[Description of the Volume]
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Volume One
Adams, Constance, 89
Constantine, 281
James, 69
Nancy, 281
William, 95
Adkins, Davidson, 106
Edward, 219, 220
Isaac, 50, 74, 289, 294
Polly, 87
Adkinson, L L. T., 314
Akerling, Samuel, 19
Albert, James, 166
Alcorn, Robety, 20
Alderson, C., 317, 318,
Mary C., 317, 318
Aldridge, Thomas, 141
Alexander, John, 206,
M. J., 333
M. P., 333
Alford, Russell, 137
Alizer, Mary, 85
Allen, Al(l)in, David, 58, 308
Elizabeth, 101
Eunice, 53
James, 130
John, 80, 254, 257, 259, 293
Madison, 162
Robert, 64, 233
Sally, 49
Sally D., 96
Thomas, 265, 306
William, 122
Alley, Ally, Allie, Asa, 121
R. F., 328
Al(l)ison, S. F., 323
Alsop, Nathaniel, 96
Altizer, Alltizer, Altiser, (also see Alizer), Anna, 102
J. T., 325
James B., 325
John, 116
Katy, 105
Lilly, 113
Riley, 134
Sally, 129
Thomas, 151
William, 109, 312
Amiss, Lewis, 185, 265
Anderson, James, 15
John, 26
Louisa J.B., 121
Micajah, 288
Nancy, 130
Nancy S., 106
William, 101, 216, 252, 257, 259, 328
Andrews, Adam, 20
Reuben Q., 67
Ar(e)nhart, Louisa, 117
Lucinda, 106
Susanna, 68
Argabright, John W., 320
Ariome, Batest, 422
Arm(i)stead, Ben, 327
Ben M., 330
Arms, Armes, Susan, 139
Theodore, 322
Armstrong, Thomas, 23
Asberry, Asbury, Aaron, 77, 275
Albert P., 162
Amanda, 282
Ann, 53
Archibald, 75
Betsy, 73, 275
Charlotte, 96, 152
Darcey, 123
Eli C., 282
Eliza, 118
Elizabeth H., 130
George, 62, 79, 171
Haner, 134
Han(n)ah, 100, 273
Hannah (Harrison), 273
Henry, 173, 184, 275
Jacob, 104
James, 57, 104, 145, 275
Jane, 96
Jean, 66
Jerusa, 98
Jesse, 275
Jinny, 275
John, 54, 288, 296
Kesiah, 296
Keziah, 288
Levina, 51
Louise, 246
Lowisa, 279
Malinda, 107
Martha, 161, 275
Mary Ann, 67
Moses, 77, 270, 275
N., 317
Nancy, 124
Nelly, 51
Patse, 94
Polly, 54, 66, 86, 275
Rebecca, 275
Smith, 162
Taba, 52
Tabitha, 118
Thomas, 66, 99, 275
Thomas H., 103
William, 52, 123, 134, 180, 275, 288, 295, 413
Witt, 56
Aston, George, 301
Susanah, 301
William B., 250
Athey, John, 299
Atkins, (also see Adkins) Anderson, 117
Annaliza, 117
David P., 242
Davidson, 243
Larkin, 80
Legcy, 80
Peter, 127
Rebeca, 72
Robert T., 142
Austin, Samuel W., 128, 253
Bagley, Margaret, 50
Bailey, Bayley, Bal(l)ey), Alexander, 167
Archibald, 67, 174, 278, 298
Betsey, 57
Clay, 72
David, 83
Dilly, 61
Dodrigge, 56
Edward B., 207
Elizabeth, 61, 72, 277, 301
Elizabeth Virginia, 278
Ellie, 101
Elijah, 277
G. M., 332
George, 278
George C., 322
Gorden, 105
Henry, 82, 187, 207, 212, 219, 275, 277
