Indigenous Studies

Indigenous Studies


Indigenous Studies

Curriculum Committee

October 14 2016, 10:00 am – 11:30 am

Room A1369, CEP Campus

PRESENT:Luanne Yellowfly (Associate Professor, SCMS), Marcella LaFever (Associate Professor, CMNS), Robert Harding (Associate Professor, SWHS), Stan Manu (Assistant Professor, Math & Stats), Sheryl Newton (Assistant Professor, UUP), Cary Britton (Instructor, Applied and Technical Studies), Wenona Victor (chair), Jacqueline Nolte (Dean, College of Arts), and Nicole Kungle (recorder).

REGRETS: Theresa Neil-Kumiga (Elder in Residence), Shirley Hardman (Senior Advisor n Indigenous Affairs), Kate McCulloch (Assistant Professor, Health Studies), Lorna Andrews (Director, Indigenous Student Centre).


  1. Opening Prayer

An opening prayer in Halq’emeylem was given by Wenona Victor.

1.1 Introductions

Introductions were made around the table, and the Chair welcomed everyone to the meeting,

  1. For Approval

2.1. Adopt the Indigenous Studies Curriculum Committee Agenda for October 14, 2016.


  • 3.3 Aboriginal Culture and Language Support (ACLS) diploma
  • 3.4 Discussion of readings
  • 3.5 Indigenous and Indigenization - Venn diagram
  • 4.3 Calendar deadlines

Agenda approved as amended.

2.2. Approve Indigenous Studies Curriculum Committee Minutes of November 6, 2015.


  • Remove the second reference to Indigenous and add historical and contemporary narratives and practices to the Personal suitability: Who teaches Indigenous Studies definition.

Amended version: An instructor with the knowledge, skills and experiences to deconstruct historical and contemporary narratives and practices, dispel stereotypes, build understanding and respect for Indigenous peoples knowledge and ways of knowing and who has engaged in self-reflective practice in their own research, work experience, scholarly activity and/or their teaching.

Follow up: Marcella will check into progress of PRLG 145 Course Outline

Minutes approved as amended.

  1. Business Arising

3.1. Terms of Reference

Jacqueline Nolte suggested to have a Dean sit on the committee.

3.2. Length of Terms

Jacqueline Nolte requested that the ISCC Terms of Reference be looked at for possible revisions to the membership criteria; minimum and maximum length for service.

Action Item: Wenona and Jacqueline will work on the membership revisions and present them to the committee for consensus.

3.3. Aboriginal Culture and Language Support (ACLS) diploma

Wenona Victor and Luanne Yellowfly shared their research into the ACLS diploma and they found disconnect between the credentials received and what employers (school districts) have listed in their job descriptions.

  • Further research is needed into the Provincial Learning objectives
  • Possibly meeting with school district Aboriginal Education Services Directors
  • Look at changing the name to the program and length from two years to one year
  • Developing a program that will latter into the Indigenous programs

Action Item: Marcella and Luanne to put an education plan together for the program.

3.4. Discussion of readings postponed until next meeting

3.5. Venn diagram postponed until next meeting

  1. For Discussion

4.1. Revision and discussion of new courses

  • HIST 403 requires a pre-requisite change
  • All courses need to be copied onto the new course outline forms
  • Program and course requirements need to be looked at as some courses have been discounted in other departments.
  • Next CACC meeting is October 24, 2016
  • Next UEC meeting is November 16, 2016

Action Item: Wenona will look at new courses for the program; email dept. heads for any new iIndigenous courses (PACS)

4.2. Mapping outcomes

Jacqueline Nolte recommended the ISCC to reference the ‘Handbook to Accompany Guiding Principles for Quality Curriculum’ when working on mapping outcomes. Jacqueline suggested to have Alisa Webb, Associate Dean of Students, College of Arts come to the next meeting to speak about the new BA and e-portfolio. Jacqueline also suggested to meet with Mary Saudelli, Faculty Development Consultant, Teaching and Learning to assist with curriculum mapping.

  • Outcomes driven
  • Flexibility for students
  • Pre-requisites; are they barriers for students?
  • Fluidity between programs.
  • Meeting Indigenous credentials

Action Item: Subcommittee of ISCC to meet with Mary Saudelli – Wenona, Cary, Robert, Marcella and Sheryl offered to sit on subcommittee

4.3. Calendar deadlines

Action Item: Subcommittee to meet as soon as possible and see if deadlines for CACC (October 24th) and UEC (Nov 16 2016) can be met

Next Meeting:

Monday, November 7, 10:00 am, CEP A1369