Index of Japanese Titles
Bikusada (An Old Nun Names a Young Man) 3
Chasanbai (An International Marriage Problem) 15
Chigiriki (Cautious Bravery) 21
Chigo Yabusame (The Horseback Archery Ceremony Defiled) 37
Dai-Hannya (The Holy Scroll And The Sacred Dance) 47
Domori (The Stutterer) 51
Dontaro (Dontaro's Women) 57
Enmei-Bukuro (The Longevity Sack) 65
Fukitori (Fluting for a Wife -- Izumi Version) 75
Fukitori (Taken By Fluting --Okura Version) 83
Funa-Watashi Muko (The Son-in-Law in the Boat) 85
Hamaguri (The Clam) 99
Hanago (Visiting Hanago) 103
Hige Yagura (The Fortified Beard) 117
Hikkukuri (Caught In a Sack -- Matasaburo Version) 123
Hocho Muko (The Butcher Knife Son-in-Law) 129
Hoshi-ga-Haha (The Baby's Mother) 141
Ie Doji (The House Sprite) 147
Ima-Jinmei (The God of Now) 151
I Moji (The Letter "I") 157
Iori no Ume (The Plum Blossom Cottage) 165
Ishigami (The Stone God) 173
Iwahashi (The Stone Bridge) 181
Kakusui Muko (The Water Horn Groom) 187
Kamabara (Unsuccessful Sickle Suicide -- Izumi Version) 191
Kamabara (Unsuccessful Sickle Suicide -- Okura Version) 197
Kanaoka (Kanaoka The Painter) 205
Kasen (Six Poets) 211
Kawara Taro (Taro At The Riverbed Market) 223
Kiku no Hana (The Chrysanthemum) 231
Kiyomizu Zato (The Blind Couple at Kiyomizu) 237
Kogarakasa (The Umbrella Sutra) 243
Ko Nusubito (The Amateur Kidnapper) 253
Kubihiki (Neck Pulling) 257
Kurama Muko(TheSon-in-Law from Kurama) 263
Makura Monogurui (Grandfather in Love) 275
Mi Kazuki (The Winnow Basket Hat) 283
Mimeyoshi (A Man Called Handsome) 293
Morai Muko (The Repentant Husband) 301
Naki Ama (The Crying Nun) 311
Narihira Mochi (The Poet and the Rice Cakes) 315
Nikujuhachi (Two-Nine-Eighteen) 325
Nushi Heiroku (Heiroku the Laquerer) 331
Nyakuichi (Nun Nyakuichi's Revenge) 337
Oba ga Sake (The Stingy Aunt's Wine) 343
Oka-Dayu (Lord Oka) 351
Oko Sako (Farmer Oko and Farmer Sako) 367
Oni no Mamako (The Demon's Stepchild) 375
Onimaru (Onimaru Reforms) 381
Origami Muko (The Guaranteed Son-in-Law) 387
Renga Jittoku (Verse or Vest?) 399
Roren (Almost a Priest) 407
Sai no Me (Counting Dice Spots) 417
Saru Zato (The Blindman's Monkey) 425
Shujo (The New Staff) 433
Suminuri (Black Crocodile Tears) 439
Taiko Oi (The Drum Beater) 443
Tanuki no Hara Tsuzumi (The Badger's Belly Drum) 453
Taue (The Rice Planting Ceremony) 459
Tengu no Yometori (The Long-Nosed Demon Wedding) 465
Tusribari (The Fish Hook -- OkuraVersion) 467
Tsuribari (The Fish Hook -- Izumi Version) 477
Uchizata (Trial by Rehearsal) 485
Uji-Musubi or Uji-Yui (Espousal by Divine Intervention) 497
Urusashi (Hold Your Peace!) 503
Wakame (Miss Seaweed) 509
Wakana (Spring, Girls, and Wine) 519
Yakusui (Medicinal Waters) 531
Yuki Uchi (The Snow Fight) 535
Index of English Titles
