CHERRY NEWS – June 2012
Condensed version – (text only, no adverts)
INDEX – Newsletter June2012
- Cherry Willingham Gardening Club
- Cherry Willingham Ladies Group
- Cherry Willingham W I
- Parish Council news
- Knit and Natter
- Ladies Breakfast
- Ladies Tea Club-
- The Local Men’s Breakfast
- Cherry Willingham FC.
- Editor’s Notes
- Reepham Methodist Church– Craft Club
- Cream Teas Invitation
- Heritage and History Group (new)
- Cherry Willingham Twinning Association
- CW2020 News
- Cherry Willingham Army Cadet Force
- Fairtrade Coffee Morning
- Special Families Club
- Domino Champions
- Cherry Willingham Bowls Club
- Mother’s UNION
- Cherry Willingham Guides Group
- Cherry Willingham Methodist Church
- The Vine Community Church
- Church Services
- Vicar’s Blog
- Forget-me-not Club
- Police Advice – Hong Kong Scam
- Nettleham Medical Practice Notices -
- Choir
- Scrabble Club
- Village Hall – Draw and support
- Scout and Guides Newspaper collection
- Church Hall Events –Garage Sale
- Bus Timetables and new routes
- Fit as a Fiddle
Worried and don’t know who to call
Surgery Times
Calling 111
Utilities Emergency numbers
Useful numbers
Pharmacy opening times - Births, Deaths and Marriages
- Classified Adverts section
- Library Times
- Village Heritage – SS Peter and Paul Cherry Willingham
- Third Thursday Book Club
TOTAL 28pages
1. Gardening Club
Hello everyone;
Well, the gardening year is now underway. After a good start in March, we were badly let down by the horrid weather we got during April. I had a few failures due to the cold and damp, but not to worry, there's still time to
re-sow most things.
Our speaker for June will be Brian Sykes, who is presenting a slide show and talk on WETLAND EXPERIENCES, As always, the meeting will be in the Church Hall on the High Street on Wednesday, 27th. June, starting at 7.30. p.m. The entrance fee is £1 for members and £1.50 for guests. Full membership costs £5 for the year.
Whatever happens, enjoy your garden;-that's what it's there for.
For more info ring Alan on 750349
2.Cherry Willingham Ladies Group
Next Meeting June 6th in the Church Hall at 7.30pm
We are having a Jubilee Party on June 6th, would you
all please decorate a hat for a competition and would you
all bring a plate of food for our party.
New members are always welcome.Contact: 752275 or 753428
CW Ladies Group -Note this in your calendar:
July 4th Coach Trip to Sandringham, visiting; the House, Gardens and Museum.
Coach leaves from the Church Hall, High St.
There are still some seats left so ring today while it is fresh in your mind. We think it will be a ‘Grand Day Out’. Cost of trip £25
Contact Wendy 752275 or Hilary 753428 to book a seat.
3. Cherry Willingham WI
At our May meeting President Jane Jordan gave a report on an event entitled ‘Across Countries with
Women’ which had taken place at the Festival Hall, Market Rasen on 26 April. Several of our members attended and they
enjoyed lunch before listening to the afternoon’s speakers who included a representative of Associated Countrywomen of the World, an organisation working with women in developing countries to help their communities in various ways but mainly by establishing clean water supplies. It was good to hear how our monthly collection of small change is put to use. Another speaker was from the Esther Benjamin Trust which exists to rescue young children in India from prostitution.
On May Day, twenty one members, six of whom were accompanied by their husbands, had an excellent lunch at Pennell’s Restaurant before taking the opportunity to look around the shops and plant centre. Thanks were given to Sylvia Beardmore who had organised the outing.
Our secretary, Annie Radcliffe, has received a long and detailed letter from Mr Edward Leigh MP in response to our petition letter supporting legal aid for women experiencing domestic violence.
Our speaker for the evening, Mr Gerry Burrows, gave us a most interesting ‘Virtual tour of Grimsthorpe Castle’ accompanied by an informative and witty commentary which really brought the castle and its previous inhabitants to life. He later judged the competition ‘A photograph of a stately home’ and the winners, in order, were Hazel Cropley, Anne Driver and Noreen Morrison.
Our next meeting on 13 June will be our Jubilee Celebration and members are asked to follow a red, white and blue dress code. Our speaker, Sue Hawksmoon, will talk on Felt Craft, after which refreshments supplied by the committee will be served. To conclude the evening Anne Driver will show her presentation on the activities of Cherry WI during 2011. The June competition will be ‘A Craft Item’.
Norma Shaw 751443.
4.Parish Council Matters
We hope you have noticed a number of improvements around the village in recent weeks. A bus shelter has been installed on Waterford Lane; some of the finance for this has come from LCC and County Cllr. Ian Fleetwood. With the aid of a grant from Awards to All, restoration work has been undertaken on footpath 123 that runs alongside the railway line. The path that runs past the Scout Hut has been cleared and trees on the Parade have been pruned. Other maintenance work on village facilities is in the pipeline and the new Leisure and Amenities Committee are considering proposals for new equipment for young people – watch this space!
