Independent Scrutiny Panel Meeting Notes 04/10/16
Welcome and Introductions
Supt Wratten welcomed all and introductions of Panel members were made
Notes and Actions from previous Panel
The Panel werein agreement with the notes and conclusions circulated from the previous meeting held on 26/04/16.
Supt Wratten gave a brief overview explaining the work recently undertaken within BTP in relation to Gravity matrix training and the new Trespass educational package. Regarding the Gravity Matrix training aspect, he explained that BTP had not yet reaped the benefits of the training as yet but should do soon.
He stated that there was now improved communication in relation to out of court disposals within the force as a direct result of the work of this panel.
Nicola Vallins gave an update on the current position regarding restorative justice stating that, Restorative Solutions, BTPs supplier of choice, had withdrawn their services. She went on to explain that BTP was in the process of seeking to recruit a full time member of staff to deal with restorative justice matters for BTP; although Restorative Solutions were no longer supporting BTP in this venture they were honouring the historic cases that they had at the time of their departure. BTP are now referring any new cases back to area.
The panel were given an overview of the recent in-house Gravity Matrix training course by Richard Gardner, who also delivered the training for BTP. The presentation slides will be sent to panel members in due course.
Regarding trespass, Nicola stated that BTP were working with Network Rail and The Youth Justice Boards to educate and deter further offending; this new initiative will be launched in the next few weeks.
The panel were then shown two trespass related videos, which would form part of the new trespass initiative; these were well received.
Supt Wratten went on to explain how BTPs dedicated suicide prevention team had just won an industry award. As a result of their fine work, there had been a recent reduction of 22% in suicide attempts.
The panel asked what the actual suicide offence figures were; it was agreed that these would be produced for the next meeting.
Legal Updates and Justice Project Updates
There was nothing to report
Case File Reviews
Conclusions templates were completed for all cases, including a summary of the surrounding discussion and additional actions and feedback where appropriate. The templates have been included within the minute circulation.
Supt Wratten reported on the Community Resolution case that had been discussed at the previous Scrutiny Panel meeting, stating that it had been quashed as a result of the panel’s decision.
AOB / Next Meeting
The next meeting would be at 10am on Tuesday 17th January 2017 in room G3 at Force Headquarters.
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