For office use only
Profile Summary
First Name / Family Name / Male / Female
Date of birth / Today’s date
Course(s) title:
Course(s) start date:
Expected graduation date:
Did you study full or part-time? / Are/were you an international student?


What made you decide to study on a higher education course?
Why did you choose to study at Teesside?
How did you find out about Teesside?
Why did you choose to study that particular subject?
What did you enjoy about the course?
(any specific modules and why?)
What did you think about the campus and the services offered (eg. Careers, Students' Union etc)?
Did you stay in University accommodation, and if so what did you think of it?
Did the offer of bursaries, sponsorships, etc attract you to apply to Teesside?
Did you get any financial support from the University (please specify)?
What was your social life at Teesside like? What did you think of the surrounding area (shops, clubs, cost of living etc)?
Did you undertake any research, or part-time teaching during your studies? If so please tell us about it.
Were you a member of any clubs or societies or involved in any volunteering programmes (eg mentoring)? If so which ones and what did you get out of them?
Would you recommend Teesside and/or your course (if so, why)?
If you are not yet a graduate what career do you hope to enter after the course?
If you are not yet a graduate, do you think this course/qualification will help you achieve your ambitions, and if so how?
Please give a brief description of your career since you graduated and current role, including job title and company name, and the highs and lows of the job.
Did your course help you get your current job? Please highlight any academic knowledge/experiences that have been useful to you in your working life.
Free text
Please feel free to add any additional comments to your profile.
Which secondary school did you attend?
Which sixth form or further education college did you attend?


I give consent to the use of my responses from this profile to appear in the University's print and online marketing material. / Yes/No
I give consent to pass my contact details to the University’s photographer. Yes/No
I am happy for you to pass a copy of my profile to my secondary school and/or college for their use in marketing. / Yes/No
Email address


Please provide us with your contact details below.

Email address / Tel number
Current postal address

Thank you very much for your support.

I understand that such use may include, but is not limited to, University publications such as the University Prospectuses, Course Brochures, Annual Review, Newsletters, Magazines and the University website. I further agree that such images may be released to the news media, including newspapers and magazines. I understand that signing this release does not guarantee publication of my interview and image. Material may also be passed to a third party for use in publications/promotions, including websites, where the University is in collaboration with the third party.

Data Protection

The information you provide will be added to a University database and used for University purposes only. These purposes may include but are not limited to mailing of additional information about course facilities and open days that we think may be of interest to you. Please tick this box if you DO NOT wish to receive further general information not associated with the Alumni Association. All records of the University of Teesside are maintained in compliance with the principles of the Data Protection Act 1998. The University is registered with the Office of the Information Commissioner as a provider of higher education. Under the Data Protection Act 1998, you have a right to a copy of the data held about you. If you would like a copy of the data, you should apply, in writing to the Data Protection Officer at the University. The current charge for this service is £10.

In the event of any query please contact:

Tel: +44 (0) 1642 738288 | Email:

For Alumni Office Use Only:

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