Henry Buren, 278
Hugh S., 252, 312, 320, 311
Isaac, 108
J. C., 323
James, 99, 278, 281, 298, 411
James M., 277
Jesse, 167
John, 72, 82, 98, 99, 212, 264, 265, 278, 298, 411
John C., 323
John Madison, 278
John P., I, 215, 218
John W., 145
Jonathan, 278
Martha, 51
Mastin, 102, 278
Micajah, 93, 298
Milley, 281
Nancy, 87, 97, 101, 103
Naomi, 298
Omy, 82
Peggy, 97
Philip P., 277
Policy, 55, 74, 82, 99, 278
Polly F., 82
Rebekah, Rebecca, 67, 82
Reuben, 87, 88
Reuben, Jr., 281
Reuben, Sr., 281
Richard, 69
Richard, Sr., 300, 301
Sally, 71, 91, 95
Sarah, 48
William, 53, 63, 66, 281
William R., 277
Bainey, Jene, 70
Bainheart, George, 413
Baird, Lucy, 73
Baker, Andrew, 147
D.D., 333
F.H., 314
George, 12
Humphrey, 18, 20
James W., 315, 316
Maria T., 152
Narcisa, 158
Baldwin, Andrew, 93, 257
B. D., 318
D.B., 317, 318
Harvy, 316
Lucy L., 332
R.E., 332
Wesley, 163
William M., 157
Ball, Benjamin, 68
Green, 120
Peter, 149, 157
Ballard, Rebecca, 79
Bandy, Ellen, 112
James, 323
John C., 108, 307
Nancy, 274
Polley, 71
Rees, 314
Sallie, 323
Thomas, 117, 161, 165
Thomas R., 317
William, 323
Bane, Ban, Bean(e), Bain, C.A., 323
Elizabeth P., 112
Emma G., 324
Howard, 104, 184, 251, 264, 301, 304, 310
James, 19, 244, 299
James T., 243, 246, 247, 258
Jesse, Jessey, 163, 165
Joseph, 99
Lee, 321
Lettice, 301
Margaret H., 105
Martha, 284
Martha L., 159
Nancy, 91, 277, 310
Russell, 277
Sally, 84
W.E., 321, 324
William R., 93, 256, 309, 310
Banks, C.A., 316
Henry, 295, 300
Barbe(e), Lee J., 332
Barbour, Barber, James (Gov.), 37
Barnet(t), Anna, 85
Archibald, Archable, 64, 148, 308
Catherine, 129
James, 73
John H., 144
Joseph, 90
Larissa J., 144
Mary, Marry, 125, 137
Nelly, 106
Poll(e)y, 71, 137, 161
Rachel, 151
Susan, 108, 139
Susanah E., 163
Thomas, Sr., 309
Barns, Barnes, family, 357
Capt., 198
C. J., 318
C.O., 331
Florence, 327
J. G., 331
John, 62, 189, 191, 192, 203, 271
Joseph G., 326, 328
Marian, 116
Mary B., 122
Matilda, 116
Nancy W., 130
Robert, 171, 175, 250, 258, 271, 312
Rush, 327
Susan, 102
William, 41, 66, 201, 202, 208, 212, 235, 236, 242, 248, 261, 271, 382, 413, 433
Barr, George R., 119
Barret(t), Elizabeth M., 144
James, 256, 293
Mary, 300
Nancy, 62
Rebecca M., 124
Robert, 71
Sally, 97
Thomas, 124, 291, 300, 309
Barrum, John J., 85
Bartlett, Henry, 97
Bartrum, John, 51
Bateman, Elizabeth, 143
Bates, Charles, 52
Jesse, 130
Batton, Henry, 19
Baugh, Abram, 80
Baunnon, Jesse, 78
Bayan, Rebecca, 76
Baylor, E.R., 311
Edward R., 262
Eldred R., 362
J. E., 332
John G., 144
