Industry and Technology Policy Board

The Packaging Society

Annual Report for 2011

1. Board Membership

It was refreshed in 2011 after a number of resignations and one demise

Keith Barnes Chairman

Neil farmer

Roy Dixon

Steve Pye

David Wiggins

Mark Caul

Richard Inns

Richard Bull

Liz Reeman

Chris Waterhouse

Chris Penfold

Ian Davis Chairman Education Working Group

Emma Wise Chairman Competitions Working Group

Ian Roe Chairman Membership Working Group

Henry Emblem Environmental CIG

David Abraham Pharmaceutical CIG

2. Board Meetings

19th January 2011 15 members attended

13th April 2011 10 members attended

28th July 2011 18 members attended

5th October 2011 12 members attended

3. Opportunities for growth

The priorities continue

a. Communications

b. Packaging Sustainability

c. To increase profile in the industry

Frequent updates are supplied to Board members

Regular meetings are held with Bernie Rickinson and Gordon Stewart

TPS has a part to play in Congress 2012

TPS hosted a World Packaging Organisation (WPO) at Grantham in 2011

4. Technical Programme

Packaging training via Diploma and Certificate courses continued

A Packaging course for Designers is now available

A Performance Specifications course has been created

There are discussions with the CIM (Chartered Institute of Marketing) regarding a Packaging for Marketing course

We attended exhibitions: Easifair in Dublin, London and NEC

Reeds Total at NEC

Pro2pac in London

Taking part in Learnshops and a Packaging Surgery

5. Foresight

Nothing to report

6. Professional Membership Development

CPD is available and members are encouraged to use it

Networking and collaboration between Local Societies from other IOM3 communities continues

There is Packaging representation on other divisional Boards

7. Institute Federalism

Nothing to report

8. National/International Links

Continuing contact with:-

Faraday Packaging Partnership

KTN’s, particularly Materials

The Packaging Federation

DBA (Design Business Association)

PIRA (Packaging Industry Research Association)

IncPen (Industry and the Environment)

PPMA (Packaging and Process Machinery Association)

IPIA (Independent Print Industries Association)

SPE (Society of Plastic Engineers)

IOPP ( Institute of Packaging Professionals – USA )

MSU ( Michigan State University – USA)

WPO (World Packaging Organisation)

CIM (Chartered Institute of Marketing)

Museum of Branding, Advertising and Packaging

The Worshipful Company of Stationers and Newspaper Makers

9. Government Interface

Wrap, KTN’s and DEFRA

10. Publications

Packsource Directory continues on the website

Packaging Professional magazine is issued every two months

A number of articles in MADE and Materials World

The packaging website continues to attract the highest level of hits in IOM3. More initiatives will follow.

A new website – The Packaging Hub - is being created as a source for all packaging information

Packaging enquiries are still popular and are fed through membership

11. Awards and Prizes

2011 provided yet more successes in Schools Starpack, Student Starpack and Industrial Starpack. Winners had the chance to enter for Worlstars organized by the WPO and a number have been successful with golds.

The Administrative contract for Worldstar is still with TPS and is much praised.

12. Terms of Reference

This document is available on the website as is our Mission Statement and shortly a Strategy document.

13. Other Matters

Sadly we reported the demise of David Smalley our Fellows lunch organizer early in the year. Keith Barnes took over as an interim task and all went well. Another Fellow has stepped forward and will run this in future years

The Starpack award dinner was again held in conjunction with the London and South East local Packaging society Packaging Dinner and proved very successful. The same local society also ran another popular Thames River trip

The Merseyside local society ran a number of excellent events in the NW and the East Midlands local society organized a successful workshop with Nottingham Trent University peering into the future of packaging. Work is being fast tracked to re-establish a Scottish local society.

A successful Diploma course was organized in conjunction with the Indian Institute of Packaging using Skype and webex links.. A Diploma course for Singapore is close to launching. The first Packaging Webinar was presented in the Spring and discussions for future titles are ongoing.

Our Next meeting is 19th January 2012

Keith Barnes

Chairman The Packaging Society
