Index Books and Pamphlets on USSR

Sr. No. / Title and Year of Publication / Page No / Paper Size
1. / On Personality Cult – A Collection of Papers on some Aspects of Personality Cult. / p.p 134 / A4.
2. / On Personality Cult – A Collection of Papers on some Aspects of Personality Cult. / P.p 135 / A4.
3. / Meeting of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR speech by G.M. Malenkov, Chairman of the Council of Ministers of the USSR. Supplement to Soviet Land No. 16, August 25,1953.. / p.p 20 / A4
4. / Fiftieth Anniversary of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union (1903-1953), Supplement to Soviet Land No. 16, August 25, 1953. / p.p 12. / A4.
5. / MoscowUSSR, USSR Society for Cultural Relations with Foreign Countries. Voks Bulletin 1954 No, 4(87), / p.p 119 / A4.
6. / on the Great Patriotic War of the Soviet Union. Stalin Marshal, Hutchinson & Co. (Publishers) LTD. London / p.p 96 / A5.
7. / First Decrees of Soviet Power. Akhapkin Yuri, Lawrence & Wishart 1970,London p.p 186. - A5. / p.p 186. / A5.
8. / the Marx Memorial Library. Bande Mataram, p.p 47. - A5. / p.p 47 / A5.
9. / The Great Conspiracy against Russia, an Extraordinary book Sayers Michael and Albert E. Kahn – Joseph, E. Davies former Ambassador Khan E. Albert to the Soviet Union. Published by Boni& Gafer, INC. New York, 1946. / p.p 162 / A4.
10. / Birthday Souvenir. Khrushchov N.S.p.p 32, - A4. / p.p 32 / A4.
11. / The Government of the Soviet Union. Carter M. Gwendolen, Ranny C. John & Herz H. John, Published by S.S Bhattacharjee, Calcutta. / p.p 251 / A4.
12. / Moscow and the Communist Party of India - A Study in the Postwar Evolution of International Communist Strategy. Kautsky H. John, Published by John Wiley & sons, Inc., New York. / p.p 231 / A4
13. / Let us live in peace and Friendship. Khrushchov, N.S., Foreign Language Publishing House, Moscow 1959. / p.p 437 / A4.
14. / Democracy in Practice USSR Speaks for Itself. Citizens Soviet, Pioneer Publishing House, Bangalitolla, BenaresCity. / P.p 66 / A5.
15. / The Present International Situation and Soviet Foreign Policy. Report N.S. Khrushchov’s to USSR Supreme Soviet on December 12, 1962, Published by Information Department of the USSR Embassy in India, New Delhi. / p.p 46 / A4.
16. / Leninism the Science of Revolution, International Research Groups on the Present-day Relevance of Lenin’s Fundamental Works, K. I. Zarodov, Published by Peace and Socialism International Publishers, Prague 1974. / p.p 190. / A5
17. / The National Question and its Leninist Solution in the Soviet Union. Mazumdar Satyendra Narayan, Published by Ahindra Bhowmick Classical Publications, Calcutta. / p.p 124 / A4.
18. / The National Question and its Leninist Solution in the Soviet Union. Mazumdar Sayendra, N. Classical Publication Calcutta. 1974 / p.p 125. / A4
19. / Socialism vs. Capitalism., G.L KolokolovSoviet Review, Vol.V, No. 35 May 21,1968.Published by L.P Vladimirov for the Information Department of the USSR Embassy in India, New Delhi. / p.p 31 / A4.
20. / Leninist Sage in the Development of Marxism., G.L. Kolokolov, Soviet Review 19 Vol. VII March 10. Published by L. P Vladimirov for the Information Department of the USSR Embassy in India, N.Delhi. / p.p 47 / A4.
21. / Colonialism in East-West Relations. A Study of Soviet Policy towards India and Anglo-Soviet Relations, 1917-1947. Imam Zafar, India Eastman Publications New Delhi,1969. / p.p 538 / A4.
22. / Socialism on the March, G.L. Kolokolov,Soviet Review, 20 Vol. VII March 14 1970.Published by L.P Vladimirov for the information Department of the USSR Embassy in India, N. Delhi. / p.p 24 / A4.
