Indiana Society of Enrolled Agents
Dear XXXX,
On behalf of the ISEA Board of Directors, I want to personally welcome you to the Indiana Society of Enrolled Agents (ISEA) and the National Association of Enrolled Agents (NAEA). We encourage you to take full advantage of your membership in the premiere organization devoted to the advancement of EA’s and Indiana Tax Professionals. I believe you will value the benefits of your membership, including access to local and national support systems and resources, cost-saving vendor discounts, and ample opportunities to network with the best tax professionals around.
We will be mailing you your ISEA membership certificate, a certificate that signifies your professional achievement, expertise, and credentials as America’s Elite Tax Expert. Please review your certificate and notify me if it reflects any incorrect information. We will also be mailing you your ISEA lapel pin. Wear your pin with EA pride!
ISEA hosts or sponsors Continuing Education (CE) events at our state conference and at local chapter meetings. As a member, you will receive registration fee discount for our state event. Plus, as a new member, we are presenting you with the enclosed special CE certificate that you can use for our annual state seminar/annual meeting. This certificate is only available for 2013 seminar/annual meeting and must be redeemed by 30 July 2013, so please be sure to take advantage of these savings.
There is growing recognition that Enrolled Agents truly are America’s Elite Tax Professionals. We are thrilled to have you on our team as we work to enhance this recognition in Indiana, Washington DC and throughout the country.
Please review the ISEA website to become familiar with ISEA officers and directors and you can also search for other local EA’s in your area by using “Find EA” feature. We also have advertisement items you can use in your local market.
Thank you again for joining ISEA. As with any endeavor, the more you put into it, the more you’ll get out of it. We look forward to your active participation and hope that your involvement with our Society will be productive and beneficial for you. Please contact me at 812-478-2800 or if you have any questions or concerns.
Very truly yours,
Andrew Stadler, EA
President, ISEA
NAEA website: ISEA website:
· Capitol Hill – NAEA promotes legislation that is beneficial for EAs and good for taxpayers. NAEA represents your interests as an Enrolled Agent, and protects your right to practice. NAEA is the only national organization that represents the needs of Enrolled Agents solely; it is your voice on Capitol Hill.
IRS – NAEA meets regularly with IRS officials to make certain that your voice is heard, and works closely with the IRS to ensure that the tax code is well administered and reasonably enforced.
Information & Education
· NAEA's Tax Research Service – a robust online research service providing a do-it-yourself searchable database (complimentary for NAEA members) and an ask-a-question feature providing research on specific tax situations (members receive a substantial discount). Articles and research contains citations to authoritative sources and yet is written in layman's terms.
· E@lert – stay ahead of the curve with NAEA’s weekly electronic newsletter (and special notification/updates), sharing news as it happens.
· EA Journal – get in-depth articles and practice management tips that will help you and your business.
· National Tax Practice Institute (NTPI) and NAEA’s Annual Meeting – Learn from the best and network with your colleagues in the field of representation.
· CE – ISEA & NAEA offers many opportunities to fulfill your CE requirements cost effectively and conveniently. See the Calendar of Events on ISEA and NAEA website.
Tools for Building Your Business
Services/Benefits you can rely on to support your business:
· Customizable print ads and Press Releases that can be personalized and used to announce career milestones to local media.
· Brochures that you can order or easy-to-print flyers that explain “What is an Enrolled Agent?”
· Discounts for Quickfinder, The TaxBook, and CCH publications. See the ISEA website for forms.
· Shipping discounts
· Errors and Omissions Insurance – available only to members
· Use of the ISEA & NAEA logo – a visible indication of your commitment to quality and your dedication to the profession through continuous learning.
· NAEA’s “Find an Enrolled Agent” service at has been referenced in many publications including Consumer Reports. Besides the use of this site by the public to find us, the site is very versatile if you are searching for members or want a list of members in specific areas or specialties.
If you log in to the site, you can access the “Member Directory” which lists all members (EAs and associate members). Using either directory, you can search by name, by city, by state or by a specialty. Then you can sort by any criteria.
The details of your NAEA profile can impact whether you are matched with a potential new client. To update your profile, go to, log in (User Name is your NAEA ID and password is your zip code), and click on “View/Edit My Profile”.
You can change your login & password, see financial history, change your specialties and edit your contact information. There you can change all your contact information and also enter a description of your practice in the “More Information” tab.
Networking Opportunities
· Be part of a national system with 39 state affiliates and more than 12,000 members.
· NAEA Tax Community – get a second opinion from your peers; make live, real-time connections with thousands of EAs who offer advice and share experiences, knowledge and ideas on NAEA’s web board (free to NAEA members and linked from the website). Prior posts are searchable in order to find answers quickly. You will also find valuable information and professional connections on the Linkedin, Enrolled Agent group.
Public Awareness Efforts
· National and local radio advertisements; ISEA has developed special radio ad spots that can be used by ISEA members. Tax Articles in countless small and large media outlets across the country that you can use in your local market.
· NAEA’s website – helping the general public understand the important work that EAs do.
· Bi-monthly press releases that increase the media and general public’s understanding of EAs.
· In addition to coverage in traditional print and broadcast media, NAEA has broken new ground by putting EAs in the media spotlight. When you see enrolled agents featured in national and local media, there’s a good chance that NAEA made it happen. Spreading the word that EAs are the tax professionals of choice – communicating the value you bring to your clients and potential clients – is a primary NAEA goal.
ISEA Participation
ISEA membership is driven by members participating this is making the organization stronger and better for all members. We need and value your participation if you have limited available time or able to work on larger project we value all participating member. Please contact one of board members today to volunteer your services. Here is a short list of some of our special projects:
· Newsletter, submitting article(s) on current tax topics.
· Website development and upkeep.
· Annual conference/seminar, public awareness, setup and general help
· Young Tax Professional, working with young professional to mentor them and help them in their development as Enrolled Agents
· Seminar to either Tax Professional or local community about tax law and tax representation.
· Membership development
· Social Media
· State Chapters development.
ISEA New Members Discount Certificate
Awarded to ______
This Certificate entitles you to a discount for Indiana Society of Enrolled Agent 2013 tax representation seminar / annual meeting
· $25.00 off
Please submit this certificate with your registration form
Certificate expires 30 July 2013
President: Andrew Stadler, EA