The “Morning” After
February 20, 2008
Tuesday, February 19, 2008, President David Howard called the regular meeting of the River Ridge Community Unit School District #210 Board of Education to order at 7:00 PM. Board Members David Howard, Steve Thomasson, Lynn K. Pease, Barb Schaible, Donnie Altfillisch and Raymie Diestelmeier answered roll call. Also present: Superintendent Brad Albrecht, Principal Pete Scarano, Principal Tom Akers and representative from the media. Member Kathy Knauer was absent.
The Board took the following action:
Approved the amended minutes of the January 22, 2008 Regular Board Meeting and Executive Session.
Approved the destruction of the audio executive session minutes from July 17, 2006.
Reviewed and accepted the Treasurer, Investment and Activity reports.
Approved and authorized payment of $464,327.90 for bills and payroll.
Mrs. Pease reported the River Ridge 2nd Quarter Outstanding Students at the AVC were: Christopher Thoren – Construction Technology; Mattie Radke – Computer Aided Drafting/GIS and Brandon Beyer – Law Enforcement.
Scheduled the high school graduation to be on Sunday of Memorial Day weekend at 1:00 pm. May 25, 2008 is the date for the Class of 2008.
Discussed the 8th grade promotion date. The date will be determined at the regular meeting of the Board in March.
Directed each senior class to review funds in their activity account at the end of the school year. The graduating class will decide on a contribution to the school. If there are funds remaining, $300 will be set-aside in an escrow account.
Principal Tom Akers thanked the committee members who reviewed and updated the district Wellness and Crisis Plans.
Depending on the need for further emergency days the 2007-2008 end-of-year calendar is as follows:
Last student attendance day - Wednesday, May 28th
Teacher’s Institute - Thursday, May 29th
The proposed 2008-2009 calendar will be discussed at the March meeting.
Accepted with regret Mr. Tom Akers letter of resignation effective June 30, 2008 as Middle School/High School principal. He has accepted the superintendent’s position at Cambridge School District #227.
Approved the request from Martha Purchis, Title I instructor, to retire the end of the 2008-2009 school year, which will include the 4.4 B retirement incentive.
Administrators News:
Mr. Akers reported the FFA members have planned activities all week: teacher appreciation breakfast, milk chugging contest, drive-your-tractor-to-school day and a hay bail toss. The Petting Zoo will be in March.
River Ridge High School was the recipient of a $2000 Teen Safe Driving Grant through the Department of Transportation. The grant is used towards the development of the S.A.D.D. program and driver’s education classes working to inform the students and communities about safe driving.
WYSE team placed first in regional competition at Highland Community College and will compete in sectional competition in Dekalb in March.
Megan Francomb placed 6th in the IHSA sectional competition with her presentation in humorous interpretation. Also competing were Molly Francomb and Lauren Parr in dramatic duet acting.
The District was the recipient of the Commander’s Award from the Marine Corps Reserve “Toys for Tots” program. This is symbolic of all the efforts of staff, students and families over the holidays.
Mr. Scarano invited everyone to attend Family Literacy Night celebrating Dr. Seuss’ Birthday on Monday, March 3rd, from 6:00-7:00 PM.
March 7th – 3rd Quarter ends
March 10th – Kindergarten screening
March 11th & 12th – Pre-School screening
March 13th – Parent Teacher Conferences 3:00-8:00 pm
March 14th – Parent Teacher Conferences 8:00 am – 12:00 pm
Supt. Albrecht noted the outside project (parking lot/driveway resealing/repairing and removal/replacement of cement for cracked sidewalk) bids are due on March 7th.
Bus bids are due March 10th.
Board members have been invited to the Northwest Division Spring Conference Thursday, March 6th, in Rock Falls sponsored by Illinois Association of School Boards
Supt. Albrecht invited the Board to take a brief building tour. Items addressed:
1. Music room acoustics
2. Condition of carpeting in lower level
3. Consider computer lab/condition of laptop computer carts
The Board entered into executive session to consider information regarding appointment, employment, compensation, discipline, performance or dismissal of specific employees of the District and report on student information and discipline.
No action taken after executive session.
The March board meeting will be held on Monday, March 17, 2008 at 7:00 pm.
Subject for approval at the next regular meeting of the Board.