23. / Speech by Late Otto Kuusinen At CPSU Central Committee Plenary meeting, February 1964, Against the Splitters for Unity in the Communist Movement, Soviet Land Booklets.Published for the information Department of the USSR Embassy in India, N. Delhi. / p.p 27. / A4
24. / Exactingness is Important Feature of Party Guidance. New and Views from the Soviet Union: November 28, 1964. / p.p 7. / A4.
25. / New and Views from the Soviet Union, May 7. 1964. Thorez Maurice, for Unity of the International Communist Movement. / P.p 13 / A4.
26. / International Meeting- Road to Solidarity of Communist Movement. New and Views from the Soviet Union, Pravda,1964, Y.S. Morozov. Published by L.P Vladimirov for the information Department of the USSR Embassy in India,N. Delhi. / p.p 11 / A4.
27. / New and Views from the Soviet Union, Joint Soviet Hungarian Statement, N.S. Khrushchov’s Speech on Moscow Radio and TV. Published by L.P Vladimirov for the Information Department of the USSR Embassy in India. N. Delhi. / p.p 20 / A4.
28. / Under the banner of Lenin and Stalin the Soviet People are Marching to Victory: Speech delivered at a memorial meeting on the 20th Anniversary of the Death of V.I. Lenin, A. S. Shcherbakov, Published by Foreign Languages Publishing House.Moscow, 1944. p.p 14. - A5. / . p.p 14 / A5.
29. / Exactingness is important feature of Party Guidance: Partiinaya Zhizn, No. 2, News and Views from Soviet Union. Published by L.P Vladimirov for the Information Department of the USSR Embassy in India. N. Delhi. / p.p 6. / A4
30. / Peace to Frontiers Molodtsov Stepan, Soviet Land Booklets New Delhi, 1964, Published by the Information Department of the USSR, Embassy in India, N. Delhi. / p.p 28 / A4.
31. / International Meeting of Communist and Workers Parties. Soviet Review, G.L. Kolokolov, Published by L.P Vladimirov for the Information Department of USSR Embassy in India, N. Delhi. / p.p 84 / A4.
32. / Soviet-Indian Projects: Power for Prosperity. Siselin V.S., Published by L.P Vladimirov for the Informartion Department of the USSR Embassy in India. N. Delhi. SovietLand Publication.. / p.p 68 / A4.
33. / 25th Anniversary Historic Victory over Fascism. Soviet Review, 1970. Published by L.P Vladimirov for the Information Department of the USSr Embassy in India, New Delhi. / p.p 61. / A4.
34. / Soviet Indranier Vibhinn Jatti (Bengali) National Book Agency, Adhikari, G., Calcutta.. / p.p 56 / A4.
35. / On Khrushchov’s Phoney Communism and its Historical Lesson for the World: Comment on the Open Letter of the CC of the CPSU Ninth Comment. Vanguard Publishers. / p.p 62. / A4.
36. / Open Letter of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union to all Party Organisations to all Communists of the Soviet Union. Foreign Languages Publishing House. Moscow. / p.p 56. / A4.
37. / Speech at an Election Meeting in the Molotov Electoral District of the City of Moscow. Molotov V.M., Foreign Languages Publishing House. / P.p 25. / A4
38. / The USSR and UNO (A Speech delivered at a meeting held in Brussels under the Auspicious of Less Amities Belgo-Sovietiques on December 1st 1948. / p.p 20. / A4.
39. / The Soviet Transition from Socialism to Communism. Burns Emile, / p.p 15 / A4.
40. / Fiftieth Anniversary of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union, 1903-1953. / p.p 39 / A4
41. / For Peace and Friendship among the Peoples against the Instigators of a New War, Moscow, 1948, A.Y Vyshinsky. Foreign Languages Publishing House. / p.p 43 / A4.
42. / Soviet Biology, A Report to the LeninAcademy of Agricultural Sciences, Moscow, 1948. Lysenko T.D., p.p 51. A4. / p.p 51. / A4.
43. / From the Russian Revolution to Yalta March 1945, Sloan Pat, Published for the Russia Today Society. P.p 27. A5. / P.p 27 / A5.
44. / Writer Tribune Humanist, Maxim Gorky, Soviet Land Booklet, 1968.Published by L.P Vladimirov for the Information Department of the USSR Embassy in India. N. Delhi. / p.p 100. / A4.
