Pastoral Council

St .Elizabeth Ann Seton Parish

February 13, 2017

Members Present: Karen Anderson, Laura Antonie, Len Beranek, Francis Brown, Brian Clements, Angie Hendrikson, Sandy Jerue, Chris Olson, Mary Luebke, Deacon Matthew Ludick, Father John Parr

Stewardship Committee Members Present: Greg Jameson, Jeff Reiter

Absent: Shelly Linskey, Sister Bridget Donaldson OSB, Pat Brueggen

Meeting began with proclamation of the Gospel for Seventh Sunday of Ordinary Time and prayer.

Minutes for January meeting were approved as submitted.

Members discussed Chapter 4 of the US Bishops’ document Called and Gifted. The chapter entitled The Call to Mission and Ministry was discussed in light of stewardship that was the focus for the January meeting. Stewardship is not a program or parish blueprint but encounter with Christ and change of heart. Stewardship is about gratitude that lives generosity and recognizes that every gift is given for the good of all. The faithful steward lives gratitude not only in church but in the home and workplace. The good steward hears the Lord’s call to be light and salt for the world. God’s faithful are to touch the Gospel to the world, and stewardship is seen not just in ministry done at church but especially in the world.

Greg Jameson and Jeff Reiter, members of the stewardship committee, led the council in responding to four questions: How can we as a parish reach more individuals( hospitality and evangelization)? Are we being effective in helping parishioners understand and grow in stewardship (formation, prayer, service)?

What are our future goals? What recommendations can the council offer to assist the committee in its responsibilities?

Council members recognize the importance of individual invitation. The suggestion was offered that new parishioners be introduced to a family in the parish who can introduce them to others, answer questions, provide welcome. Perhaps an annual dinner/reception for new parishioners would be valued. Members emphasized that the Christian life lived is the best invitation and evangelization. Perhaps more personal witness in faith formation classroom, video on parish website, young people reflecting on experiences during mission trip, etc. The council affirmed the desire for St. Elizabeth Ann Seton to be a stewardship parish.

Mary Luebke shared concerns about the use and cost of the ongoing formation available on

The website offers many movies and videos about saints and growth in the Catholic faith. The annual cost of $1600.00 enables all parishioners to access the site. Given the only about 40 households use the site, is it a good investment for the parish? Suggestion was offered that perhaps purchase of CDs may be the preferred option. In preparation for the next meeting council members will review the site and offer further recommendations. Mary will discuss the question with families and invite donations to defray the cost.

During the Year of Mercy the Holy Year Committee invited the council and parish to reflect on the corporal works of mercy. In discussion about “burying the dead” it was recognized that increasingly families have loved ones cremated but then cremains are not buried. Thinking that cost may be a factor in some instances, the parish will explore possibilities of purchasing a burial site for such circumstances. Contacts will be made and more information provided at the next meeting.

Angie Hendrikson suggested installing a rail to provide greater access to the sanctuary for ministers at Mass. The installation will be done in the coming days.

Meeting closed with prayer.

Next meeting is scheduled for March 13, 2017.