William, 322
Beamer, Beemer, Gustavus A., 115
Beard, William, 21
Beavers, Beevers, A.R., 329
Adam, 243, 244
Alex(ander), Elexander, 76, 151, 153
Amiable, 76
Andrew, 115
Armendy, 116
James, 149, 317
Jane, 141
John, 69
John W., 317
Katherine, 116
Lucy, 317
Lydia, 116, 132
M. J., 317
Matthias H., 134
Moses, 64, 208
Nancy, 64, 98
Polly, 64, 69
Rebecca, 148, 151
Robert, 151, 163
Sally, 116
Thomas, 147
William, 57, 81
Beckelheimer, Abram, 166
Beckem, Charles, 214
Bedners, Adam, 113
Belcher, Belsher (also see Belshe), Anderson, 126
Andrew, 151
Ase, 275
Bartley, 102
Benjamin, 111
Eliza, 152
Elizabeth, 151
Harvey, 137
Henry, 97, 109, 275
Isaac, 143
Isom, 82, 275, 281
James, 275, 413
Jane, 89, 273
Jesse, 58, 63
John, 57, 60, 72, 178, 180, 183, 185, 188, 275
John L., 315
Johnathan, 275
Joseph, 411
Jude, 275
Judy, 88
Lewis, 93, 115
Lizabeth, 70
Martha, 108, 151
Mary Ann, 97
Micaga, 275
Milley, 88
Moses, 102, 275, 310
Nancy, 68, 70, 152, 275
Obadiah, 150,155, 275, 313
Phebe, 56, 275
Polly, 80
Rhoda, 127
Robert, 70, 96, 275, 411
Sally, 246
Tobias, 126
William, 105
Z., 312
Zechariah, 301
Bell, David, 140, 320
Isaac, 82
James, 153
John, 12
Samuel, 153
William, 22
Belshe, Belchy, Belche(e), Belsha (also see Belcher),
Bernetta Emily, 134
Daniel, 308
David, 51, 271
Elizabeth, 271
Hanna, 289
John, 193
Joseph, 214, 271
Joshua, 271
Mary, 271, 286, 287
Peggey, 51
Phebe, Pheby, 63, 271
Richard, 80, 89, 271
Robert, 271, 286, 287, 294, 295
Samuel, 172
Shan, 281
Thomas, 271, 304
William, 289
Bengot, Dolly, 157
Joshua, 157
Benham, Isaac, 248
Isaac M., 246, 262, 360
Temperance, 87
Benours, Catay, 86
Benton, John, 24
Titus, 24
Berry, William, 50
Betille, C.G., 315
Bets, John, 23
Beus, 19
William, 19
Beverly, Hannah, 56
Bickley, G. W. L. (Dr.), 361
Biliter, Bileter, Charles, 105
Edward, 85
Bille, William Walker, 149
Billips, Billups, Elizabeth, 105
Gus, Sr., 323
Harriet, 157
Hezekiah, 127
J. T., 323
Jameson Richard, 57
Jane, 115
John, 126
Martha, 137
Birchfield, Noah, 155
Bird, Col., 7, 11, 12
Bishop, Catherine, 78
David, 50, 103
Elizabeth, 128, 162
George, 114
John, 86
Joseph, 143
Larkin, 73, 78
Mary, 124, 145
Mary Jane, 109
Rebecca, 77
Ruth, 94
Black, John, 18
Joseph, 23
Blackwell, Betsey, 56
Nancy, 57
Blagg, John, 11, 21
Blangy, Isaac, 24
Blankenship, Arthur, 294, 297, 304 304
Beca, 135
Betsy, 54, 97
Charlotte, 117
Clinton, 156
Condly, 141
Conl(e)y, 150, 158
Daniel, 115
Edward, 109
Eleanor, 114
Elender G., 98
Eli, 54
Elizabeth, 135
Eveline, 142
Henry, 61
Hezekiah, 57, 105
