SIT agenda

SIT (School Improvement Team) agenda 19 November 2014

*indicates discussion needed, thank you.


begun, in process

need to address


1. SIP updates

*(I added the names of the workshops to match the workshop registration for WSFCS)

Priority Goal 1: Decrease achievement gap noted in Required Actions 1,2 and 3 by the SACS External Review team report and seen in comparison of sub group standardized test scores.

Strategies include study skills inventory in 9th/10th grade classes, staff one on one tutoring for students at risk, professional development on ½ days to increase academic rigor, especially in literacy


August 19 professional day, Expecting Excellent – Outlining the Year Ahead: Dr. Kathy Adams led a session on literacy and Deborah Hartman led a session on data, using data from West Forsyth to help us learn how to interpret.

½ day training on Sept 10, Effective Collaboration Teams – introduction to PLT

½ day training on Oct 1st, Continuous Improvement Process– continuation of PLT training and beginning focus on using PLTs to decrease the achievement gap.

*SIT subcommittee update – counselors are meeting with students who are failing to discuss the student contract and strategies to improve grades (and graduation rate)

Student contract sample shown at the meeting

NEXT STEP: teacher/staff member for Saturday Success Academy

*9th grade World History and 10th grade Civics teachers have the study skills inventory and will administer the inventory this semester to their classes.

Include study skills inventory on Staff shared Drive so staff knows what the students are being asked. Troxell, Harvey and Bryant have additional resources.

Priority Goal 2: Increased use of data to improve all student achievement, as noted in Required Action 4 of the SACS External Review team report.

Strategies include professional development on ½ days and planning periods,PLT focus on using data, implementation of specific strategies that are based on data

See information for Priority Goal 1

Planning periods on Oct 20th, Using Data to Close the Achievement Gap– Deborah Hartman continued discussion of data and types of data

½ day, Oct 22nd, Using Data to Close the Achievement Gap in individual PLTs

Nov 4,Office 365 One Drive for West High – Central Office staff training during planning periods

Dec 2 – online assessment tools that can replace clickers, optional for interested staff, during planning periods

Future ½ day presentations include presentation of use of EVAAS

Priority Goal 3: Increase consistency in implementing and understanding the evaluation process (NC Educator Effectiveness System). The NC Educator Effectiveness System model was noted in Required Action 2 by the SACS External Review team report.

Strategies include administrative buddy evaluations and staff buddy peer mentors

*Marci Harvey – update from the survey sent to the staff, early Nov

Over half the staff responded  Marci Harvey has the results and shared it with Mr. McAninch. The results will be used on our SIT plan. The final results will be published.

*Lisa Cook – Would you be willing to help set up the buddy peer mentors?Yes. It is already in the works. If anyone wants to be assigned a buddy or needs a mentor, contact Lisa Cook.

2. ICC updates – Mr. DeVane

Operation Smile revised their mission statement. Tabled motion until January 28th . Mrs. McClain is invited to SIT meeting to talk about her club.

3. Progress towards the AdvancED Report Card.

1. Develop, implement, and monitor a plan that is part of the school's continuous improvement process to provide professional development to establish academic rigor across all ability levels with a focus on the higher levels of Bloom's Taxonomy.


  • See SIP: Priority Goal 1: ½ day training on Sept 10, Effective Collaborative Teams – Introduction to PLT process and ½ day training on Oct 1st, Continuous Improvement Process - Continuation of PLT process training, focus on achievement gap

2. Develop and implement a strategic plan that is consistent with the expectations of the North Carolina Educator Effectiveness System model to close the achievement gap.


  • PDP Goal for each staff member
  • NCEES survey – see SIP, Priority Goal 3

3. Evaluate the use of existing digital technologies and devise, implement, and monitor a plan to provide appropriate digital learning opportunities for all students.


  • See SIP – Priority Goal 2, Nov 4th,Office 365 One Drive for West High - Central Office training during planning periods
  • RUA – forms collected from students and students without forms alerted (Nov 2014)
  • Teachers using BYOD

4. Develop and implement a plan to train all staff in the evaluation, interpretation, and use of data.


  • See SIP – Priority Goal 2, Aug 19, Expecting Excellence – Outlining the Year Ahead; and Oct 20,Using Data to Close the Achievement Gap - Central Office training during planning periods;
  • Dec 2 – planning periods, online assessment tools to replace clickers …

4. other business?

Thank you!

Next Meeting: 17 December 2014, MediaCenter, 8 am

2014-2015 meetings:

22 October

19 November

17 December

28 January

18 February

18 March

22 April

20 May

SIT members:

_X_Mr. McAninch, _X_Mrs. Powell, X__Kit Browning, __Mr. White, __Mrs. Hunt

Student representatives: _X_Laura Miller


_X_Anne Atkins, _X_Maria Bello, __Elizabeth Betson, X__Scott Bilton,

_X_Theresa Bryant, _X_Elisa Cook, _X_ Sara Crater, _X_Timothy DeVane,

_X_Chris Ebert, _X_Marci Harvey, _X_Kirsten Russ, _X_Martha Swayne,

_X_Debra Troxell, _X_Ann Wiener, _X_Kevin Baity

__Charles Beatty, __Rebecca Harris, _X_Becca Worley