45. / Creative method in Socialist and Communist Art. A. Yegorov. Published by L.P. Vladimirov for the information Department of the USSR Embassy in India. N. Delhi. / p.p 19 / A4.
46. / A Proposal concerning the general line of the International Communist Movement, Letter dated 14 June 1963 of the CPC Central Committee to the Central Committee CPSU.Published by National Book Agency Private Ltd., Calcutta. / p.p 48 / A4
47. / On the National Liberation Movement in the Present Period, News and Views from the Soviet Union, December 28, 1963. N.S Khrushchov.. / P.p 21 / A4.
48. / Freedom of Religion in the USSR. Spasov G., Published by Soviet News, London, 1951. / p.p 32 / A5
49. / Political Economy in the Soviet Union.Emily G. Kazakevich . International Publishers, New York.. / p.p 49. / A4.
50. / International Division of Labour Economic Theories and Reality. News and Views from the Soviet Union, On the occasion of UN International Conference on Trade and Development. . / P.p 12. / A4
51. / Immutable Leninist General Line of the CPSU.Y.S Morozov News and Views from the Soviet Union, 1964. Published by L.P. Vladimirov for the information Department of the USSR Embassy in India, N. Delhi. / p.p 6. / A4
52. / The Truth about Stalin, Nikita S. Khrushchev. Karnik V.B., Published by G.R. Bhatkal, Popular Book Depot, Lamington Road, Bombay. p.p 58. A4. / p.p 58. / A4.
53. / Soviet Literature Published by the Writers Union of the USSR. Moscow. / p.p 193. / A4.
54. / Tarabrin E.A., The New Scramble for Africa.Progress Publishers Moscow. / p.p 320 / A4.
55. / Socialism and the Newly Independent Nations. Ulvanovsky R., Progress Publishers Moscow. . / p.p 567 / A4.
56. / Races and Peoples Contemporary Ethnic and Racial Problems. Translation into English, Progress Publishers 1974, USSR. / P.p 43 / A4.
57. / From Anti Imperialism to Anti-Socialism. The Evolution of Peking’s Foreign Policy, Prof. G. V Astafyev Progress Publishers, Moscow. / p.p 192. / A4.
58. / Soviet Economic Reform Progress and Problems. Progress Publishers, Moscow. / p.p 248 / A4.
59. / Contemporary Bourgeois Legal Thought A Marxist Evaluation of the basic Concepts. Tumanov, V.A., Progress Publishers, Moscow. / p.p 312 / A4
60. / Two Worlds Two Destinies. The “Conflict of Generations” in the World Today. Reshetov Pyotr, Progress Publishers Moscow. / p.p 91 / A4.
61. / Industrialization of India. Shirokov G.K., Progress Publishers, Moscow. / p.p 326 / A4.
62. / Eisenhower Doctrine, Doctrine of Aggression and Colonialism. Akopvan G, Published by G. Effimov for the Information Department of the USSR, Embassy in India. N. Delhi. / p.p 33 / A5.
63. / Rus biplab O bharatiya prabashi biplabi (Bengali) Sehaabich Chinnishan, Manisha Pub. Calcutta 1973. / p.p 459 / A4
64. / Report of Court Proceedings in the case of the Anti-Soviet “Bloc of Rights and Trotskyites”, Military Collegium of the Supreme Court of the USSR. Published by the People’s Commissariat of Justice of the USSR, Moscow 1938. / p.p 809 / A4.
65. / The Great Seven-year Plan, Album of Diagrams on the Economic Development of the USSR in 1959-65. Soviet Information Bureau. P.p 38. A4. / P.p 38. / A4.
66. / Kalinin M. & Scherbakov, A.S., The Soviet System, People’s Publishing House, Bombay. / p.p 45 / A5
67. / The Part Played by Labour in the Transition from Ape to Man. Engels F., Foreign Languages Publishing House, Moscow. . / p.p 19. / A5
68. / For the Abolition of Colonialism. Zakaria Ibrahim, Published by W. F. T. U Publications Ltd, London. / p.p 39 / A5.
69. / On Eliminating the Danger of a new war and strengthening the peace and security of Nations. Vyshinsky, A., Foreign Languages Publishing House. / P.p 42 / A4.
