Level 0
Validation Checks and Error Messages
Special Education Events
Version 3.07
Red = Existing Level 0 Edit Checks
Green = Additional Level 0 Reporting
Blue = Additional Level 1 Reporting
Revision History
Date / Comment1/16/2008 / · Initial document
2/7/2008 / · Revisions following 1st conference call
2/19/2008 / · Revisions following 2/13/2008 conference call
2/22/2008 / · Revisions following the 2/22/2008 conference call
6/12/2008 / · Revisions following conference call and further clarification from Inni Barone
7/10/2008 / · Changed wording from “flushed” to “purged”
Modified existing edit for event date to support the defining link for CSE and CPSE chains
· The Event Date in the defining link that does not fall in the July 1 – June 30 date range of the selected school year will receive the following error:
o Event Date out of school year date range for defining link.
Special Education Events Validation and Errors
Key Fields:
District Code, School Year Date, Student ID, Event Type Code, Event Date
Required Fields (All Records):
District Code, Location Code, School Year Date, Student ID, Event Type Code, Event Date,
Initial Event Type Code, Initial Event Date
Quasi-Required Fields (Certain Records):
(Non-compliance) Reason Code (1st Link), Event Outcome Code (3rd Link), Number of Days (1st Link)
Individual Field Integrity checks and errors:
District Code:
Integrity Check:
- The district code must have data and must equal the 8 character district code that the user selects on the main menu page.
- Any district code error is fatal and will stop processing of the import file. No
further processing will be allowed until the error has been corrected.
- If the district code does not equal the user selected district code from the main menu page then the following error message will display:
o There are records in this file that contain the following district code: “bad district code data”. This district code does not match your selected district which is: “user selected code data”. The validation process cannot continue until all the records in the import file match your selected district. If you chose the wrong district on the Menu page please return to the Menu and select the correct district.
Location Code: (refer to difference in language in the guidelines for extracts)
Integrity Check:
- The location code must have data and must be found in the LOCATION lookup table.
- A location code that is blank will receive the following error:
o No Location Code.
- A location code that cannot be found in the LOCATION lookup table will receive the following error:
o Invalid Location Code – “bad location code”
(Same as snapshot language) – valid only = district location
School Year:
Integrity Check:
- The school year must have data and must equal the 10 character date that the user selects in the “Data is for School Year” box on the main menu page.
Import Errors:
- Any school year error is fatal and will stop processing of the import file. No
further processing will be allowed until the error has been corrected. In this situation the following error message will display:
o There are records in this file that contain the following school year: (“bad school year data”). On the Menu page you selected (“user selected school year data”) as the school year for this import file. Please adjust your import file or return to the menu and select a different school year.
Student ID:
Integrity Check:
- The student ID must have data, must not exceed 9 characters in length, and each character must be numeric. Also, a corresponding student ID must be found in the Level 0 valid demographic records for the selected district and school year. Note: A student ID that is not blank and is less than 9 characters will be padded with leading zeroes until it reaches 9 characters in length.
- A student ID that is blank will receive the following error:
o No Student ID. Fake ID added for deletion option.
- A student ID that is not numeric will receive the following error:
o Student ID not numeric – “bad student ID”
- A student ID that exceeds 9 characters in length will receive the following error:
o Student ID exceeds 9 characters.
- A student ID that does not have a corresponding demographic record will receive the following error:
o No matching Demographics record.
Event Type Code:
Integrity Check:
- The Event Type code must have data and must be found in the EVENT_TYPE_CODES dimension table
- An Event Type code that is blank will receive the following error:
o No Event Type Code.
- An Event Type code that cannot be found in the EVENT_TYPE_CODES dimension table will receive the following error:
o Invalid Event Type Code – “bad event type code data”
Event Date:
Integrity Check:
The event date must have data, must be a valid date and must be 10 characters in length and in the following format: YYYY-MM-DD, and 1st event date must fall between July 1 – June 30 of the selected school year, 2nd – 4th event dates must be greater than or equal to the 1st Event Date
- An Event Date that is blank will receive the following error:
o No Event Date.
- An Event Date that is not 10 characters in length will receive the following error:
o Incorrect length for Event Date.
- An Event Date that is not a valid date will receive the following error:
o Invalid Event Date.
