Indian Institute of Ayurvedic Pharmaceutical Sciences Pharmaceutical
D. Pharm. II Year
Year 2015- 2016
- Write the definition of vyadhi
- What is meant by Vyadhi?
- Give two definitions of Vyadhi
- Define Nidana
- Give two definitions of Nidana
- Define Purvarupa write the types of Purvarupa
- Write various synonyms of Vyadhi
- What are the types of Purvarupa?
- Define Rupa
- What is meant by Upashaya
- Write the synonyms of Rupa
- What are the types of Upashaya?
- Write the major classification of Upashaya
- What is meant by HetuViparita
- What is VyadhiViparita
- What is HetuVyadhiViparita/UbhayaViparita
- HetuViparitarthakari
- VyadhiViparitarthakari
- HetuVyadhiViparitarthakari
- Define Upashaya
- What is the difference between Upashaya and Anupashaya
- Define Samprapti
- Write the types of Samprapti according to Charakacharya
- What are the types of Samprapti
- Define SamkhyaSamprapti
- What is PradhanyaSamprapti?
- What is VikalpaSamprapti
- Define Bala Samprapti
- Define Kala Samprapti
- Describe SwabhavikaVyadhi
- What is AgantujaVyadhi?
- What is meant by NijaVyadhi?
- Write the major classification of Vyadhi
- Write the classification of Adhyatmika Vyadhi
- Define AdhibhoutikaVyadhi
- Enumerate AdhidaivikaVyadhi
- Write the types of AdibalapravruttaVyadhi
- What are the types of JanmabalapravruttaVyadhi
- What is DoshabalapravruttaVyadhi?
- Types of Dosha Bala PravruttaVyadhi
- Write the types of LalabalapravruttaVyadhi
- Define DaivabalapravruttaVyadhi
- Write types of DaivabalaPravruttaVyadhi
- TrividhaVyadhi
- TrividhaHetu
- Define Ama
- Write any two definitions of Ama
- What are the Lakshanas of Ama?
- Write the characteristics feature of Ama in body
- Define Sanchaya
- What is Prakopa
- Enumerate Prakopa with two similes
- What are the six kriyakalas mentioned by AcharyaSushruta?
- Define Kriyakala
- Enumerate Shatkriyakala
- Describe Prasara
- Define Sthanasamshraya
- What isVyaktavastha and Bhedavastha?
- Enumerate TrividhaPareeksha
- List the DashavidhaPareekshaBhavas
- What is SaratahPareeksha?
- SamhananaPareeksha
- SatvaPareeksha
- Define SatmyaPareeksha
- What means EkarasaSatmya
- Describe BahurasaSatmya
- VayatahPareeksha
- PramanaPareeksha
- Define PrashnaPareeksha
- Define DarshanaPareeksha
- Define SparshanaPareeksha
- Characters of increased Rasa Dhatu (Rasa Vruddhi Lakshana)
- Characters of increased Rakta Dhatu ( RaktaVruddhi Lakshana )
- Characters of increased Mamsa Dhatu (MamsaVruddhi Lakshana)
- Characters of increased Medadhatu (MedaVruddhi Lakshana)
- Characters of increased Asthi Dhatu (AsthiVruddhi Lakshana )
- Characters of increased Majja Dhatu (MajjaVruddhi Lakshana)
- Characters of increased Mamsa Dhatu (ShukraVruddhi Lakshana)
- Characters of decreased Rasa Dhatu (Rasa Kshaya Lakshana )
- Characters of decreased Rakta Dhatu (RaktaKshaya Lakshana )
- Characters of decreased Mamsa Dhatu (MamsaKshaya Lakshana)
- Characters of decreased Medadhatu (MedaKshaya Lakshana)
- Characters of decreased Asthi Dhatu (AsthiKshaya Lakshana )
- Characters of decreased Majja Dhatu (MajjaKshaya Lakshana)
- Characters of decreased Shukra Dhatu (ShukraKshaya Lakshana)
- Characters of increased Vata Dosha (Vata Vruddhi Lakshana)
- Characters of increased Pitta Dosha (PittaVruddhiLakahsna)
- Characters of increased Kapha Dosha (KaphaVruddhi Lakshana)
- Characters of decreased Vata Dosha (Vata Kshaya Lakshana)
- Characters of decreased Pitta Dosha (PittaKshaya Lakshana)
- Characters of decreased Kapha Dosha (KaphaKshaya Lakshana)
- Characters of increased Stool (Purisha) [Purisha Vruddhi Lakshana]
- Characters of increased Sweat (Sweda) [SwedaVruddhi Lakshana]
- Characters of increased Urine (Mutra) [Mutra Vrudhdi Lakshana]
- Characters of decreased Stool (Purisha) [Purisha Kshaya Lakshana]
- Characters of decreased Sweat (Sweda) [SwedaKshaya Lakshana]
- Characters of decreased Urine (Mutra) [Mutra Kshaya Lakshana]
- Enumerate the factors of Janapadodhwamsa
- Write the components of Nidana Panchaka
- Enumerate AshtavidhaPareeksha
- Writevarious classification of Vyadhi
- Define Nidana and its importance
- Describe TrividhaHetu
- Give an account on Prajnaparadha
- Describe AsatmyaindriyarthaSamyoga and its significance
- What is the significance of Kala in Rogotpatti
