STAR Events Master Sign Up Sheet
Individual and/or Team Individual Team Not Eligible
Event / Junior / Senior / OccupationalAdvocacy
Recognizes participants who demonstrate their knowledge, skills and abilities to actively identify a local, state, national, or global concern, research the topic, identify a target audience and potential partnerships, form an action plan, and advocate for the issue in an effort to positively affect a policy or law.
Applied Math for Culinary Management
Recognizes participantswho use Family and Consumer Sciences skills todemonstrate the application of mathematicalconcepts in the culinary arts industry.
Career Investigation
Recognizesparticipants for their ability to perform self-assessments,research and explore a career, set career goals, create a planfor achieving goals, and describe the relationship of Familyand Consumer Sciences coursework to the selected career.
Chapter in Review Display
Recognizes chapters that develop and implement awell-balanced program of work and promote FCCLAand Family and Consumer Sciences and/ or relatedoccupations and skills to the community.
Chapter in Review Portfolio
Recognizes chapters that develop and implement awell-balanced program of work and promote FCCLAand Family and Consumer Sciences and/or relatedoccupations and skills to the community.
Chapter Service Project Display
Recognizes chapters that develop and implement an in-depth service project that makes a worthwhile contribution to families, schools, and communities. Students must use Family and Consumer Sciences content and skills to address and take action on a community need.
Event / Junior / Senior / Occupational
Chapter Service Project Portfolio
Recognizes chapters that develop and implement anin-depth service project that makes a worthwhilecontribution to families, schools, and communities.Students must use Family and Consumer Sciencescontent and skills to address and take action on acommunity need.
Culinary Arts
Recognizes participantsenrolled in occupational culinary arts/ food servicetraining programs for their ability to work asmembers of a team to produce a quality meal usingindustrial culinary arts/food service techniques andequipment.
Digital Stories for Change (Online Event)
Recognizes participants who demonstrate their knowledge, skills, and abilities to actively identify an issue concerning families, careers, or communities; research the topic; and develop a digital story to advocate for positive change.
Early Childhood Education
Recognizes participants who demonstrate their abilityto use knowledge and skills gained from theirenrollment in an occupational early childhoodprogram.
Recognizesparticipants who develop a plan for a small business usingFamily and Consumer Sciences skills and sound business
practices. The business must relate to an area of Family and
Consumer Sciences education or related occupations.
Environmental Ambassador
Recognizes participants who addressenvironmental issues that adversely impact humanhealth and well-being and who actively empowerothers to get involved.
Event / Junior / Senior / Occupational
Fashion Construction
Recognizes participants who apply FashionConstruction skills learned in Family and ConsumerSciences courses and create a display using samplesof their skills. Using new materials, participantsconstruct in advance a garment or ensemble that
dresses both the upper and lower body of a child oradult.
Fashion Design
Recognizesparticipants who apply fashion design skills learned
in Family and Consumer Sciences courses to designand market clothing styles. Participants willdevelop a clothing label, research the intendedaudience, design the label’s first 4-piece collection,
and construct one collection sample using anoriginal flat pattern designed by the participant.
FCCLA Chapter Website (Online Event)
Recognizes participants who use a chapterwebsite to educate, inform, and involve membersand the general public about the importance of theFamily and Consumer Sciences program and the
FCCLA chapter.
Focus on Children
Recognizes participants who use Family andConsumer Sciences skills to plan and conducta child development project that has a positiveimpact on children and the community. Child
development encompasses birth throughadolescence.
Food Innovations
Recognizes participants who demonstrate knowledge ofthe basic concepts of food product development bycreating an original prototype formula, testing theproduct through focus groups, and developing amarketing strategy.
Hospitality, Tourism, and Recreation
Recognizes participants who demonstratetheir knowledge of the hospitality, tourism, andrecreation industries and ability to translate theirknowledge into a hypothetical or real business. Projectmust relate to culinary, lodging, recreation, tourism,
or event coordination.
Event / Junior / Senior / Occupational
Illustrated Talk
Recognizes participants who make an oralpresentation about issues concerning Family andConsumer Sciences and/or related occupations.
Interior Design
Recognizes participants who apply interior designskills learned in Family and Consumer Sciencescourses to design interiors to meet the living spaceneeds of clients. In advance, participants will create afloor plan, an elevation and a furniture/ interior plan
addressing the specifics of the design scenario.
Interpersonal Communications
Recognizes participants who use Family andConsumer Sciences and/or related occupation skillsand apply communication techniques to develop aproject designed to strengthen communication in achosen area: community, employment relationships,family, peer groups, or school groups.
Job Interview
Recognizes participantswho use Family and Consumer Sciences and/or relatedoccupations skills to develop a portfolio, participate in aninterview, and communicate a personal understanding of
job requirements.
Recognizes participants who actively evaluate and grow in their
leadership potential. Participants investigate theirleadership ability, assess leadership andemployability skills, and develop and implement a plan to further their leadership development.
Life Event Planning
Recognizes participants who apply skills learned in Family and Consumer Sciences courses to manage the financial costs of an upcoming event.
Event / Junior / Senior / Occupational
National Programs in Action
Recognizes participants who explain how thePlanning Process was used to plan and implement anational program project.
Nutrition and Wellness
Recognizesparticipants who track food intake and physical activity forthemselves, their family, or a community group and
determine goals and strategies for improving their overallhealth.
Parliamentary Procedure
Recognizeschapters that develop a working knowledge of
parliamentary law and the ability to conduct anFCCLA business meeting.
Promote and Publicize FCCLA!
Recognizes participants who developan FCCLA promotion and publicity campaign to raiseawareness and educate the school, parents, andmembers of the community about the importance of
FCCLA and Family and Consumer Sciences education.
Recycle and Redesign
Recognizes participants who apply recycling andredesign skills learned in Family and ConsumerSciences courses and create a display using a sampleof their skills. Participants select a used fashion,home, or other postconsumer item to recycle into a
new product.
Say Yes to FCS Education
Recognizes participants who demonstrate theknowledge and skills needed to explore andexperience the career of being a Family and
Consumer Sciences educator.
Event / Junior / Senior / Occupational
Sports Nutrition
Recognizes participants who use Family andConsumer Sciences skills to plan and develop anindividualized nutritional plan to meet the needs of acompetitive student athlete in a specific sport. In
advance, participants will prepare a sample nutritionand hydration plan based upon nutritional andenergy needs of the student athlete.
Teach and Train
Recognizesparticipants who demonstrate their ability to
explore and experience the career of teaching ortraining.
Important Terms
Individual Event – An event completed by one person.
Team – A team may be composed of one, two, or three participants from the same chapter and/or school with the following exception: the Parliamentary Procedure team may have four to eight participants from the same chapter and/or school.
Junior Category – Students enrolled in grades 6-9
Senior Category – Students enrolled in grades 10-12 (In Georgia, the following pathways fall under the Senior Category – Nutrition and Food Science; Interiors, Fashion, and Textiles; Housing and Community Management; Teaching as a Profession)
Occupational Category – Students enrolled in grades 10-12 (In Georgia, the following pathways fall under the Occupational Category – Culinary Arts; Early Childhood Education)