Hiram, 142
Jane, 94
John, 78, 147
John M., 135
Jonathan E., 121
Joseph, 114
Kiah, 118
Lairsinda, 147
Lucy, 53
Lusinda, 79
Mahala, 93
Mahaley, 93
Martha, 99, 128
Mary, 125
Mary Jane, 11
Milly, 54
Molley, 51
Nancy, 109, 151
Nathan, 127
Obadiah, 132
Peggy, 142, 150
Polly, 130, 149, 155
Presby, 106
Purlina, 164, 166
Rachel, 49, 137
Ralph, 294, 302
Rawley, 97
Rebecca(h), 119
Ruth, 108
Sally, 114
Steph., 49
Tolbert, 63
W.J., 332
William, 53
Willia, 138
Blead, Dorothy, 271
Bledsoe, Anthony, 12, 22
Bogle, Dunn, 213
E.R., 312
H.R., 382
Hamilton R., 113, 249, 251, 252, 254, 255, 256, 257, 258
John, 143
John [Methodist preacher], 108
Margaret, 144
Mark, 213
Mark R., 158, 251, 308
Polly, 213
Rachel, 213
Rachel Ann, 158
Bonham, Hezekiah, 208
Nehemiah, 50, 52, 53, 55, 71, 79, 209, 210, 298, 299
Rachel, 299
Boone, Daniel, 27, 28 ,
Squire, 28
Borders, Caty, 298
John, 298
Bosang, 361
Bostick, Anne, 66
Isaac, 413
James, 89, 98, 109
Jane, 63
Sarah, 58
George, 324
Bourne, Bourn, Felix, Sr., 329
J.C., 329
James, 256
Lucinda M., 320
Lula, 320
Stephen, 320
T. M., 320
Thomas M., 320
Bowen, 387
Elizabeth, 64, 275
Ella, 299
Ellen, 283
Ellen E., 112
H., 302
H.S., 357
Henry, 39, 42, 168, 169, 170, 178, 179, 180, 181, 182, 183, 185, 186, 191, 193, 211, 212, 235, 242, 243, 244, 258, 261, 263, 264, 265, 271, 276, 283, 286, 292, 297, 299, 300, 328, 413
Henry, Jr., 283
Henry S., 310, 312
Jean C., 58
John, 170, 292
Levicie, Levicy, Levisa, 49, 70, 170, 275
Levise S., 61
Lillie, Lilly, 66, 275
Louisa, 283
Mary Jane, 156
Rebecca, Rebeckah, 86, 275
Rees(e), 79, 172, 175, 177, 265, 275, 283, 344, 410, 412
Rees T., 99, 256, 258, 275, 355, 357, 360, 382, 387
Thomas, 208
Bowers, Patterson, 150, 155
Bowles, Edward A., 137
Bo(w)ling, Bol(l)en, Bol(l)and, Bolin (g) , Bolwing, Bo(w)len, Bala(a)m, 59
Catherine, 130
David, 121
Eleaner, 123
Elizabeth, 51, 114
George, 321
George W., 121
Henry, 53
Henry H., 98
Henry P., 130
Hiram, 70
James B., 139
Jane, 114, 123
Jane G., 104
Janey, 48
Jar(r)ed, 110, 234, 295
Jared W., 92
Jar(r)et, 86, 412
Jicy, 145
Jordan E., 104
Jordan W., 138
Joseph, 170
Lavica, 138
Lindsay B., 139
Linney, 100
Lynsa, 68
Melinda, 133
Nancy, 57
Polley H., 83
Polly, 49
Sarah, 145
William, 51, 303
Bowman, Daniel, 85
Robert W., 316
Virginia, 166
Boyd, Alexander, 294
Edward, 217
Robert C., 139
Susannah, 63,66
Boyl(e), Boil(es), Elizabeth, 146
John, 69, 71
Polly, 69
William, 64
Bradshaw, John, 344
Breckenridge, Alex(ander), 23
George, 23
Robert, 23
Breeden, Syndesty, 121
Breeding, Alfred H., 138
