at home as individuals aspired to have the same standard of technology at home as they were given at work. Now, with mobile working, that’s all turned on its head and businesses are now expected to match the standard of consumer devices we are all using in our personal lives

Matt Cotton

Matt is a Chartered Mechanical and Building Services Engineer and currently leads the consultancy team at the National Energy Foundation. Matt has previously held positions at Faber Maunsell and AECOM where he advised Local Authorities and Developers on carbon policy and low energy design solutions within domestic and non-domestic buildings. He is currently advising a number of Housing Associations on their stock energy strategies up to 2050 and associated opportunities for Green Deal. Matt is also a Director of the Building Retrofit Network (BRN), a Community Interest Company that has been setup to deliver a ‘pay as you save’ loan scheme to RSLs and Private Residents.

John Rippon

John is a VAT Senior Manager at KPMG and leads KPMG’s social housing VAT team. John has worked for KPMG since 2001, specialising in social housing since 2007. John works with organisations from the country’s biggest social housing groups to small local organisations and also advises the NHF.

Mike Jackson

Mike has held the positions of Managing Director of REL Appliversal and Sales Director of Thorsman UK. At NICEIC, Mike is responsible for bringing products and services together to the benefit of NICEIC registered contractors and to the wider contracting industry. Having supplied the contracting and housing industries for many years, Mike has increasingly seen businesses challenged by difficult economic conditions, changing government policy and an ever increasing need to remain complaint. Mike’s focus has been on ensuring contractors and industry can benefit from the services of NICEIC; whether that be through compliance auditing by NICEIC Consulting, cutting red tape through Competent Person Scheme registration and building control notification or helping companies to understand the Green Deal.

Agenda 11th December 2012

9.30 – 10.00 / Registration/coffee
10.00 – 10.10 / Chairs welcome/ remarks/notices / Keith Simpson
10.10 – 10.50 / Where is it all going? Mobile Technology – A glimpse into the future / David Cockayne – Consilium Technologies Ltd
10.50 – 11.05 / Coffee/Tea break
11.05 – 11.35 / Shared Services – the latest position explained / John Rippon – KPMG
Andy Ballard AB Housing Solutions Ltd
11.35 – 12.00 / Panel discussion – Shared services / John Rippon – KPMG
Andy Ballard AB Housing Solutions Ltd
Ian Rumsam Together Group
12.00 – 12.30 / Aerial Roof Surveys Used to reduce cost and ensure accurate budgeting / James & Mark Pickance
Upshot UK Ltd
12.30 – 13.45 / Lunch/Networking
13.45 – 14.00 / Update on DWF Repairs & Maintenance Awards 2013 / Keith Simpson/ Rodney Smith
14.00 – 14.35 / Refurb/New build – Applicable Gas Regulations / Trevor Batt – Principal Consultant – Corgi Services
14.35 – 15.10 / Green Deal/Eco- Opportunities
for Housing Associations and Local Authorities / Matt Cotton – Technical Director, National Energy Foundation
15.10 – 15.40 / Certification the way forward made easy. / Mike Jackson - Head of Group Sales at NICEIC.

To reserve a place

Please email Rodney Smith


no later than 30th November 2012

please advise of any special dietary requirements