- Write a short note on Poorvarupa
- Describe types of Poorvarupa
- Depict Rupa and its significance
- Describe Upashaya and its importance
- Define Samprapti and its classification
- Give an account on various types of Samprapti
- Ama and its importance
- Define Ama, its characteristics and its role in producing Vyadhi
- Define sanchana and its importance
- Define Prakopa and its significance
- Describe Prasaravastha and its importance in Chikitsa
- Explain Sthanasamshraya and its importance
- Describe DarshanaPareeksha with examples
- Explain PrashanaPareeksha in diagnosing the disease
- Describe SparshaPareeksha
- Enumerate DashavidhaPareekshaBhava and explain PrakritiPareeksha
- Enumerate DashavidhaPareekshaBhava and explain VikrutiPareeksha
- Enumerate DashavidhaPareekshaBhava and explain SarataPareeksha
- Enumerate DashavidhaPareekshaBhava and explain SatvaPareeksha
- Enumerate DashavidhaPareekshaBhava and explain SamhananPareeksha
- Enumerate DashavidhaPareekshaBhava and explain SatmyaPareeksha
- Enumerate DashavidhaPareekshaBhava and explain PramanaPareeksha
- Enumerate DashavidhaPareekshaBhava and explain VayatahPareeksha
- Enumerate DashavidhaPareekshaBhava and explain AharaShaktiPareeksha
- Enumerate DashavidhaPareekshaBhava and explain VyayamaShaktiPareeksha
- TrividhaPareeksha
- Importance of RogaPareeksha
- Importance of Nidana Panchaka
- Enumerate the Nidana Panchaka and explain Nidana in brief
- Enumerate the Nidana Panchaka and explain Purvarupa in brief
- Enumerate the Nidana Panchaka and explain Rupa with its significance
- Enumerate the Nidana Panchaka and explain Upashaya in brief
- Enumerate the Nidana Panchaka and explain Samprapti in brief
- What is the importance of understanding the concept of Ama?
- Describe the importance of understanding the concept of Nidana Panchaka
- Define Vyadhi/Roga and write its various classifications in detail with examples.
- What areNidana Panchaka? Describe Nidana with its classification and importance.
- Describe Upashaya and its classification with suitable examples.
- What areNidana Panchaka? Describe Samprapti and its classification and its significance
- Enumerate NidanaPanchakas. Write about Upashaya with its classification. What is Anupashaya explain with suitable example.
- Define Ama with its Lakshanas and importance.
- Describe Shatkriyakala and their importance in detail.
- What is meant by Kriyakala, name them and write detail about Sanchayavastha
- What is meant by Kriyakala, name them and write detail about Prakopavastha
- What is meant by Kriyakala, name them and write detail about Prasaravastha with suitable examples
- Describe Kriyakala according to Sushrutacharya with their importance.
- Describe TrividhaDukha in detail
- Describe DashavidhaPareeksha in detail with its importance
- Explain TrividhaRogaPareeksha with suitable examples.
- Define Chikitsa
- What is DaivavyapashrayaChikitsa?
- What is YuktivyapashrayaChikitsa?
- What is SatvavajayaChikitsa?
- ChikitsaChatushpada/ Enumerate factors of ChikitsaChatushpada/ what are included under ChikitsaChatushpada?
- Write the qualities of Vaidya/Bhishak/Physician
- Write the qualities of Rogi/Patient
- Write the qualities of Dravya/ Drug
- Write the qualities of Paricharaka/Nurse/ Upasthata
- What is Upakrama
- Enumerate DwividhaUpakrama
- Enumerate SaptavidhaVranopakrama
- List out the AshtavidhaShastrakarma
- Name Shadvidhaupakrama
- Langhana
- Define Brimhana
- What is Rukshana therapy
- Define Snehana therapy
- Define Sthambhana
- What is Swedana therapy?
- LanghanaYogya/person fit for Langhanatherapy
- LanghanaAyogya/person unfit for Langhana therapy
- BrimhanaYogya/person fit for Brimhana therapy
- BrimhanaAyogya/Person unfit for Brimhana therapy
- Rukshana Yogya/person fit for Rukshana therapy
- Rukshana Ayogya/person unfit for Rukshana therapy
- Snehanayogya/person fit for Snehana therapy
- SnehanaAyogya/person unfit for Snehana therapy
- SthambhanaYogya/person fit for Sthambhana therapy
- SthambhanaAyogya/person unfit for Sthambhana therapy
- Swedana yogya/person fit for Swedana therapy
- Swedana Ayogya/person unfit for Swedana therapy
- SantarpanaChikitsa
- ApatarpanChikitsa
- Define Nasya
- Define word Basti
- Define Vamana and Virechana
- What is MatraBasti?