John, 255, 262
Nancy, 142
Priscilla, 138
Stacy, 138
Brent, Col., 195
Brewster, Bruster, Andrew, 163
Archibald, 82, 309
Benjamin, 158
Bird, 132
Bird L., 144
Ebb., 238
Ebeneser, 124
Ebenezer, 173, 252, 289, 301, 302, 320
Elizabeth, 94
George F., 326
H. Addington, 27
Hannah, 59
Isabel, 61
James, Jeames, 64, 162, 165, 247
Margaret, 144
Nancy, 55, 103, 146
Patsy, 326
Polly, 121
Rebecca, 99, 163
Sally, 52
Sarah, 291, 302
Thomas, 59, 64, 171, 178, 198, 203, 274, 291, 302, 303, 411
Thomas G., 323
Thominas, 159
William, 93, 141
Zilpha, 49
Bright, George, 18
Tobias, 18
Brison, Amanda E., 159
Bristo(w), Elizabeth, 294
Isaac, 170, 299
James, 294
John, 301, 302
Margaret, 299, 301
Brittain, H.P., 333
Rufus, 160, 313, 372, 385
Britts, Adam, 307
Broadhead, General, 230
Brockenborough, Judge, 381
W., 264
William, 263
Brodskie, Robert, 37
Brooks, Angeline, 142
Ann, 279
Anna, 246
Betsey, 49
Eleanor, 164
Elizabeth Jane, 139
James, 66, 246, 279, 413
Jane, 64, 146, 271
Jinney, 272
John, 67, 75, 246, 279, 288, 304
John B., 160
Levicie, 68
Levicy, 66
Margaret, 79
Nancy, 53, 79
Peggy, 304
Polly, 246, 279
Richard, 100, 176, 178, 181, 246, 265, 279, 288, 304
Robert, 110
Sallie, Sally, 100, 135
Sarah, 51
Thomas, 98, 246, 279
Thomas J., 145
William, 123, 171, 173, 245, 246, 263, 279
William, Jr., 279
William, Sr., 184
Broomfield, 431
Brotherton, F. F., 320
Brown (e), A. A., 317
Abigail, 85
Admuel, 19
Andrew, 208, 209, 210, 212, 279
Andrew D., 246
Andrew L., 140
Ann, 85, 272
Bathsheba, 118
Betsey, 68
C. C., 330
C. E., 318
C. M., 328
Caty, 67
Cinthy, 279
Cornelias [alias Stump], 58
Cosby T., 100
Cynthia, 76
E.G., 320
Elizabeth, 113, 156, 279
El(l)enor, 113
Esther, 272, 286, 293
F.J., 328
G. H., 325
G.W.G., 361, 362, 385
George, 122, 127, 198, 203, 279
George D., 86, 246
George G., 147
George W., 126, 143, 313
George W.G., 102, 108, 111, 112, 114, 115, 116, 117, 119, 120, 121, 123, 125, 126, 127, 128, 131, 132, 133, 135, 136, 137, 138, 140, 141, 142, 144, 145, 148, 149, 150, 152, 153, 154, 155, 159, 161, 167, 235, 237, 241, 242, 248, 252, 257, 307, 309, 310, 360
Granger, 308
H.C., 331
H. Y., 331
Henry, 19
Isaac, 49, 175, 180, 181, 182, 187, 198, 212, 246, 261, 263, 264, 265, 302, 306
J. A., 313
J. O., 328, 331
J. R. G., 328
Jacob, 18, 92
James, 130, 168, 171, 272, 286, 293, 302
James A., 148
James E., 201, 266
James M., 150
James P., 313
James W., 155
Jane, 279, 298, 302
Jane, 91
Jane A., 124
Jeremiah, 135
John, 49, 188, 192, 197, 203, 246, 257, 272, 280, 303
John A., 114, 254, 322