Contacting the Council: The new clerk should start work on June 18th but, until then, for Millennium Hall bookings or enquiries, please ring Mike Cutler (01522 751942).For other Parish matters ideally email . Alternatively you can leave a message on the answerphone (753398).
LOCAL DEMOCRACY - The Public are allowed access to Parish Council Meetings,
although there is limited seating. If you have an issue to raise you will be allowed to give your question or statement prior to meeting commencing. You will be able to remain at the meeting but may not interrupt or speak. U
Parish Council – Post of RFO (Responsible Finance Officer)
The present Financial Officer of Cherry Willingham Parish Council is due to retire from this office at the end of August. The Parish Council will therefore be looking for someone to take on this role. Details of this post and applications for the position will be available during July. Further information will appear in the July edition of the Cherry News.
Parish Council Agenda items for May 2012
1) To receive reports and recommendations (if any) concerning the business of the Council and its Committees, Sub-committees etc.:
a) Finance & General Purposes, including recommendations from meeting on 8th May: b) Village Improvement Committee, c) Leisure & Amenities Committee, d) Burial Ground, e) Planning matters f) Midsummer Madness Summer Events Task and Finish group g) Emergency planning
2) To receive reports and recommendations from Councillors representing the Council on outside Committees (if any), including:
a) CW2020 Steering Group
b) Youth Club, including:
c) The Parade Committee (Cllr Jones)
3) To review the structure of committees and resolve on membership of committees and appointments
4) To review the standing orders, terms of reference and policies
5) To consider other matters relating to the work of the Council
a) To receive reports on progress in clearing the broken glass in the Hawthorn Rd phone box and to consider the information regarding usage and resolve on action accordingly
b) To consider the problems incurred in requesting the removal of the mobile advert from the grass triangle and resolve on procedures should similar action be required in the future
c) To consider ways in which parking on the grass at the Parade can be prevented and resolve accordingly
d) To discuss briefly potential future developments at the Parade and resolve on any action
6) To consider Police Matters including issues arising from the minutes
7) To receive reports and recommendations from the Employment
Committee, including:
i.To ratify the appointment of the new clerk and resolve on any further
actions required
Ii To consider the recommendations of the Employment Committee
concerning the recruitment and appointment of a new RFO.eng has started.
5.Knit and Natter
Thank you to all who supported our Jubilee Coffee Morning. Details of money raised for Charity will be included in our next Cherry News entry.
Knit and Natter are a group of knitters of all abilities who meet alternate Wednesdays at 2pm in the Millennium Hall.
If you are interested why not join us, or call in as a visitor and enjoy a cup of tea or coffee and bring your knitting.
We were pleased to donate a further 40 pairs of booties to the Maternity Wing of Lincoln County Hospital.
Meeting dates for June: 13th and 27th
Chris Davison on 01522 808277
6. Ladies Breakfast
Saturday June 2nd at 8 45am at The Rosie Lea Cafe
The Parade, Cherry Willingham.
Ladies come and join us for a full English breakfast.
Make new friends and listen to a Christian speaker.
Cost £5 20p
Ring Ann on 01522 800209 before May 31st to book a place
July breakfast is Saturday 7th
7.Ladies Tea Club
In April we held our AGM and all the Committee were unanimously re-elected for another year. It was agreed not to increase our yearly fee of £6.00 p.a. We also celebrated the 90th birthday of one of our original members with tea and cake. The end of April saw us holding our first coffee morning and £160.60 was raised fro our charity ‘Guide Dogs for the Blind’. Thanks to all who worked so hard. Our normal May 21st meeting will be taken up by a shopping trip to ‘Springfields’. Thank you from the Chair of the Committee and thanks also to the village for the support for the Coffee Morning. - Meg Rawden: Telephone 595823 .
8.Men2gether - The Local Men’s Breakfast
When – Saturday 16th June 2012
Where – Rosie Lea Café, The Parade, Cherry Willingham
Time – 8.30am for 8.45 start. Finish by 9.45am
Cost - £5.20, payable when you arrive.
Come along and enjoy a full English breakfast, meet old friends, make new friends and listen to a short talk from a Christian speaker.All men are most welcome.
To book a place, or places, please email David Burrows Tel: 824936,
or John Pycock john.pycock@btopenworldby Wednesday 13th June 2012. Numbers are limited so please book early to ensure a place.
9.Cherry Willingham Football Club
With the season now ended the club can look back as it being reasonably successful, the highlight was winning the West Lindsey League Brocklesby (Victor) Cup on Sincil Bank against Wild Life Athletic. After leading 2-0 with goals from Lee Horry and Luke Fields we let it slip for Wild Life to be level at half time.
We then took a 4-3 lead with a couple from Bobby Jenkinson but again we allowed Wild Life to equalise with the last kick of normal time. We lost striker Brendan Foster-Mattheison who was taken to hospital with extra time being played and no further score. Next came the penalty shoot- out and after the first of the five allocated the score was level at 4-4 and then came sudden death and with the score level at 7-7 it was left to Lee Horry with the last kick which he converted to win 8-7. The team reached three other finals but were beaten. The end of season honours are:- Top appearances- Arron Gregory,
Top scorers- Brendan Foster-Mattheison 15 goals and Bobby Jenkinson 14 goals. Thanks to Gary Jenkinson for his part in managing the team of 24 players.
