Name ______

Industrial Revolution Newspaper Project: Self-Assessment

4 / 3 / 2 / 1 / 0
Articles / A full and complete description that thoroughly explains the impact on people & society and multiple points of view. Rich details and multiple examples given. No grammar & spelling errors. / A complete description that explains the impact on people & society. Clear details and examples given. Few grammar & spelling errors. / A basic description that explains the topic. Few details and examples given. Multiple grammar & spelling errors. / A vague or unclear description. No details and examples given. Numerous grammar & spelling errors.
&/or missing articles
Images & Visuals / A variety of required and additional images &/or visuals that clearly represent the time period. Each contains a specific, relevant caption that places it in context. / A variety of required images &/or visuals that represent the time period. Each contains a relevant caption that places it in context. / Fewer than required images &/or visuals that represent the time period. Some contain relevant captions that place them in context. / Fewer than required images &/or visuals that represent the time period. No captions.
&/or missing images/visuals
Overall Appearance / Excellent presentation that looks like a newspaper. Very neatly put together. All pages filled (no white space). Excellent and cohesive masthead/title, logo, and credits. / Looks like a newspaper. Neatly put together. Most pages filled (little white space).
Neat masthead/title, logo, and credits. / Appearance is scattered or sloppy. Somewhat looks like a newspaper. Most pages contain white space. Masthead/title, logo, and credits are inconsistent &/or missing. / Appearance is sloppy. Does not look like a newspaper. All pages contain white space &/or missing elements. Masthead/title, logo, and credits are missing.

Section 1: News Articles

Indicate below what topics you wrote about in your two articles, what score you would give yourself on each article, and why. Use the rubric at the top of the page as a guide.

Article topic: ______

Score ______Explanation ______

Article topic: ______

Score ______Explanation ______

Section 2: Additional Articles

Check the item below that you completed individually for Section 2. Indicate what score you would give yourself on this article, and why. Use the rubric at the top of the page as a guide.

Editorial / Letter to the Editor – topic: ______

Obituary – topic: ______

Biography of an Inventor – topic: ______

Story of an Invention – topic: ______
Score ______Explanation ______

Section 3

Check the item below that you completed individually for Section 3. Indicate what score you would give yourself on this item, and why. Use the rubric at the top of the page as a guide.

Photographs with captions – topic: ______

Maps with captions – topic: ______

Illustrations with captions – topic: ______

Political Cartoons – topic: ______

Score ______Explanation ______

Section 4

Check the item below that you completed individually for Section 4. Indicate what score you would give yourself on this item, and why. Use the rubric at the top of the page as a guide.

Timeline of Important Events – topic: ______

Advertisements for products from the time – topic: ______

Graph/Chart with caption – topic: ______

Famous Quotes – topic: ______

Crossword Puzzle – topic: ______

Score ______Explanation ______

Section 5

Check the item below that you completed individually for Section 5. Indicate what score you would give yourself on this item, and why. Use the rubric at the top of the page as a guide.

Newspaper Title/Masthead

Newspaper Logo (that coordinates with title)

Credits Section (a list of who did what)

Score ______Explanation ______

Group Member Evaluation

In the space below please provide information about your group members that you would like for me to know (either positive or negative).


