Indian Journal of Traditional Knowledge

Editorial Board


Mr. Francis Gurry

Director General

World Intellectual Property Organization

34, chemin des Colombettes
P.O. Box 18, CH-1211 Geneva 20

Dr Shakeel Bhatti

International Treaty on Plant Genetic

Resources for Food and Agriculture
FAO Headquarters
Viale delle Terme di Caracalla, 1
00153 Rome


Dr Antony Taubman

Director and Head

Traditional Knowledge Division

World Intellectual Property Organization

Geneva 20


Prof Nancy J Turner
Distinguished Professor

School of Environmental Studies
3800 Finnerty Road
Social Science and Mathematics (SS&M) Building (Room B260)
PO Box 3060, University of Victoria

Victoria, BC V8W 2Y2

Prof R B Chhetri
Head, Dept of Environ Sci & Engg (DESE)
Associate Dean, School of Science
Kathmandu University
Dhulikhel, Kavre

Prof Madhav Gadgil

Centre for Ecological Sciences

Indian Institute of Science

Bangalore 560 012


Dr Pulok K Mukherjee
School of Natural Product Studies
Dept. of PharmaceuticalTechnology

Kolkata 700032

West Bengal

Dr P Pushpangadan

Director General

Amity Institute for Herbal and Biotech

Products Development (AIHBPD)

AIHBPD Thiruvananthapuram Campus

TC X/910

VRA-179 Mannamool Peroorkada

PO Thiruvananthapuram 695 005


Dr S K Jain

Former Director

Botanical Survey of India

A-26, Avas Vikas Colony

Mall Avenue

Lucknow 226 001

Uttar Pradesh

Dr G N Qazi

Vice Chancellor

(Jamia Hamdard)

Hamdard Nagar

New Delhi 110 062

Prof. S K Borthakur

Department of Botany


Guwahati 781 014


Dr Tribhuban Panda


Kalahandi Institute of Tribology &
Ethnobiology (KITE)

Jilingdar, PO Dedar

Via Junagarh 766 014

Distt. Kalahandi


Mr A V Balasubramanian


Centre For Indian Knowledge Systems

30 (47C) Gandhi Mandapam Road


Chennai 600 085

Tamil Nadu

Dr Ashok B Vaidya

Research Director

Kasturba Health Society

Mehali Medical & Research Centre

17, Khandubhai Desai Road

Vile Parle (W)

Mumbai 400 056


Dr M K Siddiqui

Director, CCRUM

61-65 Industrial Area

Pankha Road, Opp ‘D’ Block


New Delhi 110 058


Dr Gangan Prathap

Director, NISCAIR

Editor:Dr T K Mukherjee (); Associate Editor: Dr K P Singh ()

Published by the National Institute of Science Communication And Information Resources, CSIR

Dr K S Krishnan Marg, New Delhi 110 012, India

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