70. / Bourgeois Nations and Socialist Nations, Kozlov, V., Foreign Languages Publishing House.. / P.p 52. / A4.
71. / Unwanted “Champions” addresses to the UN General Assembly, Qasim Syed Mir, Ministry of Information and Broadcasting, Government of India. / p.p 40. / A4.
72. / Socio-Political Views of Vivekananda. Roy Binoy, K., People Publishing House. / P.p 68 / A4.
73. / Role of Advanced Ideas in Development of Society, Konstantinov, F., Foreign Languages Publishing House. / P.p 87 / A4.
74. / Ideology and Social Progress, L. Skvortsov, Novasti Press Agency Publishing House, Moscow 1972. / p.p 184 / A5.
75. / Molotov on the future of Germany. Two Statements made in Paris by the Minster the Foreign Affairs of the USSR, Published by Soviet News. London 1946. / p.p 25 / A4.
76. / On The North Atlantic Treaty, Soviet Government Published by “Soviet News. / P.p 31. / A5.
77. / Peace and Price cuts too? Baran Flix, The Facts about Price Cuts in the Soviet Union. . / P.p 23. / A5.
78. / The USSR on Guard over the Peace and Security of the Nations. Vyshinsky, A.Y., Speech to the UNO General Assembly on September 25, 1948, Published by Soviet News. London. / p.p 16. / A5.
79. / Clark Joseph, Who wants War? How the Soviet Union Builds for Peace, An Eye-Witness Report. Published by New Century Publishers, New York 1951. / p.p 16. / A5.
80. / Russian Foreign Policy, Ward Barbara, Oxford Pamphlets on World Affairs. / P.p 32 / A5.
81. / The Soviet Union and the Korean Question. (Document Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the USSR).Moscow 1948. / p.p 84. / A5.
82. / Speeches at the Paris Peace Conference. Shinsky’s V.Y., Published by Soviet News London. / p.p 88 / A5.
83. / Against Preparations for a New War for a Five Power Peace Pact. The Soviet Foreign Policy a Policy of Peace Vyshinsky, A.Y., Speech at United Nations Political Committee on November 16, 1969. Soviet News, London. / p.p 41. / A5
84. / The United States and the Soviet Union. Johnson, Lynodon, B., Published by the United States Information Service, N. Delhi.. / p.p 18 / A5.
85. / Baneful Consequences of Pakistan’s alignmentin Military blocs. Yankees Next Door (Pakistan) Duggal, A.N., Navin Publishers, N. Delhi / p.p 58 / A4.
86. / Primakov, E., Soviet Union Friend of Peoples Fighting for national Independence, Soviet Land Booklets. Published by the Information Department of the USSR Embassy in India, N. Delhi. / p.p 35. / A4.
87. / General and Complete Disarmament – What it means for Asia and Africa, Masyukevich, V., SovietLand Booklets.. / P.p 16 / A4.
88. / Manifesto of the Communist Party (with a Historical Introduction of the Communist League and Notes abridged re-edited from the original of D. Ryazan off edition of the manifesto of 1922. Engels, Frederick, People Publishing House Bombay. p.p 174. paper. / p.p 174 / A5.
89. / American Policy Towards India – The Present Phase. Venkataraman, S.P., The Republic Press, N. Delhi. / p.p 24 / A4.
90. / Peace to Frontiers, Molodtsov Stepan, SovietLand Booklets. N. Delhi, 1964. / p.p 28. / A4.
91. / Directives of 23rd Congress of CPSU on Five-Year Economic Development Plan of the USSR for 1966-70, Draft of CPSU Central Committee, Soviet Review. O. P. Benukh. / p.p 64 / A4.
92. / A History of the USSR, Part one Compiled by Professor Pankratova, A.M., Foreign Languages Publishing House, Moscow. 1947. p.p 255. A4. / p.p 255 / A4.
93. / CPSU CC Plenum February 1990, SovietLand Booklets. Published by V.M Ashitkov for the Information Department of the USSR Embassy in India. / p.p 71. / A5.
94. / Seminar: Indo-Soviet Link, September 1965.. / p.p 52 / A4.
