Minutes of October 13, 2014 - Rindge Conservation Commission Page 1 of 3




Attendance: David Drouin, Chairman; Phil Simeone; Bill Preston, Richard Mellor and Fred Rogers

Call To Order: David called the meeting to order at 7:03 p.m.

  1. Turtle Sign Locations: Bill spoke of the site visits he and Fred had made and discussed his observations. He submitted a one-page document titled “Turtle Sign Locations,” which was copied and put in the Highway Dept. mailbox for the DPW Director. The commission determined that this is a Mid-May to Mid-June activity time frame for turtles and if the highway dept. put the posts in, then the commission can maintain putting up the signs and removing them.

2. County Road Parking Area: Richard gave an update expecting the concrete blocks to be installed soon. The last kiosk will be installed after the parking area is completed. There still is a pile of chips left at Tetreault; Richard will have a plan for them next week. Richard shared his colorful 8.5” x 11” photos.

3. Open House: David suggested Sunday afternoon around 1:00 or 2:00 p.m. for the ribbon cutting ceremony with the Board of Selectmen.

4. Pearly Pond Association Final Meeting: Phil and Fred attended the meeting. Catherine was there, as well as, the consultant Ben. The consultant discussed the 10 options that would be the least expensive and most cost-effective. Phil submitted color photographs showing all these options and the commission discussed them. Some of these options include putting in berms, using pavement systems, having a porous pavement surface on the boathouse side, using gravel wetland cells similar to a berm. These options all depend on what grants they can secure. They discussed utilizing tree pits on the east parking areas of the campus. This would force water to the tree pits connected with piping. Tree boxes are porous, surround the trees and add shading to parking areas. They are still working on the geese issue. Bill added one solution would be to just not mow the lawn. Fred acknowledged that would save money on gas for mowing too. Option 3 regarding Route 119 would be a D.O.T. issue and that was substituted for Option #7. Option #4 addressed Kendall Road runoff from that curve. A small treatment area with a curve cut to drain the water and filter it. Create a wet pond make a culvert that slowly drains into the pond. Runoff from the parking areas is what is causing the problem. They are looking for grant money. What option will promote the best phosphorous reducing solution, the best bang for the buck! Pearly Pond Association will hold a public meeting on November 12th at 5:00 p.m. at Spanella Hall across from the Campus Center complex.

5. R.A.M.S. Race: Race to be held on Sunday, October 19th, 10 a.m. to Noon. This is being advertised in the schools for Middle School and early High School aged youth. There is a $10 fee and each youth gets a t-shirt. There are 6 obstacles and the upper part of the trail will be left alone. They will have ribbons up and people around the course. They will go before the Selectmen on Wednesday night.

6. 44th Annual Meeting and Conference of the New Hampshire Association of Conservation Commissions (NHACC) David is double-booked and won’t be going. Richard is going. Phil and Bill plan to register. The commission may set up a display of what they do at the meeting. They discussed how to get kids involved with the commission and working with Envirothon at the high school.

New Business:

  1. Intent to Cut - Tax Map/Lot No. 011-036 - Cathedral Road - the commission reviewed the Intent to Cut and discussed the area.


The commission reviewed and discussed the Adopted Schedule for the 2015 Budget and the Expenditures Budget vs Actual for Periods Ending 9/30/14 The commission discussed their operating budget and how much they actually have available and what bills are outstanding.

Dave signed Richard’s payment receipt to the NHACC and an Invoice from Belletete’s to be charged to Inventory Resources.

Minutes of Previous Meetings:

9/25/14 Minutes were reviewed. Bill motioned to approve the minutes, seconded by Phil. Motion carried unanimously.

8/28/14 Minutes: Phil motioned to approve the minutes as amended, seconded by Bill. Motion carried unanimously.

Other Business:

UNH Cooperative Extension, Non-Native Invasive Plant Species for Identification and Control, Tuesday, October 21st, 7:00 - 8:30 p.m. at the Gay Kimball Library in Troy, NH Talk given by Jeff Taylor, Vegetative Control Services Inc. and Steve Roberge, Cheshire County Ext. Forester

Adjournment: David adjourned the meeting at 9:03 p.m.

Respectfully submitted, Nancy Perry, Clerk