
Individual account:

  • User can Sign Up top left corner of the website
  • User can choose their account type.
  • User can register with valid Email address and Password, ReEnter password also available.
  • User can register with their personal information.
  • If User already login, login option also here.

Business account:

  • User can Sign Up top left corner of the website
  • User can choose their account type.
  • User can register with valid Email address and Password, ReEnter password also available.
  • User can register with their personal information.
  • User can add their business information.
  • If User already login, login option also here.


  • User login with registered mail id and password.
  • Forget password option also available in login form
  • User can Reset the password using Registered mailId


  • User having send money option
  • User having request money option
  • User having quick send money now option



  • View user profile details
  • User having get out of more money transfer option
  • User having activity option


  • User can view their recent activity of transactions.
  • User can search depends upon date
  • User can search using advanced filters

Send and Request:

  • User can having Request money to registered user for payment
  • User can having Send money to registered user for payment


User can deposit money via another pay pal account

User can deposit money via bank transaction

User can deposit money via check

Payment :

Request money:

User can request payment to registered user.

User can also choose their currency.

Send money:

User can send payment to registered user.

User can also choose their currency.

Payment methods:

  • User can view their add account options.

Add bank account:

User can add their bank account details.

Credit or debit card:

User can add their credit or debit card details.

Withdraw amount:

User can view their account balance.

Usercan withdraw money from their account.


  • User have profile dropdown option.
  • User have account setting option.
  • User have security option.
  • User have payment history option.


  • User can view their personal details.
  • User can manage their profile picture.
  • User can edit their primary address, email, mobile no.
  • User can add secondary address, email, mobile no.
  • User have account close option.


  • Update password by user.
  • User have security questions.

Payment history:

  • User can view payment sent transaction
  • User can view payment request transaction

CMS Page:

  • Contact us
  • About us
  • Terms
  • Privacy policy
  • Help



  • Admin can login with valid username and password
  • Forget password option also available in login form.

Admin dash board:

  • Admin can easily Entering to the following links





Processing fee

Manage transaction

Online banking



General settings


User management:

  • Admin can manage the user details
  • Admin can search a user

Deposit money:

  • Admin can view the users deposit details
  • Admin can search and view deposit details
  • Admin can Approve the deposit for transaction
  • Admin can deposit amount to registered users wallet

Withdraw money:

  • Admin can view the users withdraw details
  • Admin can search and view withdraw details
  • Admin can Approve the withdraw for transaction
  • Admin can withdraw money from registered user


Request money management:

  • Admin can manage the request money details for payment.

Send money management:

  • Admin can manage the send money details for payment.

Processing fee management:

  • Admin can manage all processing fee
  • Admin can manage the withdrawal fee
  • Admin can manage the minimum transaction amount for deposit,payment,Transfer money to bank account, Transfer money to pay pal account.
  • Admin can manage the payment type processing fee

Transaction management:

  • Admin can view the transaction details.

Online banking management:

  • Admin can add new bank
  • Admin can edit bank details

Currency management:

  • Admin can add new currency
  • Admin can edit currency details.

General setting:

  • Admin can manage

Site title

Site address

Site URL

Site logo

Site banner image

EMail address

CMS management:

  • Admin can update description of
  • Welcome texts
  • Contact us
  • About us
  • Privacy policy
  • Terms
  • Help