International Conference WATER 2018 1

Title (lower letters, font: Times, size 14, center, bold)

Surname Name1, Surname Name2, and Surname Name3 (Times New Roman, 10, center)

1Name of the University/Company (Times New Roman, 8, center)

2Name of the University/Company (Times New Roman, 8, center)

3Name of the University/Company (Times New Roman, 8, center)


Abstract – (no more than one page) - These instructions give you guidelines for preparing abstract for the Conference WATER 2018. Use this document as a template if you are using Microsoft Word 6.0 or above. Otherwise, use this document as an instruction set. We accept papersin a word processing file using MS Word for Windows® (.DOC, .DOCX). The paper size should be A4 (21 cm x 29,7 cm) with the margins: Top: 4 cm, Bottom: 4 cm, Inside: 4,5 cm and Outside: 3,5 cm,mirror margins.Abstracts that do not fulfil the guidelines listed below will not be reviewed by the Scientific Committee (Times New Roman, 10, justify, line spacing single, paragraph first line by 0,8 cm).

Title: should be brief and in lower case except for acronyms, names, first letter and after colons. Please do not use commercial names, non-standard abbreviations or author names in the title.

Authors’ list: Please do not mention academic degrees.Our recommendation is that themaximum number of authors should be 5!

Structure: Abstracts should be structured in the following four sections:

  • Introduction: indicates the purpose of the study,
  • Methods: describe pertinent experimental procedures,
  • Resultsand significances: summaries the results of the research,
  • Conclusion: states the main conclusions.

Maximum length of 2500 characters, one page only (excl. title & author block, including spaces).

Please use UK spelling.

Please spell out Greek or scientific characters in use and insert these from the editor.

Abbreviations: may be used if standard or if spelled out and defined at the first use (put in parentheses immediately after the first mention of a term or phrase). Compounds should be mentioned with the generic name, in lower cases.

Abstracts may include tables, graphics and pictures (incl. in max. count of 2500 characters). Each file inserted into the abstract accounts for 200 characters.

Tables and figures should be inserted in the text, preferably where they are referred to. Each of them must have a reference number and a title (tables) or a caption (figures). Place figure captions below the figures and table titles above the tables.

Remarks:The submitter confirms that the submitted abstract is an original paper and has not been published or presented at an international meeting prior to WATER’18.

Keywords: keyword1, keyword2,…max 5 keywords(Times New Roman, 10, italic, justify)

Corresponding author: SurnameName, e-mail


ISSN-xxx-xxx ©2000 Ovidius University Press