It is pleasing to note that it looks promising of being accepted in the Harrison Printers Lincoln League for next season due to the West Lindsey League folding so we will be looking for a bigger squad of players.
Eric B - 808176
Photo Opportunities
Looking at our frontispiece you can see how the world can look beautiful , captured from Sycamore Close. I would like to publish them all please keep them coming although only one can fill the front slot.
Public Consultation Notice - We have been advised that there will be a
Public Consultation concerning new dwellings proposed on Waterford Lane, at the last minute the builders, Lindum Construction, were unable to give precise timings and said that notice would be placed in the Lincolnshire Echo and a suitable leaflet drop carried out.. I repeat this information
because much is at stake here with the authorities encouraging building , we need to ensure infrastructure, drainage in particular. is properly considered.
History Section
This month I include a history of S.S Peter and Paul Church and its role in the establishment of the village. (See item 41) This information is also available in a leaflet at the church which many of you visited during the Churches Festival Weekend.
Good News for the Village
The Cherry News Group are pleased to announce that, as a non-profit –making society we have to return any excess of funds, the difference
between advertising revenue and Publishing costs, back to the benefit of the village. Due to the popularity of the new format some new advertisers have expressed the desire to be included and thus we have been able to make some money. The group are currently deciding how this largesse will best benefit the village . We have a fair spread of village society and religious groups on our committee and they are all anxious not to show favour.
WATCH THIS SPACE - you will all benefit in turn.
Money-Saving Idea
Why not say ‘NO’ to those ever rising costs of maintenance as national
suppliers just keep upping their rates for annual cover by increasing their Direct Debit —use one of our local tradesmen . As seen above they are good to you.
11. Reepham Methodist Church–Craft Club
Reepham Craft Club, held in Reepham Methodist
Church schoolroom, 2pm to 4pm June 8th and 22nd.
Come and join us we are a very friendly group learning
many different crafts, for more information
ring Val 01522752809 or Ann 01522800209
12.Cream Tea
Everyone welcome to a cream tea to be held in the garden of 50A Church Lane on Saturday, 4th August at 2 p.m. Entry is £2.50 which includes a cream scone and tea or coffee. There will be the usual stalls, cakes, book, craft, bric-a-brac. Please come along, all the proceeds go towards the
refurbishment of the Church Hall.
13.Cherry Willingham Heritage and History Group
A group of local residents have come together to establish this Group with the aim of exploring further the history of the village and how we can make best use of it to promote the identity of the village and to encourage others to visit us.
Over recent months year 9 students at the Community School have been researching the history of the medieval pond, the manor house to which it was attached and the purpose of such fish ponds. Others have looked at the history of what was a small hamlet prior to WW2 and its rapid development since.
The Group plans to build on this by e.g. producing boards and leaflets to inform about the history, to work with long-term residents to produce an oral archive, to explore the possibility of a signposted heritage trail, and to collate a large amount of information available about this history and heritage. The Group meets again at the Church Hall at 7.30 p.m. on Wednesday 18 July to discuss it. You will be most welcome.
Further information by e-mail at .
14. Cherry Willingham Twinning Association
From April11th-16th thirty-one Twinners had an enjoyable time in Le Grand Luce where the weather was fine but cold and as dry as here. 17 went under their own steam but 14 of us went, for the first time, by train and this was a success, despite leaving Cherry at 5.30am! However, after a comfortable journey we were in Le Grand Luce by 5.00pm French time a big improvement on coach timings. On the Thursday afternoon, Le Grand Luce being close to the very large Forest of Berce we were taken by our hosts to Carnuta, a museum dedicated to the Forest and the people who work there; on Friday we had a long trip to the village of Les Rairies to visit a factory still making terracotta floor tiles in the traditional way, with minimum machinery, and very interesting this was. After a picnic we
carried on to the town of Bauge where, in the former hospital, is a very old Apothicairie (chemist), still with all the potions and 'cures' from the 18th century in jars on its original shelves. Friday evening saw us having a meal and dance, to a live band,at a local village hall.. After this long day it was a relief to have a Saturday as a free day with our hosts, and on Sunday too, at least until the evening when there was a farewell dinner. On Monday the train passengers were free until 3.00pm when we left Le Mans station and, after another pleasant journey, we got back to Cherry at midnight, where the efficient Black Cat taxi picked us up. As always, a very enjoyable stay thanks to our French friends.
Our next event is on Saturday June 16th at 7.00pm and is a Midsummer Murder mystery night, (hopefully out doors) complete with hot-dogs, crepes, wine, beer and soft drinks and all Cherry residentsand their children are welcome - cost, excluding drinks, is £8.00, children £4.00.
For more details or to book your places contact Terry or Mary on 753239 by June 7th.