- An Event Date that is not in the correct format will receive the following error:
o Incorrect format for Event Date.
- Release 3.06 - The Event Date in the defining link that does not fall in the July 1 – June 30 date range of the selected school year will receive the following error:
o Event Date out of school year date range for defining link.
Event Outcome Code (Y = classified, N= Not Classified, U= Undetermined) associated only with 1st link in the chain
Integrity Check:
- The Event Outcome code must be found in the EVENT_OUTCOME_CODES dimension table
- An Event Outcome code that cannot be found in the EVENT_OUTCOME_CODES dimension table will receive the following error:
o Invalid Event Outcome Code – “bad event outcome code data”
- An Event Outcome code on any record other than the 1st link in the chain will receive the following error:
o No Event Outcome Code expected – “bad event outcome code data”. PURGED
Reason Code (non-compliance) associated only with the 1st link in the chain
Integrity Check:
- When present, the Reason Code must be found in the NON _COMPLIANCE _REASON CODES dimension table
- A Reason code that cannot be found in the NON_COMPLIANCE_CODES dimension table will receive the following error:
o Invalid Reason Code – “bad reason code data”
- A Reason code that does not match Event Type chain will receive the following error:
o Invalid Reason Code for Early Intervention - “bad reason code data”
o Invalid Reason Code for Preschool - “bad reason code data”
o Invalid Reason Code for School-Age - “bad reason code data”
- An Reason code on any record other than the 1st link in the chain will receive the following error:
o No Reason Code expected – “bad reason code data”. PURGED
Initial Event Type Code - associated with 2nd, 3rd, and 4th links in the chain
Integrity Check:
- The Initial Event Type code must be found in the EVENT_TYPE_CODES dimension table
- An Initial Event Type code that cannot be found in the EVENT_TYPE_CODES dimension table will receive the following error:
o Invalid Initial Event Type Code – “bad initial event type code data”
- A missing Initial Event Type code for Event Type Codes other than sequence 1 will receive the following error:
o Initial Event Type Code required
Initial Event Date
Integrity Check:
- The Initial Event Date must have data, must be a valid date, must be 10 characters in length and in the following format: YYYY-MM-DD, and must be in the July 1 – June 30 time frame of the user selected school year.
- An Initial Event Date that is not 10 characters in length will receive the following error:
o Incorrect length for Initial Event Date.
- An Initial Event Date that is not a valid date will receive the following error:
o Invalid Initial Event Date.
- An Initial Event Date that is not in the correct format will receive the following error:
o Incorrect format for Initial Event Date.
- An Initial Event Date that is out of the allotted current year time frame will receive the following error:
o Initial Event Date out of school year date range.
- An Initial Event Date that exceeds the current date will receive the following error:
o Initial Event Date cannot be a future date.
- An Initial Event Date that is out of the allotted specified school year time frame will receive the following error:
o Initial Event Date out of school year date range.
- An Initial Event Date that is blank will receive the following error:
o Initial Event Date required.
Number of Days – associated with the 1st link in the chain
Integrity Check:
- The Number of Days must be numeric and must not exceed 4 characters in length.
- A Number of Days that is not numeric will receive the following error:
o Num. of Days not numeric – “bad Num. of Days data”
- An Number of Days on any record other than the 1st link in the chain will receive the following error:
o No Number of Days expected – “bad number of days data”. PURGED
2nd Level Verification W/F Error Checking:
Event Type Code:
- Each 2nd, 3rd, and 4th link requires a preceding link in the chain and must within the same grouping
o W/F: Link 1 record needed or event type mis-match
o W/F: Link 2 record needed or event type mis-match
o W/F: Link 3 record needed or event type mis-match
Event Date:
- Each link requires an event date greater than or equal to the preceding link event date
o W/F: Link 2 Event Date cannot be earlier than Link 1 Event Date
o W/F: Link 3 Event Date cannot be earlier than Link 2 Event Date
o W/F: Link 4 Event Date cannot be earlier than Link 3 Event Date
Reason Code (non-compliance):
- A Non-Compliance Reason Code is needed for a CPSE01 or EI01 record with Number of Days greater than 30
o W/F: Missing Non Compliance Reason code
- A Non-Compliance Reason Code is needed for Event Type CSE01 with Number of Days greater than 60
o W/F: Missing Non Compliance Reason Code