Book in A ...

Independent Novel Study

Due Date: ______

The Outside:
You may choose any container that suits your needs or represents the theme of your book (manila envelop, paper bag, plastic bag, can with a cover, box, or any other container that you can imagine. Be creative!) Decorate the container with details appropriate to the book. We should know something about the book by examining the outside. Be sure the title of the book, the author and your name are clearly labeled.

The Inside:
The inside of the container should include the following materials and activities pertaining to the novel:

1)  A summary (200 word maximum) of the novel (Be sure to include the following major plot points: main problem, introduction, climax and resolution)

2)  A review (250 word minimum) of the novel outlining five (5) things you enjoyed or did not enjoy (any combination is possible –you might write about 5 things that made it great or 3 great things / 2 problems etc.)

3)  A personality trait organizer for a main character. Each section must be completed using 2 quotes (with page references) and explanations – state how each quote reveals the character’s personality.

4)  Two (2) long answer responses that analyze the following ideas:

a)  How did the setting contribute to the novel?

b)  What is the main theme of the novel? (Reading responses should be a minimum of 200 words each and include quotations, cited with page numbers, taken directly from the novel)

5)  5 objects/things to represent important aspects of the novel and a brief explanation of why each item has been chosen.


Students will present their Book in A ... project to the class. They will cover the following: a brief summary of the novel, why they decorated their container as they did, what the five items represent, and a brief review.

*Please have novel approved by Mrs.Baker and bring to all LA classes.


4 / 3 / 2 / 1
Knowledge &
Understanding / Summary / Summary demonstrates a strong focus and concisely catches the main points of the novel with clarity and relevant supporting details. / Clear main idea & sufficient and relevant supporting details within summary gives reader adequate understanding content of novel. / Main idea presented in summary is evident but supporting details are lacking or imprecise; therefore, content of original novel is vague and/or confusing. May be too long. / Main idea presented in summary is evident but supporting details are only minimally supportive; content is very vague and/or confusing. May be too long.
Thinking / Review / The review effectively argues a position on 5 specific topics and contains effective, detailed and relevant arguments. / The review argues a position on 5 specific topics and contains detailed and relevant arguments. / The review attempts to argue a position on specific topics and contains some vague arguments. / The review attempts to argue a position on specific topics however, the arguments are weak with little supporting evidence and/or incomplete.
Knowledge / Character
Traits / Detailed and insightful information presented on the character’s personality; relevant quotes provided for all entries. / Relevant information presented on the character’s personality; appropriate quotes provided for all entries. / Some information presented on the character’s personality; appropriate quotes or supporting details provided for most entries. / Limited information presented on the character’s personality; little attempt to provide supporting details or quotes.
Application / Responses
(setting & theme) / The long answers logically and effectively outline an argument (on setting or therme). Specific and convincing details/examples are provided. / The long answers logically support the main arguments on setting and theme with specific details/examples. / The long answers attempt to outline an argument on setting and theme. Some attempt to use supporting details/examples. / The long answers show a limited ability to develop a main idea on setting and/or theme. Limited use of supporting details/examples.
Communication / Word Choice
imagery / Precise, carefully chosen
Strong, fresh, vivid images / Descriptive, broad range of words
Word choice energizes writing / Words may be correct but mundane
No attempt at deliberate choice / Limited range of words
Some vocabulary misused
Sentence Fluency
rhythm, flow
variety / High degree of craftsmanship
Effective variation in sentence patterns / Easy flow and rhythm
Good variety in length and structure / Some awkward constructions
Many similar patterns and beginnings / Often choppy
Monotonous sentence patterns
Frequent run-on sentences
Conventions / Exceptionally strong control of standard conventions of writing / Strong control of conventions; errors are few and minor / Limited control of conventions; frequent errors do not interfere with understanding / Numerous errors distract the reader and make the text difficult to read
Oral Presentation Skills / Communicates ideas with enthusiasm, proper voice projection, appropriate language, and clear delivery. / Communicates ideas with proper voice projection. Adequate preparation and delivery. / Some difficulty communicating ideas, due to voice projection, lack of preparation, or incomplete work / Great difficulty communicating ideas. Poor voice projection. Little preparation or incomplete work.
Communication / Focus of Presentation / Speaker conveys strong knowledge and understanding of novel. Main ideas are discussed in depth. / Speaker conveys moderate knowledge and understanding of novel. Main ideas are discussed adequately. / Speaker conveys basic knowledge and understanding of novel. Main ideas are not discussed in depth. / Speaker conveys limited understanding of novel. Main ideas are discussed in limited manner.
Communication / 5 Items / Identifies precisely 5 items and explains significance with substantial supporting evidence / Identifies 5 items and explains significance with adequate supporting evidence / Identifies 5 items and explains significance with some supporting evidence / Identifies some items and attempts to explain significance; limited supporting evidence
Communication / Visual Interpretation / Main idea is specific and insightful
Selects visuals that are vivid and engaging
Professional-looking / Main idea is apparent
Selects visuals that are appealing and appropriate
Neat and attractive / Main idea is general
Selects visuals that are generally appropriate
Attractive parts / Main idea is vague
Visuals are ineffective
Messy/lacks visual appeal