Peer editor (your name): ______Topic of your peer’s IA: ______

***Refer to pages 24-26 in your assessment book for mark scheme rubrics.

Intro stuff:

___ Title page (topic question, word count, date, candidate number)

___ Table of Contents (all pages are correct and in correct order)

___ formatting (consistent throughout the IA)

___ Page numbers

___ Labels (all sections A-C are labeled and in correct order)

___ Topic question (is it specific enough? Is it clear what they will be arguing?)


Part A: Identification and Evaluation of Sources

___ Introduction is organized with a clearly stated topic question

___ The relevance of the sources are explained

___ Scope is clearly defined (WHAT they will investigate; extent of research)

___ Source #1 correctly analyzes OPCVL

___ Source #2 correctly analyzes OPCVL

*NOTE: They should avoid vague statements like: “This source is valuable because it was written during the time period” or “The source is limited because it has bias” They need to be specific.

Score: ___/6


Part B: Investigation

___ Evidence is correctly referenced and cited

___ Organized thematically and chronologically; should be organized and easy to follow

___ All evidence relates directly to question; all relevant

___ Analysis is developed and consistent throughout

___ Different perspectives/counter-arguments are considered

___ Reasoned conclusion consistent with evidence presented

___ Clear answer to their research question

Score: ___/15


Part C: Reflection

___ Clearly focuses on what investigation highlighted about methods used by historian

___ Considers challenges and limitations of methods used

___ Connection between reflection and rest of the investigation

___ Very specific details – no general statements

Score: ___/4


Sources & Word Limit

___ All sources are cited in Chicago format

___ All footnotes are cited correctly and format is consistent

___ All sources are alphabetized and organized by source-type

___ There are, at minimum, ten sources cited (no more than five websites!)

___ Investigation is between 2000-2200 words


Appendix (not required): If the IA includes an appendix…..

___ pictures/maps/charts are clear

___ Each individual picture/map/chart is labeled with a citation


Other stuff:

___ Grammar

___ Punctuation

___ Spelling

___ Word choice