Almost a Priest (Roren) 407
Amateur Kidnapper, The (Ko Nusubito) 253
Baby's Mother, The (Hoshi-ga-Haha) 141
Badger's Belly Drum, The (Tanuki no Hara Tsuzumi) 453
Black Crocodile Tears (Suminuri) 439
Blind Couple at Kiyomizu, The (Kiyomizu Zato) 237
Blindman's Monkey, The (Saru Zato) 425
Butcher Knife Son-in-Law,The (Hocho Muko) 129
Caught In a Sack (Hikkukuri--Matasaburo Version) 123
Cautious Bravery (Chigiriki) 21
Chrysanthemum, The (Kiku no Hana) 231
Clam, The (Hamaguri) 99
Counting Dice Spots (Sai no Me) 417
Crying Nun, The (Naki Ama) 311
Demon's Stepchild, The (Oni no Mamako) 375
Dontaro's Women (Dontaro) 57
Drum Beater, The (Taiko Oi) 443
Espousal by Divine Intervention (Uji-Musubi or Uji-Yui) 497
Farmer Oko and Farmer Sako (Oko Sako) 367
Fish Hook, The (Tsuribari -- Izumi Version) 477
Fish Hook, The (Tsuribari -- OkuraVersion) 467
Fluting for a Wife (Fukitori--Izumi Version) 75
Fortified Beard, The (Hige Yagura) 117
Guaranteed Son-in-Law, The (Origami Muko) 387
God of Now, The (Ima-Jinmei) 151
Grandfather in Love (Makura Monogurui) 275
Heiroku the Laquerer (Nushi Heiroku) 331
Hold Your Peace! (Urusashi) 503
Holy Scroll And The Sacred Dance, The (Dai-Hannya) 47
Horseback Archery Ceremony Defiled, The (Chigo Yabusame) 37
House Sprite, The (Ie Doji) 147
International Marriage Problem, An (Chasanbai) 15
Kanaoka The Painter (Kanaoka) 205
Letter "I", The (I Moji) 157
Longevity Sack, The (Enmei-Bukuro) 65
Long-Nosed Demon Wedding, The (Tengu no Yometori) 465
Lord Oka (Oka-Dayu) 351
Man Called Handsome, A (Mimeyoshi) 293
Medicinal Waters (Yakusui) 531
Miss Seaweed (Wakame) 509
Neck Pulling (Kubihiki) 257
New Staff, The (Shujo) 433
Nun Nyakuichi's Revenge (Nyakuichi) 337
Old Nun Names a Young Man, An (Bikusada) 3
Onimaru Reforms (Onimaru) 381
Plum Blossom Cottage, The (Iori no Ume) 165
Poet and the Rice Cakes, The (Narihira Mochi) 315
Repentant Husband,The (Morai Muko) 301
Rice Planting Ceremony, The (Taue) 459
Six Poets (Kasen) 211
Snow Fight, The (Yuki Uchi) 535
Son-in-Law from Kurama, The (Kurama Muko) 263
Son-in-Law in the Boat, The (Funa-Watashi Muko) 85
Spring, Girls, and Wine (Wakana) 519
Stingy Aunt's Wine, The (Oba ga Sake) 343
Stone Bridge, The (Iwahashi) 181
Stone God, The (Ishigami) 173
Stutterer, The (Domori) 51
Taken By Fluting (Fukitori--Okura School Version) 83
Taro At The Riverbed Market (Kawara Taro) 223
Two-Nine-Eighteen (Nikujuhachi) 325
Trial by Rehearsal (Uchizata) 485
Umbrella Sutra, The (Kogarakasa) 243
Unsuccessful Sickle Suicide (Kamabara - Izumi Version) 191
Unsuccessful Sickle Suicide (Kamabara - Okura Version) 197
Verse or Vest? (Renga Jittoku) 399
Visiting Hanago (Hanago) 103
Water Horn Groom, The (Kakusui Muko) 187
Winnow Basket Hat,The (Mi Kazuki) 283