- What is AvapidakaNasya?
- What is PradhamanaNasya?
- Mention any 5 Vamana Dravyas
- List out Virechana Dravya
- Mention any 4 Nasya Dravyas
- Shirovirechana
- Mention the drugs of Shirovirechana
- List out Basti Dravyas
- Common treatment for RasavruddhijanyaVikara
- What is Poorvakarma
- Mention the Panchakarmas
- Panchakarmas according to Sushrutacharya
- List out Panchakarmas according to Charakacharya
- Enumerate Panchakarma suggested for Vata, Pitta and Kapha respectively
- Enumerate Types of Sneha
- Qualities of Ghee
- Qualities of Taila
- Qualities of Vasa
- Qualities of Majjasneha
- Types of Sweda
- Enumerate NiragniSweda
- Types of SaagniSweda
- Define AnuvasanaBasti
- Define AsthapanaBasti
- Important line of treatment for Vata
- What is the important Shodhana and Sahmana therapy for Vata
- What is the important Shodhana and Sahmana therapy for Pitta
- What is the important Shodhana and Sahmana therapy for Kapha
- Define Vajikarana
- Benefits of Rasayana
- Benefits of Vajikarana
- Benefits of Vamana therapy
- Benefit of basti
- Benefit of Virechana
- Benefit of Nasya therapy
- General line of treatment for Raktadushti
- Types of Rasayana
- Define Kutipraveshika Rasayana
- Define Vatatapika Rasayana
- Mention the Drugs of Medhya Rasayana
- Enumerate the Rasayana drugs useful in DrushtiRoga
- Enumerate the Rasayana drugs useful in Kushta or TwakRoga
- Mention two diseases with Naimittika Rasayana drugs
- Describe DaivavyapashrayaChikitsa with examples.
- Explain about SatvavajayaChikitsa with examples
- Describe Yuktivyapashrayachikitsa and its importance
- Describe various classification of Chikitsa
- What are ChikitsaChatushpada and their qualities
- ChikitsaUpakrama
- Describe SaptavidhaVranopakrama/SaptavidhaUpakrama
- Describe AshtavidhaShastrakarma with their indicatins
- Types of Nasya
- Describe Langhana with drugs and their qualities
- Describe Brimhana with drugs and their qualities
- Describe Rukshana with drugs and their qualities
- Describe Snehana with drugs and their qualities
- Describe Swedana with drugs and their qualities
- Describe Sthambana with drugs and their qualities
- Describe Vamana Dravyas with their qualities and mode of action
- Describe Virechana Dravyas with their qualities and mode of action
- Describe Shirovirechana Dravyas with their qualities and mode of action
- Describe Basti Dravyas with their qualities and mode of action
- Vamana Yogya and Ayogya
- Virechana Yogya and Ayogya
- AsthapanaBastiYogya and Ayogya
- AnuvasanaBastiYogya and Ayogya
- NasyaYogya and Ayogya
- Describe the qualities of Vaidya/Physician
- Explain the qualities of Dravya/Drug
- Explain the types of Basti
- Describe types of Swedana
- Write the qualities of 4 kinds of Sneha
- Types of raktamokshana
- Importance of Panchakarma
- Describe SaagniSweda
- Rasayana Yogya And Ayogya
- Vajikarana Yogya and Ayogya
- Rasayana Dravyas and their qualities
- Explain types of Rasayana with suitable drugs
- Achara Rasayana and its benefits.
- Describe Vajikarana in brief
- Management of Vata Dosha
- General principle of management of Pitta Dosha
- General principle of management of Kapha Dosha
- General principle of management of Dhatu and Mala
- Define Chikitsa and its various classifications
- Describe TrividhaChikitsa
- Explain DwividhaUpakrama in detail
- Describe ShadvidhaUpakrama in detail
- What is Panchakarma? Describe Vamana procedure in detail.
- What is Panchakarma? Describe Virechana procedure in detail.
- What is Panchakarma? Describe Basti karma in detail.
- What is Panchakarma? Describe Shirovirechana procedure in detail.
- Define Vamana and Virechana. Describe Virechana procedure in detail.
- Define Basti. Explain the procedure of Basti karma
- Describe Raktamokshana
- Write the indication and procedure of Nasya Karma
- Define Nasya. Write procedure of Nasya Karma
- What means ChikitsaUpakrama? Describe DwividhaUpakrama in detail.
- What are the general principles of management of vitiated Dosha
- Define Basti. Enumerate its various classifications with suitable examples.
- What is Poorvakarma? Describe importance of Poorvakarma and Pashchat Karma in Panchakarma
- Write an account on Rasayana chikitsa
- Write a note on Vajikarana Chikitsa
- Describe Panchakarma according to Sushruta and Charaka. Write a note on Raktamokshana.