95. / Lenin’s Ideas Transform the World, Vol. 2, (Articles by Leaders of Communist and Workers Parties Carried by Pravda on the Eve of the Lenin Centenary. Novasti Press Agency Publishing House. / P.p 248. / A5.
96. / Privileges of Legislatures (Proceedings of a Symposium held under the Auspicious of the Bar Association of India), N. Delhi February 1965. / p.p 55. / A4.
97. / Federation of Indian Chambers of Commerce and Industry. Proceedings of the Forty-Eighth Annual Session held in New Delhi on April 25-27, 1975. Published by P. Chentsal Rao, for the Federation of Indian Chambers of Commerce and Industry, Federation House. / P.p 175. / A4.
98. / Legal Rights of the Soviet Family Marriage, Motherhood and the Family in Soviet Law. G.M. Sverdlov, Published by Soviet News, London, 1945. . / p.p 56 / A5.
99. / Our Course: Peace and Socialism. L.I. Brezhnev, / p.p 173 / A5.
100. / Whither Czechoslovakia (Essays and Documents on Czechoslovak Crisis. P.K. Sundaram, Dawn Publishers New Delhi. / p.p 188 / A4.
101. / History of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union (Bolshevik)., the C.C of the C.P.S.U. (B.) 1938. National Book Agency (Pvt) LTD. Calcutta. / p.p 337. / A4.
102. / Development of Revolutionary Theory by the CPSU. Progress Publishers Moscow / p.p 403 / A4.
103. / Let the People Know: The Truth about the Communists which the Un-American Committee Tried to Suppress. Eugene Dennis, New Century Publishers New York. / p.p 32. / A4.
104. / Peace can be Won! Gus Hall, Report to the 15th Convention, communist Party, USA. / P.p 79 / A5.
105. / Industrialization without Foreign Loans.E. Frolov, p.p 44. A5. / p.p 44 / A5.
106. / Teheran: Our Path in War and Peace. Earl Browder, National Book Agency Ltd. Calcutta. p.p 121. A5. / p.p 121 / A5.
107. / French People’s Struggle Against Hitler. by Fernand Grenier Andre Marty and a French Patriot. People Publishing House, Bombay. / p.p 46 / A5
108. / Theses on the 300th Anniversary of the Reunion of the Ukraine with Russia (1654-1954). Approved by the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union. Foreign Languages Publishing House. Moscow. 1954. / p.p 31 / A5
109. / Speech at the Nineteenth Party Congress, J.V. Stalin, Foreign Languages Publishing House Moscow, 1952.. / p.p 16 / A5.
110. / P. Yudin, Soviet Culture: FSU Publication. / p.p 32. / A5.
111. / Lenin and the Peoples of the East. B. Lunin, Novasti Press Agency Publishing House. Moscow 1970. / p.p 109. / A5.
112. / USSR: Health Service. / P.p 115. / A5
113. / USSR: 100 Questions answered. Published by “ Soviet News” London 1952. / p.p 120 / A5
114. / Wage Labour and Capital. K. Marx, Foreign Languages Publishing House.. / P.p 80. / A5.
115. / 37th Anniversary of October Revolution in the USSR. / P.p 48 / A5.
116. / The Significance of the Great October Socialist Revolutions, E. Burdzhalov, Foreign Language Publishing House. / p.p 63. / A4.
117. / Speech at the Graveside of Karl Marx. F. Engels Karl Marx, Foreign Languages Publishing House. / P.p 32. / A5.
118. / The Speech Delivered to the Solemn Meeting on the Occasion of the 45th Anniversary of the Great October Socialist Revolution, 1962. Hysni Kapo, / p.p 39. / A4.
119. / Russian Grammar Simplified, New Orthography, Hugo’s Simplified System. Published by Hugo’s Language Publishing Institute. / P.p 130. / A4.
120. / Articles from the Labour Standard. F. Engels, Foreign Language Publishing House. / P.p 69 / A5.
121. / Role of the Public Sector in Achieving Economic Independence. A. Levkovsky, Novasti Press Agency Publishing House, Moscow 1973. / p.p 79. / A4.
122. / Constitutional (Fundamental Law) of the Kirghiz Soviet Socialist Republic. Foreign Languages Publishing House. / P.p 68. / A4.
123. / USSR: Public Education: M. Prokofyev, Novosti Press Agency Publishing House, Moscow. / p.p 119 / A4.
124. / For a Just Democratic Peace for the Security of Nations and International Cooperation. L.I. Brezhnev, / p.p 48. / A4.
125. / Council for Mutual Economic Assistance, 1972. Novasti Press Agency Publishing House. Moscow, 1973. / p.p 52 / A5
126. / Leninist Theory of Revolution and Social Psychology. B. Porshnev, Novasti Press Agency Publishing House Moscow. / p.p 88 / A5.
127. / Leninist Theory of Revolution and Social Psychology, B. Porshnev, SovietLand Booklets, 1970. Published by L.P Vladimirov for the Information Department of the USSR Embassy in India, N. Delhi. / p.p 112 / A5.
128. / Marxbadi Pustakmala: Jaatiyan Kaa Preshana aur Marxbad. Stalin, People Publishing House, Bombay / p.p 78. / A4.
129. / Maharishi Karl Marx Kee Zeevni. Dr. Babusingh Patchic Narolavi, / p.p 76 / A5.
130. / USSR Living Standards. / P.p 144. / A5.
131. / USSR: at the New York session of UNO General Assembly. V.M. Molotov, Published by Soviet News London 1947. / p.p 80 / A5.
132. / Planned Economy in the USSR. A. Kursky, PPH. Bombay. / p.p 18 / A5.
133. / Post-war Economic Recovery in USSR. M. Arutiunian, People Publishing House. / P.p 40 / A5.
134. / Political Education Series How the Workers and Peasants of Tsarist Russia Lied and Fought for their Emancipation, Foreign Languages Publishing House. / P.p 48 / A5.
135. / Political Education Series: The Building of Socialist Society in the USSR, Moscow, 1951. Foreign Language Publishing House. / P.p 55 / A5.
136. / Speech at the Nineteenth Congress of the CPSU (B), L. Beria, Foreign Language Publishing House Moscow, 1952. / p.p 31 / A5.
137. / USSR A Friend and Brother of the Chinese. A. Grigoryev, Novasti Press Agency Publishing House. Moscow, 1971. / p.p 48 / A5.
138. / Speech at the Nineteenth Congress of the CPSU (B), Bulganin, N. Foreign Languages Publishing House Moscow, 1952. / p.p 28 / A4.
139. / Speech at the Nineteenth Congress of the CPSU (B), Mikoyan, A., Foreign Language Publishing House Moscow, 1953. / p.p 24 / A4
140. / Organisational Principles of CPSU (B). Brovarsky, G., People Publishing House. Bombay 4. / p.p 24 / A4.
141. / USSR: CSSR: Friendship and Cohesion. L.I Brezhnev, Novasti Press Publishing House, Moscow 1971. / p.p 32 / A5.
142. / Report of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union, Leonid Brezhnev, Novasti Press Agency Publishing HouseMoscow, 1971. / p.p 124 / A4.
143. / Programme of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union. Foreign Languages Publishing House, Moscow, 1961. / p.p 128 / A4.
144. / Frederick Engels, Ludwig Feuerbach and the Outcome of Classical German Philosophy. Foreign Languages Publishing House, Moscow, 1946. / p.p 78 / A4
145. / Communist Ishtehar Karl Marx: Fedrick Engels, National Book Agency, Calcutta. / p.p 79 / A4
146. / On the Manifesto of the Communist Party of Marx and Engles. Obichkin G., Foreign Languages Publishing House, Moscow 1955. / P.p 45. / A4
147. / The International Situation. Zhdanov, A., Foreign Language Publishing House Moscow, 1947. / p.p 47 / A4
148. / Falsifiers of History (Historical Information). Comunique of Soviet Information Bureau, Published by Soviet News, London, 1948. / P.P 65. / A5.
149. / The Camp of Socialism and the Camp of Capitalism. Mikoyan, A.I., Foreign Language Publishing House, Moscow. / p.p 63. / A4
150. / Measures for the further Development of Agricultural in the USSR. (Decision adopted Sept. 1953, at a Plenary Meeting of the CC CPSU on the Report of N.S. Khrushchov. Foreign Language Publishing House. Moscow 1954. / p.p 72. / A4